Saturday 31 December 2016

Day 1284


22.01 but I decided to try adding the lightest of the preset weights for clothing, as I decided to go for 2 pounds as I was wearing jeans, polo shirt, boxers, socks, wrist bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: egg, fried bread and bacon.
Dinner: lamb, potato, carrots and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 percy pigs.

But today I have had another lazy day as I have only left my room for mea; times, and to check on how the football team that I support was doing in the match that they played today, I was checking up on them with Mich, as I had heard what i thought was a goal go in on Mich's radio but then afterwards it didn't seem certain so I went downstairs and Mich told me that the score was still 2-2 and then a couple of minutes later the score was 2-3 the team that we both support were winning and then before the game was over the score was 2-4 to the team that we were both supporting.

Such a good result for the team that we support that team has gone from the bottom of the league to a position that's knocking on the door of promotion in something like 6 games.

Friday 30 December 2016

Day 1283

Day 1283;

21.91 and I had put 0 pounds as the weight of clothing today as I only had my pyjamas on while I was doing it tonight, as I went to the gym a bit earlier in the afternoon and I had a shower afterwards so it was time to get changed into my pyjamas instead of wasting a whole washed set of clothes.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, purple grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: a load more of those nibbly bits (which included mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, more grapes and a load of other stuff).
Dinner: sausages wrapped in bacon, mash potato and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I woke up at 7:00 but my alarm wasn't going off, I've by now checked it out and the reason that it didn't go off was because I hadn't switched it on, I'm so stupid. But after checking the clock I went back to sleep for an hour 43 minutes approximately. Then I got myself up and I ate my breakfast, I also did the usual stuff for the morning, stuff like brush teeth, shower and get dressed, into the usual garb. 

Next I played on the NES with C we played on some more Super Mario Bros. the original I got to World 4 Level 2  which may have been as I used the cheat path in the second level of the first world to get me to World 4, but I have learnt something. which is that the first world the first 3 levels you can just blast your way through but it's the 4th level when you have to stop and wait for things like Bowser and the flames that he shoots.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Day 1282

Day 1282;

22.04 was my BMI for today, now that was an improvement on the pervious week or so's results but it's still not 22.00.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: tomato soup with bread.
Dinner: pasta, quorn balls and chocolate cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Yesterday I also played on my NES a bit, I'm thinking that I plated on the first 2 Super Mario Bros games. As well as  a bit on Ghosts and Goblins, at least I think that's the name, it's the game where you start off naked and as soon as a bat? thing comes down an scoops up the female that your with you jump up into some armour and you go to to save her.

But today I went to the gym, after I had first woke up twice, I had moved myself downstairs to eat my breakfast, I had gone into the shower room without sorting out the shower, so I brushed my teeth and basically cleaned myself up.  I went to the gym next, then I returned home and I ate lunc.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Day 1281

Day 1281;

22.17 my BMI just keeps going up/ as of recent days.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, scotch eggs,  banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Dinner: sausage, mash, carrots, peas and chocolate cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a few squirts of Lucozade sport.

Today I slept through my alarm, by 53 minutes, then I got myself up (out of bed) 11 minutes later, so I started off today by going downstairs to eat my breakfast cereal but I never got to eat my fruit for breakfast as I was in a bit of a rush, so I went back upstairs and I got my shower stuff set up in the shower room before realising that It wasn't now that I wasn't supposed to be having a shower at least not now before going to the gym, so I stopped myself I brushed my teeth and I went back to my room in order to get changed into gym attire.

I did that much and I had to put put a fleece and coat on before walking to the gym, ass I got to the gym I  was allowed to take them both off. So it was Emu and myself that went to the gym today we started off with 5 minutes each on the lateral trainer then we each did a 22.5kg on one of the arm weights machines, then we went to another s we had 5 different arms weights machines in total that we went on. then as there was 2 lateral trainers free we could then Finnish off our 20 minutes on the lateral trainers so that meant another15 minutes for us both, Exercise bike was the last piece of equipment that  we went on today it was for a 5  minute cool down.

Then I walked home, when I was finally home I had a shower, then I ate my lunch. Next I watched the second disc from my game of thrones season 6 box set, and the man that died at the end of season 5, I think, stabbed by the 4 members of the nights watch. Has just been resurrected, I wonder what will happen to him in the future seeing as he's left the nights watch, from this day until my last, is what he swore now he's died so he cannot be called an oath-breaker, or at the least he shouldn't be called an oath-breaker. The thing is I watched the first disc yesterday I'm unsure if I will watch the 3rd disc tomorrow, or wether I will start watching it tonight.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Day 1280

Day 1280;

21.11 I was back up by the0.04 that I lost yesterday, but it wasn't as bad as what Allergy had put back on, as Allergy had missed yesterdays weigh in but she had done the 25th of December which she had lost 4 pounds on, and she has put it back on today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and raisins.
Lunch: turkey casaroll (which was in a big Yorkshire pudding, in also had some peas and carrots) and chocolate bomb.
Dinner: mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, scotch eggs, hovis biscuits and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of Shloer and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

This morning I was awoken later than I planned to wake myself up, I almost immediately went to check the time was as I remembered that I had the gym at 8:00 I thought it said that the time was 7:43 so I only had 17 minutes until I planned to get to the gym so I rushed into the shower room in order to brush my teeth I brushed them then I left the shower room and I went bak to my room and I got changed into gym attire then I checked the clock the time was 8:55 now Tini started off on a big rant about how I wasn't ready for the gym and I even got an alarm clock yesterday. But now she's in a strop because Mich took me to the gym instead of her later on then as I had got back from the gym I showered and got dressed into my more usual clothing wear + socks and wrist bands, which was a t-shirt, jeans, specs and boxers.

Next up today I went out on the tandem bike with Mich I think it I think it was in a figure of 8 shape we rode around the blocks. Then after we had rode that course we went in for lunch, but then before I had finished my lunch I was told that it'd be a better idea for me to show Emu and C the new bike so then Mich and myself went outside to show them the 4 of us each had goes on it Emu attempted to have a go on in in front of me but I was too unsteady on the bike Emu and C each attempted to cycle around the block on the bike but it was Mich that got the furthest on the bike as he was the in front on the bike most today and in the second session of the day. as he attempted to cycle around the block in front o me, Emu and C, today Emu only got 14 seconds in her attempt in front of me but Emu cycled half of the rout around the block in front of C, just as C had cycled the other half around the block.

Next up for me will be tomorrow and if I make it to then I have already got my new alarm set for 7:00 tomorrow morning if it wakes me in the morning I may have another gym session lined up for me then as well, now I'm not very good with alarms I never seem to be able to be got up by them, but this one might be the one.

Monday 26 December 2016

Day 1279

Day 1279;

Now my BMI for today was 22.07 my BMI continues to fall, it's fallen 0.07 in 2 days if only it falls by another 0.07 I will finally be at 22.00 my goal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and raisins.
Lunch: nibbly bits, chilli sauce and some cake.
Dinner: I've forgotten but I know that I also had some trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I went to a place which is something like 9 miles/kilometres away from the place of my abode just to cycle back to my abode with Mich. The cycle ride took ages was we were still working out what wed were supposed to do with this new contraption, he said that I wasn't peddling as hard as I was supposed to when we were going up hills, we cycled up hills? I didn't realise I was generally too busy attempting to get my tight hand back on the handlebars and my eyes were actually closed for the most part of my cycling experience.

Some of the nibbly bits of food were mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, green grapes, purple grapes and ham but I cannot remember what if anything else I had that should be included in my nibbly bits of food.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Day 1278

Day 1278;

Today it was the day of the celebration of an improbable event happening so many years ago, which is so improbable in actual fact some, myself included say that it never happened.

Breakfast: cereal and apple.
Lunch: turkey, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, roast potatoes, stuffing and festive pudding.
Dinner: nibbley bits.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of cider.

Now my BMI for today was 22.14 which is a little bit better than yesterday only 0.03 better in actual fact which is pretty atrocious in fact, I'm still too fat. This winter has been too warm, so far, in the past years we have had some snow by now already, but no longer. Unless I go to a snow dome type place, like where I go skiing.

Today I have got a new bike it was a tandem bike, which means that I can ride it with another person on it, to control it. I need another person to control it as I can't actually see for half of the time that I'm on the bike as my eyes close 

I also played on my NES and so has quite a few of my older relatives, then I remember the two oldest people that were there/GM & GAK they're both women and they were having a nice enough friendly chat, or so I thought, but then I heard Tini talking about it to Mich later, and it wasn't the conversation that I heard, as it was apparently a points scoring exercise whose the sickest.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Day 1277

Day 1277;

I was up by 0.16 today of my BMI it is now at 22.17 now that is too heavy especially seeing as what day it is tomorrow.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I can no longer remember.
Dinner: ham, peas, potato, pickle and something else but I've forgot.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I managed to get up to level 5, I think, on Galaga (space invaders) with a score of 43.8% on accuracy I think, but I only got to level 3 on Pac-man. Now I know that my accuracy on Galaga isn't very impressive it's just that I didn't realise that I was being that accurate. Then Tini had a go on pac-man, and Galaga, today Tini enjoyed playing the games of her childhood once more, but she was saying about how she used to play them both in arcades, oh the good old days, nostalgia.

Friday 23 December 2016

Day 1276

Day 1276;

22.01 was my BMI of today, I was just 0.01 over perfection today. and today was another lazy day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, day 22 and day 23 of advent.
Lunch: I have forgot.
Dinner: fish, chips, peas and eaten mess.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of ginger juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice,

But today was an odd day as it was Tini's anniversary on this day. But me being the forgetful little so n' so that I am I got got about it, until we were all sitting downstairs waiting for her to open gifts  and then the loud rowdy bunch of her friends stopped by so I swiftly hid, so I could plug my ears. Then we welked out for a meal and we walked back.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Day 1275

Day 1275;

21.91 was my BMI for today I think that I have had that before

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: Ive forgot.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 399ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of coke and 1 300ml mug of ginger juice/beer,

So Today I have had another lazy day but I did surprise me on how many kcal's I burnt off today, according to my kcal counter, at least. as yesterday I only did somewhere over 600, and I had been to the gym, but now today i had done over 500kcal's isn't that slightly high, especially taking into account that the most exercise I have done today would probably be the short distance between the two ends of the shower room, as I was attempting to undo my trousers when I needed a piss earlier on today.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Day 1274

Day 1274;

My BMI today was even worse than yesterday's at 21.75 Which is a decrease of almost 0.2 as it decreased from 21.94 to 21,75 which is a loss of 0.19 and it's put me 0.25 away from my goal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 21's chocolate of advent.
Lunch: ham sandwich, porkpie and mini sausages. 
Dinner: turkey, peas, roast potatoes and a lemon flavoured cup cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have done some actual gym work, working out at the local gym. As I started off on the lateral trainer, then I did 2 arms weights machines on 22.5kg. then I did 2 more arm weight machines but they were only at 5kg which had something to do with my wrists, then I went on a 5 minute cycle to finish off  which ended at 6 minutes.

I have got an idea for a new MMORPG, You first select a clan, then you enter your characters name and your characters tribes (family) name. Next up it's your characters gender select and all of the character personalisation stuff skin/hair/eye colour ext. then you start out the game in the location of your clans village still a child but it's your characters welcome to adulthood as soon as you complete the introductory quests, which basically teaches you how to play the game, there will be many dungeons within the game, You will be able to switch clans and even your tribes name might change if you decided to marry a lord or lady from another clan. But the marriage thing isn't one of those things that you have to do for any of the quests within the game so you could just spend your days building up experience in dungeons and your nights in the in game equivalent of Las Vegas if your clan has made peace with the lord that runs that place. So don't mess around with his children or else your out of there. Then you have quests posted on the news board in your village which tell you where you need to go to complete the quest and the quest if you select it becomes your quest so only a certain number of people, from your clan, can accept the quest so basically you could select a quest which says go sand stand n no-mans land for 30 minutes, but then you'll need a few of your clansmen to go with you as in no-mans there will be some of the most powerful enemies of the game and the clans can fight in no-mans land also. 

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Day 1273

Day 1273;

S21.94 was my BMI for today, and yesterday I was only 0.04 off of my target but today I was back at 0.06 off of my target. But I'm starting to think that I really should be aiming for as low as possible as I should be getting ready for the winter solstice feast and all of the sitting down that that day includes.

Breakfast: cereal and day 20 of the advent calendars chocolate.
Lunch: cheese and ketchup toasted sandwich, apple, banana and a mince pie.
Dinner: chicken and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs fruit juice.

Today I visited the local General Practitioner and he apparently knows my GM and she has been singing her praises to him, because apparently we'd already been telling her how great he is, and he is good at his job, but that is beside the point as Mich said on our leaving of the General Practitioners surgery that he'd never told her about the Doctors, and I hadn't as I cannot speak so who even told her about me going to see the same Doctor as she saw? So he has taken me off of the inhaler so I am now clean of all substances, except the food that I eat and the air that I breath.

Then after we walked to the surgery we walked along to a friend of Tini's home to ask about something that we are doing for Tini as it is the date of her anniversary coming up soon and I even remembered to make her a card today, which ass I know is a bit early but everyone else is already sorted for the day.  

Monday 19 December 2016

Day 1272

Day 1272;

22.04 was my BMI for today and I was taking 1 pound off for clothing due to my wearing of jeans, t-shirt, boxers and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 19's chocolate of advent,
Lunch: pizza and potato salad.
Dinner: porkpie, peas, pickle and potato.
Drinks: 2  300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I haven't really done anything but I have just watched the remainder of Hogs of War on YouTube. But I can't remember doing anything else today except eat.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Day 1271

Day 1271;

21.94 was myBMI for today and I had put that I wasn't wearing any clothes today as I was only wearing a pair of PJ's and as usual specs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 18 of my advent calendars chocolate.
Lunch: chicken, sausages in bacon, roast potatoes, peas, carrots and chocolate mousse.
Dinner: mini sausages, porkpie and chocolate mousse.
Drink: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today was awesome, well skiing was apparently, at least that's what Matteo told me today. Who who would I be to disagree  I got to try to do some 360's as well today, what Matteo told me. Matteo was my great instructor today, he even let me lead twice today, for my first and for my last. He called me a racer after the first ski down as I went down quickly which may have been as there was a whole load of people on the other side of the slope (piste) so I wasn't going over to the other side incase I'd get in the way of them. then for the other ski's down, until the last one when the slope was relatively quiet, I followed Matteo down the slope, and I staked it twice today which was when I was following him down the slope and a third time was when I had stopped at the bottom waiting to get on the lift but if you wanted to read about that then just read on.

Now this part is the part that confuses me, what were the two of them, Mr P and Matteo, attempting to get at by saying that I’m a really good skier at the end of my ski session today? Were they attempting to invite me too the Paralympics 2018? I don't really think that could be the intended case as I’m obviously not as I stacked it 3 times today 2 were while I was skiing the other was when I had reached the bottom of the slope and I was waiting in the line when my left ski tapped a wooden pole and I was suddenly on my backside in sitting in the snow. 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Day 1270

Day 1270;

22.0f7 was my BMI for today, now that was a an increase of 1.3 which is greater than double the amout necessary for me to get a perfect BMI, on yesterdays, result.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and the 17th day of advents chocolate.
Lunch: red leister cheese toasted sandwich.
Dinner: sausage with mashed potato and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

First thing I did today was go to boccia practise, which maybe the most boring "sport" to play, but all of the people that play it, I guess I could call them friends of mine, are great. Link and Icar also turned up today which was just after I had told Tini that she could if she wanted to make cards for them but she declined as she said they've been once as if they'll come back today, and then sure enough that showed up, But then 2 of the people that Tini had made them for didn't show up and one of the two I had even stated that they weren't going to show up before hand, and I was correct about that person.

Later today I also went to watch a football match and the football team that I went to support  actually won which makes it 10 points from the last 3 games, that is an average point scoring of 2.25 per game, but that is only for the past 4 matches, but if I was to divide the amount of points they've got in total by the number of game they've played it totals at just over 1 point per game. In the league that they are in  on just the results of the last 4 games played they'd be in third position, as two ahead of them have got a 100% win record for the past 4 games.

Friday 16 December 2016

Day 1269

Day 1269;

Today was the continuation of the change, my BMI of tonight was 21.94 as it must have something like 3 days ago, as it had just gone down to 21.91 from 21.94 2 days ago I think.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 16 chocolate of advent.
Lunch: red leister cheese toasted sandwich.
Dinner: 1 portion of chicken tikka masala and nan bread.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 150ml mug of fruit juice.

Now today I have played some more on my NES, now I think I played on "Super Mario Bros" 2 & 3 today as well as some american football game I think it's called "Tecimo Bowl" or something like that, it's ok, I guess but but I don't really understand American football as why do you have to select a play after you have been tackled or they have tackled you?

now then what else have I done today?


Oh you din't know either, great .

Thursday 15 December 2016

Day 1268

Day 1268;

Now today I have had an idea about this blog, I wonder how long it'll last? But I had a BMI of 21.91 again today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 15 advent chocolate.
Lunch: 3 slices of chicken mayo sandwich, 1 slice of cheese and ham sandwich and a load of nibbly bits of food.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I had my friend around my home which was fun as we both played on the NES but it was with only one remote, which is extra fun when playing Pac-man 2 player with only 1 remote as it is possible but you have to switch the remove's socket every time that you lose a life.

And yesterday I played some more of the games like "Bubble Bobble" and it was "Kirby's Adventure" not "Kirby's Adventures in Dreamland" or what ever I called it 2 days ago, or 1 day ago if you want to be pedantic, as this should be my second 1 of the day posted online but by the time that anyone see's it it should be 2 days ago. I also played the "Castlevania" game today but P managed to get further than I on the battle with the bat, the boss that is in the first level. But I played on a lot of them today like "Ninja Gaiden" and "Galaga",

But today was a day of change.

Day 1267

Day 1267;

Today I have gone tot the gym and I have also forgot something that I was about to type, but I lost 0.3  on my BMI today to make my current BMI equal 21.91.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 14's advent chocolate.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, porkpie, yule cake bar and Rudolf cake.
Dinner: meat, peas, new potatoes and a portion of chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml ugs of milk  and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

All these diversity targets for films are just nonsense, like when I was younger I thought you had to make an actually decent film to get some of those awards but now they've got to include x numbers of black, Asians, cripples and women so apparently James Bond Skyfall would have failed to win the award for best British film at the awards show that it won it at if they had been implementing these rules back then. Now Skyfall wasn't my favourite James Bond film and they weren't suggesting that it should get it's award revoked, but the new "diversity" standards that they are attempting to implement on the film industry just reeks to the top of Mount Blanc,

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Day 1266

Day 1266;

Today was the 13th day of advent. My BMI was up 0.1 on yesterdays result, at 21.94 as yesterdays was 21.84 not 21.86.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 13 chocolate of advent.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, mini sausages, fried egg, toast and 2 chocolate cake bar things.
Dinner: chicken, new potatoes, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I have started my Hylian fantasy, I go into the cave the old man says to me "IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS." As I do he disappears then I exit the cave.

But now I have completed the first dungeon, boomerang , bombs and bow are the items I currently have with me and I have the first piece of 8 I think, of the Triforce of Wisdom. Oh now  I remember what it was I played yesterday and it was Castlevania and Mario Bros not Super Mario, Today I played some more Legend of Zelda hence why I stated that I started my Hylian fantasy today as I did and I actually saved the game when I had got into the first dungeon but the boss dragon wasn't too difficult to beat.  Then I also played on Super Mario Bros today I managed to get to 1-4 before I fell into lava and on Mario Bros I suck on that game also as I'm thinking that I managed to reach level 4, before getting struck down by charging crabs, at least that was what I thought they were. Then it was on I went to Kirby's Dream Land it was as similar in game play to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, so I managed to finish the  first level pretty quickly. But the game is actually quite a bit smaller as level 1 was only the first 4/5 stages of the game.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Day 1265

Day 1265;

21.86 and it's the 112h day of advent the lowness of my BMI today is probably due to my going to athletics and the weight of the clothes was lighter by about half a pound as I wasn't wearing jeans I was wearing tracksuit trousers.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and half of the left over baked apple.
Dinner: porkpie, reindeer bar and Rudolph cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today i also received my Nintendo Classic Mini: NES and on it so far I have played on The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Metroid, Super Mario and Final Fantasy, I think that I may have played on a couple more of them also today but the five that I have mentioned stuck in my mind firmest.

But now I'm going too inform whoever decided to read this blog what I am going to do on the rower starting  next year, as I know how badly I have failed in my fitness regime for this year. Now what I am going to target is a target of 3500 strokes a week as the next year starts on a Sunday, I am going to check my stroke counter on the next Sunday and zero it on that day for the next week, so then I can see how many strokes I have done in the previous week and if it's not enough, it'll be my job to make it enough before zeroing it to go no to the next week.

Monday 12 December 2016

Day 1264

Day 1264;

My BMI for today, this day, the 11th day of advent, I haven't down any exercise except that 200+ kcal's that I burnt off from walking around my home down and up the stairs, but my BMI has stayed at 22.04.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and day 11's advent chocolate.
Lunch: chicken soup and bread.
Dinner: ham, peas, baked potato and 2 baked apples.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have done basically naught except sit down in front of my computer, sure I have moved around a little bit, as in walked around the house, but I have had an epically lazy day today, the most exercise I probably got today was in the form of my agility test on the Wii Fit, I managed to get to level 19. I have also been watching a couple more episodes of the cartoon that I have been watching.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Day 1263

Day 1263;

So today was the 10th day of the new month, and today I have traveled to the West Country. BMI for today was .22.04 and I was wearing approximately 1 pound of clothing, e.g. Socks, jean, boxers, t-shirt, sweat (wrist) bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, Apple and banana.
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoe, peas, carrots and a slice of apple pie with cream.
Dinner: porkpie, tiramisu and day 10 of advent chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today what have I done? Nothing in terms of fitness at least before my body test I should still have to do that about hour and a half row/ 3000 strokes before the end of the week. As what I have been doing today has been traveling by car to the West Country to meet up with my grandparents and a couple of my cousins.

But the little C cousin that I have appeared to be much better behaved today, which maybe as Allergy and Tini stated earlier be as he didn't have his eldest sister there, to have him competing with for attention, but then I was thinking that his youngest sister was there also so then shouldn't that have the same effect? But then there's something that Mich is always saying about blame, that I can remember.

What, blame you?

No I mean the other thing he says, the thing about blaming the parents.

Oh, yes, so what is this are you about to get in on the blaming game also?

No, I am just offering a different perspective, as he could have not been playing up as he knows he isn't going to get the pathetic pandering to him which is from his mother as she wasn't there today.

So let me get this straight, you said no you weren't playing the blame game then you stated a reason that sounded pretty much like you were blaming his mother.

You may believe that if you wish but I know that isn't how it is intended to be read.


The power went off at 15:33 then the phone bleeped on, briefly, and the burglar alarm stopped at 3:52 so I was thinking that a trip switch has been tripped but I couldn't see the trip switches.

Then I was sat in darkness, how peaceful it seems at least until 16:44 when the power came back on and surprise surprise it wasn't the trip switches that had tripped my thoughts were incorrect.

Yesterday I also forgot what I ate for my dinner I've remembered and it was pasta & meat(quorn)balls, I think I had some of the tiramisu also.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Day 1262

Day 1262;

22.20 well it's changed from where it was yesterday, but I have had another lazy day today If you look at my steps taken as i was less than yesterday, even though I have walked further today than yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, apple, banana and the number 9 chocolate of advent.
Lunch: cheese0 & ham omelette and porkpie.
Dinner:  I've forgotten what I ate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now the reason that I have walked further today than yesterday was because I walked to the hair dressers today and to my GM's home. Now today it was really sanding as I had to wear a fleece when I went to the hair dressers which got me boiling by the time that I had arrived at the hair dressers but Mich had instructed me that I wasn't allowed to take it off then he had a conversation with he hair dresser about how hot it was. I was screaming in my head if it's so hot then why do I have to wear this ridiculous fleece, it's unnecessary by your own admission.

Friday 9 December 2016

Day 1261

Day 1261;

Today was the 8th day of the new month and I have been lazy today as I haven't done a row today, 22.07 was my BMI for today again... Now this is getting repetitive.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, apple and my day 8 chocolate of advent.
Lunch: ham sandwich and yule cake bar thingy.
Dinner: meat pie, new potatoes, peas, carrots and 2 pots of joy.
DrinksP: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I haven't done any exercise, before, my body test. Also today the power went off while I was watching a YouTube video about a flat earth conspiracy theorist. I believe it was interesting, I'm not saying that he was insane as anyone that has read any of my previous days posts could say pot kettle black, which is a saying that is to say a pot calling a kettle black, as in the olden days all pots and kettles were black, apparently, and it's basically a way of calling someone out for calling someone else out for doing the same thing that they were doing, like when someone says "shut up" in a room which has a notice on the door which you had just passed to get inside the room it says "no talking beyond this point".

Within my daily fitness routine:

  • 50 press-ups.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
but today I did all of that after my body test.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Day 1260

Day 1260:

7th day of the new month, 22.07 was my BMI again it's like I'm stuck in a time loop as I was wearing some jeans, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes,  apple, banana and day 6's chocolate from my advent calendar.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, fried egg and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: BBQ chicken with sauce, new potatoes, peas and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Fitness today:
  • 45 minutes in the GYM.
  • 15 minute/500 strokes row.
  • 50 press-ups.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 100 crunches.
  • 50 press-ups.
  • 50 sit-ups.
Today my row took 503 strokes and it lasted me about 15:30 seconds.

Now what I have done for the day has been as pointless as ever, as I have just sat at home watching cartoons on the internet. and then in breaks during watching the cartons, I have been eating, getting fitter and playing an internet game slash doing nothing productive.  But then one of the nothing productive I have done today was attempting to play my trumpet, which I actually managed to clamp my lips together behind the mouth piece but I failed in pushing any air between my lips, as it may be that my lips were too dry as but I did not think that was the problem as my lungs seemed to be too weak to actually push any air out of my mouth, through my lips.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Day 1259

Day 1259;

22.07 again with 1 pound taken off for clothing as I was wearing jeans, boxers snd t--shirt.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and day 6 advent chocolate.
Lunch: cheese +ketchup toasted sandwich.
Dinner: chicken, stew and roast potatoes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of a mixture of fruit juice and lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

This morning I finally worked out what was up with my legs from yesterday, it was that they feel like they are growing, so it was growing annoyances that I was feeling, now why you may ask and I have no idea whatsoever why I'm feeling these annoyances now, as I stopped growing ages ago.

But then for my fitness for today;
As I didn't bother going on the rower today.

  • 60 sit-ups.
  • 35 press-ups.
  • 100 crunches.
  • 40 press-ups.
  • 40 sit-ups.
  • 25 press-ups.
But as I woke u this morning I could feel something weird about my nose, Then I wiped it with my hand and it was leaking, leaking blood but I couldn't see any of it on my pillow so I went out of my room and into the shower room to wash my face in the sink, I didn't do a very good job as there was still a bit of clotted blood on my nose like my nose had been cut down the outside of it. Then as I had go downstairs Tini said to me to go and wash my hand as the blood had dried onto my hand, so what was Tini thinking that I had got on my hand? I don't know but she told me to go a wash it off as I should have done as I had just been to the loo, I got a bit confused by this statement as I hadn't gone to the loo. So I returned to thee room that I had just left and I realised that the "scab" that was on my nose was just some blood that I brushed up onto my nose and it had dried, so no cut. So now I was more awake 

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Day 1258

Day 1258;

So today was the next day and a day of which I had some actual physical excursions planned for. 22.07 and my legs had really taken a battering today as I had been jumping up and over these little step like things quite a lot today at athletics, which just goes to show unfit I have become.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 5 of my advent calendar.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast with a double portion of sausages and a cup cake.
Dinner: stew and sausages.
Sneak: Bakewell cake thing.

Also tried my hand at Shogi, which is an interesting board game, that is similar to chess. But all of the captured pieces you can use as your own which is fun.

So today I have been lazy as I haven't gone for a row today, I know I may have shattered my legs a bit, but that doesn't count as I should be doing that much per day as a standard not as unfortunately as I did today, as the exception. s when I was alive for the first time I used to have one day a week when I would do that, some weeks it was twice in the same week, ah roller hockey how much I miss you. I know I could occasionally play a bit on Saturday's again but then I have ran out of time on Saturdays to have myself a go any more...

Monday 5 December 2016

Day 1257

Day 1257;

So today was the 4th day of the new month, but I went up  to 22.17 which is a 0.6 increase,

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and day 4's advent chocolate.
Lunch: egg, cheese and white bread.
Dinner: chicken stew and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug ogg milk, 1 200ml mug of fruit juice.

in fitness today I had accomplished my 500 strokes ether just before or just after lunch one of the two of them, but I hadn't completed the rest of my daily routine until just before typing this stuff up this night/just before I set this to post for. but I have now completed my 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and finally my 50 press-ups. But was I didn't have my socks on when I was doing my row, my foot actually rubbed against the inside of my shoe and I have got a tiny red dot on the big toe of my right foot.

But now I just thought that the following, was interesting Nick Clegg making a laughing stock of himself.

Liberals should be called that not the Liberal Democrats, as that is what they are espousing.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Day 1256

Day 1256;

So today was the 3rd day of the new month. 22.11 so it's getting further away from my target pitiful, as I was wearing my usual 1 pound of clothing, jeans, t-shirt, socks boxers, wristbands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham bread-roll, banana, apple,a pot of joy and the day 3 advent treat.
Dinner: pasta with meatballs (quorn style) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I first did some Boccia, There was only the usual 5 of us today, as the usual 6th person was doing some other sporting activity today as it must have been either the even or odd week this week as person number 6 is doing something else one week then they're doing boccia the next week. I'm still wondering how old all of the others are that go, as i'm thinking that I'm closer to the player numbered 6's fathers age than his actual age So today there was coach number 2 who was sitting on the first chair, then in chair number 2 there was Miss Nut, in seat 3 was me, then seat 4 there was Nat, 5 the youngest player laughing V, then in the 6th chair there was Ry.

Fitness today I have done my 500 strokes on the rower as the first time I reached 500 strokes the time was 17 minutes+ so I decided to give myself up to 20 minutes to do 600 strokes but by the time I got to 600 strokes i checked the time and I was in access of 21 minutes, so I decided to try again from the beginning and I got up to 500 but by the time I had got to that number of strokes the clock had got to 16 minutes still too slow, pitiful.

Anyway later on in the evening:

  1. 50 sit-ups.
  2. 60 crunches.
  3. 50 press-ups.
So that should mean that I have done everything that I set for myself to get done.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Day 1255

Day 1255;

Now here today was the 2nd day of the advent calendar but I haven't been as active today, as in I had set myself to get up to episode 100 before I was going to do my 500 stroke row today but I had only just got to the 100 mark before dinner time and it was to dark for me to go for a row by then.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: egg mayo sandwich (brown bread), porkpie, chocolate brownie, mince pies and the 2nd days chocolate from my advent calendar.
Dinner: 1/2 a pizza and 4 dough balls.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Ok so today was a positively lazy day for me on the most but I still managed to maintain my BMI at 22.07 and I had only done either the first 2 or 3 on the below list before I got to doing my BMI test.

Fitness today
  • 51 press-ups,
  • 101 sit-ups,
  • 110 crunches,
  • 51 press-ups,

But what else have I done today?

I don't know.

out a big help now aren't you Red?


Friday 2 December 2016

Day 1254

Day 1254;

So today was the first day of a new month and on it my BMI went up by 0.6 so it now equals a total of 22.07, which is after the usual 1 pound of weight taken off for my jeans, socks, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and a day 1 chocolate from an advent calendar.
Lunch: chicken mayo sandwich, porkpie.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, croquet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice,

So In fitness today I did my 500 strokes on the rower, outside of the 15 minute mark at 15:49 probably I can't really remember and I know it started with a 15 I can't really remember the final 2 digits as I remember starting and when the clock reached 30 I had already stopped and strapped myself back onto the machine so I had to get myself going again at that point, the key word in that statement is myself as in not the machine I left the machine running, but then at 100 mark I stopped for another time check the time was 3:something but i'm thinking it was 38, so I realised that I needed to get going again but fast the next time and I stopped at 300 at a time of 9:20, which I thought was good But then in the last stint of 200 I didn't really do anything I had just gone in leisurely row mode which is really quite disappointing. I did my daily routine of 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups, before going to do my weigh in, today.

Now today I had my friend round my abode so he could see if he could finish his drawing of me. But he couldn't,.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Day 1253

Day 1253;

22.01 was my BMI for today, it is my equal best one of these BMI's, I think,

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: a small bit of whitbread with some prawn s in pink sauce inside, egg and cress brown breaded sandwich and an  iced bun.
Dinner: piece of breaded chicken, peas, carrots, new potatoes, 1 chocolate cupcake with some substance like  caramel inside and half a cherry on top.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have been to the gym I started off with a go on the lateral trainer and I ended up on the bike, but I just don' understand Allergy as she waltzed into my bedroom so I pushed her out of it and she started going on about how I touched her and that shouldn't be allowed, but she was in my room and I didn't let her in it so I pushed her out of it, there was no unnecessary touching. But then at the gym she started placing her hands all over me which may have been to keep me on thee bike but I was on the bike and I didn't need her helping me let alone her touching me, it was totally unwarranted, unnecessary and it made me feel uncomfortable, so in the last respect it's probably the same as . when I was pushing Allergy out of my room, because if someone was pushing you you'd most likely feel uncomfortable.

Then when I had got back to my home I tried another 500 strokes on the rower, today It took me about 16 minutes as the time it started on was 55.17 and it finished on 71.something.  Too slow. I know.