Thursday 15 December 2016

Day 1267

Day 1267;

Today I have gone tot the gym and I have also forgot something that I was about to type, but I lost 0.3  on my BMI today to make my current BMI equal 21.91.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 14's advent chocolate.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, porkpie, yule cake bar and Rudolf cake.
Dinner: meat, peas, new potatoes and a portion of chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml ugs of milk  and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

All these diversity targets for films are just nonsense, like when I was younger I thought you had to make an actually decent film to get some of those awards but now they've got to include x numbers of black, Asians, cripples and women so apparently James Bond Skyfall would have failed to win the award for best British film at the awards show that it won it at if they had been implementing these rules back then. Now Skyfall wasn't my favourite James Bond film and they weren't suggesting that it should get it's award revoked, but the new "diversity" standards that they are attempting to implement on the film industry just reeks to the top of Mount Blanc,

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