Tuesday 6 December 2016

Day 1258

Day 1258;

So today was the next day and a day of which I had some actual physical excursions planned for. 22.07 and my legs had really taken a battering today as I had been jumping up and over these little step like things quite a lot today at athletics, which just goes to show unfit I have become.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 5 of my advent calendar.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast with a double portion of sausages and a cup cake.
Dinner: stew and sausages.
Sneak: Bakewell cake thing.

Also tried my hand at Shogi, which is an interesting board game, that is similar to chess. But all of the captured pieces you can use as your own which is fun.

So today I have been lazy as I haven't gone for a row today, I know I may have shattered my legs a bit, but that doesn't count as I should be doing that much per day as a standard not as unfortunately as I did today, as the exception. s when I was alive for the first time I used to have one day a week when I would do that, some weeks it was twice in the same week, ah roller hockey how much I miss you. I know I could occasionally play a bit on Saturday's again but then I have ran out of time on Saturdays to have myself a go any more...

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