Sunday 11 December 2016

Day 1263

Day 1263;

So today was the 10th day of the new month, and today I have traveled to the West Country. BMI for today was .22.04 and I was wearing approximately 1 pound of clothing, e.g. Socks, jean, boxers, t-shirt, sweat (wrist) bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, Apple and banana.
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoe, peas, carrots and a slice of apple pie with cream.
Dinner: porkpie, tiramisu and day 10 of advent chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today what have I done? Nothing in terms of fitness at least before my body test I should still have to do that about hour and a half row/ 3000 strokes before the end of the week. As what I have been doing today has been traveling by car to the West Country to meet up with my grandparents and a couple of my cousins.

But the little C cousin that I have appeared to be much better behaved today, which maybe as Allergy and Tini stated earlier be as he didn't have his eldest sister there, to have him competing with for attention, but then I was thinking that his youngest sister was there also so then shouldn't that have the same effect? But then there's something that Mich is always saying about blame, that I can remember.

What, blame you?

No I mean the other thing he says, the thing about blaming the parents.

Oh, yes, so what is this are you about to get in on the blaming game also?

No, I am just offering a different perspective, as he could have not been playing up as he knows he isn't going to get the pathetic pandering to him which is from his mother as she wasn't there today.

So let me get this straight, you said no you weren't playing the blame game then you stated a reason that sounded pretty much like you were blaming his mother.

You may believe that if you wish but I know that isn't how it is intended to be read.


The power went off at 15:33 then the phone bleeped on, briefly, and the burglar alarm stopped at 3:52 so I was thinking that a trip switch has been tripped but I couldn't see the trip switches.

Then I was sat in darkness, how peaceful it seems at least until 16:44 when the power came back on and surprise surprise it wasn't the trip switches that had tripped my thoughts were incorrect.

Yesterday I also forgot what I ate for my dinner I've remembered and it was pasta & meat(quorn)balls, I think I had some of the tiramisu also.

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