Wednesday 24 May 2017

Day 1417

Day 1417:

Holiday day 5

21.26 so my BMI was up on yesterday's result, so it has improved, and on my steps for today I also increased them on yesterday's, so I've got to see if increasing my steps still on today's for tomorrow will improve it still, s the last time that I decreased my steps so did my BMI decrease.

Breakfast: banana and a bacon, egg and ketchup sandwich.
Lunch: 2 half's of 2 sandwiches (1 apricot jam and 1 cheese).
Dinner: chicken nuggets, roast potatoes, tiramisu and strawberries.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of fruit juice,  2 400ml bottles of Lucosade sport (mango and passion fruit), 1 200ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of cider and 2 300ml mugs of milk,
Snacks: Cornish pasty.

Today has been a kinda backwards day as I have been out in the morning and I have been on a tandem ride in the afternoon, but in the morning I had a go on a peddelo, which is a small boat which is powered by people peddling, so Mich, the lazy so and so, decided to give it to me and Allergy to power, by peddling, while he sat in the back. So Allergy took the controls from Mich, after he told her how to work them while he got his camera and he started photographing things like my balding head, from the angle to see exactly where my hair has stopped growing.

As myself and Mich were on the tandem later on today, we stopped at an old train station, it was for Mich to get some things from the shop, then there was these 2 cyclists, who Mich thought were older than him but I'm hopeless at guessing people's ages but I thought they looked older than me so to Mich I indicated that I thought they looked the same age as himself. But there was a man and a woman that past us while we were stopped, then I thought that we were on a down hill slope by the time that we caught them and passed them, as we have got the weight of 2 men on ours so for down hill it goes quicker naturally, but I was still peddling hard, as we had to get somewhere which was 12 miles away and back, so I just peddled as instructed, them as we were going past them the woman shouted something about us doing that on a hill? So I was confused. Then the next 4 people that over took us overtook. Us when we had stopped to fix a mud guard' then when we back operational the 2 of us chased them down,and overtook them, then there was the 2 people that we passed on a bike but we only had to pass them once and we didn't get passed back by them, the next time we got passed by anyone on a bike was while Mixh was in the shops off of the cycle trail so I was standing there like a lemon holding on to the tandem.

Then later on still I finally got back to attempting the great skeleton in the Hebra region, but still to no avail

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