Saturday 27 May 2017

Day 1420

Day 1420;

21.13 was my BMI of today but I have thought that I need to reduce my body weight as much as possible before going on the 100 mile tandem ride due to the predicament that It's a tandem ride, so I'm not alone on the bike now with that being the case by weighing somewhere in the excess of 10 stone I am putting too much strain on the other rider.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a batternburg.
Dinner: turkey, pasta, apple, pineapple, grapes (green and purple), peach and rhubarb crumble..
Drinks: 1 100ml mug of fruit juice, 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 little banoffe chocolate and 1 slice of a sponge cake.

I'm a wimp at least when it comes to the sun, not the newspaper the big burning spherical shape in the sky, as I was attempting my little pacing practice around the garden, I decided to stop as I noticed the sun was glaring down on me  and I didn't have any sun cream on, so I wimped out and I went back inside after just 1 lap. later on I walked round to GAK abode then while I was there I stepped around a bit, but doing that no way near gave me a total in excess of 10,000 steps for today as I had been managing to get for the past 6 days but today my step count at the usual time of weigh in was only just above 5000 which is half of what It should be, according to somebody.

Tis morning I awoke in a foreign land, of sorts, as I awoke the first time Ix noticed that my feet were dangling out of the end of the bed that I was sleeping in, the I eventually noticed that my whole torso and legs weren't covered by the duvet then I was in a quandary, with what should I do with myself, so I covered myself up again and I waited, until Mich came knocking. Then he told me what I needed to do.I did as I was told then we finally left the cottage by the sea (estuary), and then after a lot of hours in the car we finally made it back home.

After we had arrived home we visited GAK as it was her Anniversary day today I think she's now as old as the Queen is this year. But tomorrow is the Anniversary day of Emu I've forgotten which celebrity, if the queen could be called that, was born in the same year as Emu. Celebrities I'm unsure whether I should classify the Queen as such, as she is the Queen and a celebrity is possibly too common, especially for the Queen who is the bleeping Queen for a Japanese persons sake, or should it be saké?

Then later tonight I got around to playing on Breath of the Wild I found another Korok which takes the total up to 140 now.

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