Monday 15 May 2017

Day 1408

Day 1408;

Today my BMI was down again to 21.22 all I did today was a bit of a work out on the rower and I went for a little run around, as athletics.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, 1 slice of Victoria sponge cake and 2 slices of battenburg.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognaise and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack:  1 slice of Victoria sponge cake.

Olay I have done a 30 minute row, it was only a 8km row on the rowing machine. Also in daily fitness I have done 60 of the PSCS routine. I have gone to athletics today also, and I have been thinking about a little thing today also which could be described as a bit of a joke as it's pretty funny to think about.

When I took off my pyjama shirt in the shower-room to notice a funny discolouration of my arm, of which Mich told me was a tan, and that he's got one also, as it was from our 50 mile, approximately, cycle yesterday. The views were very picturesque.

Ok so the thing that I think is a joke but I'm kind of serious at the same time, because it's about a woman that calls herself a feminist, but she voted for Corbyn in the Labour leadership elections, which was down to a thing called his policies, so in the case of Corbyn it comes down to policies, but other times it comes down to misogyny and a couple of the seats are down to the blind party allegiances of a select few constituencies, so in them you can have a man, woman or even a goldfish you just need to dress them up in the parties colours to get them elected. So this woman that I have known for the whole of my life basically as she was on her ranting about how a child's care is more likely going to be done by the mother, leaving the fathers to chase there dreams, so I had this thought experiment:

It goes like this, if you and I got together one night, and you got pregnant from it, now I have got it all figured out on how we could do "it" as she could go on top, as my arms aren't too good and the drooling problem that I have (if she was to get a mouthful of my saliva that wouldn't make the experience pleasurable) and she's a feminist female empowerment and all of that. So I've got that much sorted next up is the why would we be doing "it" in the first place, I don't know, she hates my guts doesn't she? Well I know she hates my political/anti-feminist guts (the part of me that is critical of the feminist movement in the west where it isn't needed, in my opinion), but I'm unsure of the rest of my guts. I actually like Jeremy Corbyn well I liked him at least, before he was bought by the mainstream Labour on the issue of Brexit/the in crowd. So I have got the how,  I ain't got the why bit sorted yet but I can't really say anything on that at least not yet. Now I've got a thing and it's that I'm unemployed so I'd be a bit like a stay at home dad so it'd be like the roles were reversed from the traditional norm, but I have got a plan figured out in my head for raising this child. As if she raised it, with breast feeding and all of that, until her maternity cover ran out then she could go back to work leaving the baby with me and my family which is pretty set with experts in the field of child care, as one is a teacher of young children and she's a mother also the other is a neonatal nurse, then you've got Mich and myself that could invest in a little babies seat for the back of the tandem for it to have a ride around the more picturesque parts of the places of the world that we live in, and my home now has a free room as Emu has moved out so I could have a room for the woman to stay in while she's visiting the baby I could move the cot into that room while she's in it and I could have the cot in my room the rest of the time for me to sort out the issues that arise in the night. Then when the time arises for education of the baby, we know the educational facilities in the area as we used to go to them. 

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