Friday 5 May 2017

Day 1408

Day 1408;

21.06 was my dissapointingly bad BMI result for today. I  have a clue as to the reason why it was bad but it also casts some dought over basically all of the previous day's results, as I usually have 0 set for the weight of my clothing even if I'm wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, as well as boxers and sometimes socks and wristbands, as they weigh nothing to me as I am wearing them, but today I was wearing my PJs as I was getting myself weighed.

Breakfast: deal, apple, banana, pear and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti with sausages on toast.
Dinner: turkey(escalope), carrots and potato.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.
Snacks: 2 peppermint creams.

Today the results were in on the local council elections, which I forgot about yesterday, and the results read positively for Mrs May's conservateeth, but even the SNP lost out, it was only the conservatives but it was also plaid Cymru and green that made gains. But it was Labour, Lib Dems, SNP and UKIP, that had losses of the major players for the upcoming general election, which by these results look as if Mrs May will be staying at number 10, Downing Street (the address of the GB PM), for however long it will be until the next election, which was going to be in 2020 but I don't know if this general election will start a new cycle or not? If it does then the next time that we'll go to the polls for another general election will probably be in 2022, if this year is 2017 not 2018, as I think we had 2016 at least 1 year back.

In breath of the Wild I can remember finding a load more Koroks, in the Gerudo highlands. But still no 8th heroine and my shrine drought continues.

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