Thursday 18 May 2017

Day 1411

Day 1411;

21.29, was my BMI for today

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, sausages and toast.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, potatoes and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks:2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Now today I have recalled the horrific events which happened on Monday, the Horrific events which happened when I was at athletics, it was by the sandpit we were just attempting to plan our run ups, when Mr B was getting telling Big D, as opposed to Little D, Mr B was attempting to get Big D to count out pigeon steps, but Big D was too unbalanced to get his pigeon steps counted so I moved to beside him in order for him to balance on me while he was counting out his steps but Big D didn't understand me so i grabbed his shoulder in order to help balance him but that didn't seem to have much of an effect until with my other hand I supported his hand, it was horrific I was touching his hand, or his skin on his hand it felt weird, I'm wondering if it felt as weird to him, I don't like it, skin touching skin, the very thought of it makes  me shudder. I can handle having metal needles poked into me, but as long as they don't take there gloves off and start touching my skin I'm ok with the predicament.

Now this morning I went for another row now this row was more successful than yesterday's row in regards to my not stopping as much during the row but I only managed to get 7.7 km done today, which was a bit of a blow. But today I got myself a thing that I believe is called a blister on the rower. Well it was a white lump of skin that appeared on my little finger, so I spent the next couple or so many minutes on the rower attempting to reduce irritation to that point, then for the last 5 or so many minutes I decided to give up on being sensitive to it and I stopped rowing, first time of the rowing session, I picked up a cloth and I placed the cloth inbetween the oar and my "blister" and I started to row properly for the remender of the 30 minutes, I probably should have worn some of my cycling gloves on my rower. But I wore my cycling gloves for some actual cycling today which may have been a first, or a second time that I have worn a pair of cycling gloves for there actual purpose, but today it was only for a short ride around as it was raining today so I was cycling blind again, as the rain just thumps into my eyes which would have been a problem if I wasn't sitting in the backseat of a tandem.

But then today I am thinking that I have lost my one of my oldest girly friends again, not as in she's very old it's just that I have known her for the majority of my life, it's just that she's a big Labour supporter, party member and activist, she recently has updated her faceybook profile picture and I thought that she looks amazing in it but then under it she's got the vote labour tagline thing underneath and I have been attempting to work out why we should vote Labour from her and she'd already told me the reasons as of why she was voting for the Labour party in less than a month now and she had already told me hoe they were going to raise the money by increasing the taxes on the wealthy, which doesn't seem fair to me as your taking the wealthy just because they're successful which may become a factor for some that are attempting to get rich to not want to put in all of the additional hours of work, if they are going to pay an extortionate amount of it back to the state, so it may be a why bother moment if it's just going back into the system that funds the loser that is writing this blogpost, as I get a disability living allowance which I don't deserve. as what have I done that qualifies me for this reward. I have stepped in-front of a car, why I don't know, I can't even remember the day when it happened nor can I remember the feelings and pains that I felt as my skull ricocheted off the front of one car onto the front of another, it's as if never happened to this me but it happened to this body but my conscience was elsewhere. The state as in your taxes shouldn't have to pay for me I find that an insult, I hate myself for being such a lazy little so and so. Getting a load of free stuff from the government like free parking at hospitals or free tuitions for universities isn't going to help, besides how is the government going to fund it?

But I have decided to go back into Gerudo Town to see if I can find the Gerudo that can lead me to the torso of the 8th heroine, but still no luck.

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