Friday, 30 September 2016

Day 1191

Day 1191;

22.04 an increase of 0.2 on yesterday I'm got lazy today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pineapple.
Lunch: sausage roll and some more of my chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, potatoes, peas and
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and water.

Now today my first thought of ant note, if you thought I had any which you don't obviously, was on the state of the rain as I thought that I saw some rain coming down from the sky as I looked out the window, but I couldn't see the floor getting wet, what I mean by this is the floor wasn't getting wet so I thought that I was seeing things, again, then later on I went out back of my home and behold it was raining but by raining I mean I was getting more wet than I would if I was sitting inside.

Songs that would just be shot down before even being sung, thanks to PC culture?

I have got 1 idea.

U.G.L.Y you ain't got no alibi you ugly you ugly,  I only know this because Allergy brought this song up at about lunch time today when she was going through songs that she used to like, in the older days. But then she was also saying it doesn't offend anyone (unless your name is you), but the PC crowd would like the song at all as it doesn't fit in with their standards of inclusivity,

But then I was thinking about how very Christian and therefore by default how Islamic the song is, as ain't we all dirty sinners within your religious texts? Is dirt considered ugly? Yes, at least I think so. So therefore according to you religious texts we are ugly and how are we to clean our selves? Well that is different as on the one hand you've got Christians who believe you have to believe in a crazed sky father that "Loves" you,, on the other hand toy have to perform an act of martyrdom or execute people that don/t hold to your beliefs (I'm not free tomorrow for excitation as I have an appointment with the doctor.).

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Day 1190

Day 1190;

Today I weighed down by 2 pounds and I was 21.84 but that was after I had ben to the gym today, for "an hour" or so I was told by Mich.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast and a plate of cut up little chocolate bites.
Dinner: saveloy sausage and chips followed by some more of my chocolate box.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

This morning I was brushing my teeth and I tasted something weird in my mouth, under closer investigation it was coming from the position of tooth number 8 bottom right hand side, as I don't have a tooth there, at least not yet. How weird I have my complete 16 teeth on my left hand side of my mouth but I still only have 14 on my right hand side.

Monster hunter.. pocket monster hunter. Could be a spin off which takes place in the prehistory of Sinnoh. like there was that man that killed Pokemon for sport and sustenance from that book in the library of Canalave City.The book is in the shelves on the 3rd floor of the library it's in the back right hand side corner you press a and it says "The book is titled "Veilstone's Myth." Want to read it?" Then you can click either yes or no so I obviously clicked yes at this point and it continues""Veilstone's Myth"" "A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword. With it, he smote Pokémon, which gave sustenance, with carefree abandon. Those not taken as food, he discarded, with no afterthought. The following year, no Pokémon appeared. Larders grew bare. The young man, seeking the missing Pokémon, journeyed afar. Long did he search. And far and wide, too, until one he did find. Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied... "If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll. "From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done. " Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologise."  To the skies, the young man shouted his dismay. "In having found the sword, I have lost so much. " Gorged with power, I grew blind to Pokémon being alive. "I will never fall savage again. This sword I denounce and forsake. "I plead for forgiveness, for I was but a fool." So saying, the young man hurled  the sword to the ground, snapping it. Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing...

Which I am unsure about the tale, as Veilstone City has got some Pokémon living inside it. But I know it's a myth aka. not a true to life story, but isn't that what Pokémon actually is, not a true to life story as the animals we have as pets, eat or in some cases are eaten by are exactly that animals, not Pokémon I know that you only see the Pokémon that they battle with in the cartoons/games but they must eat some of the Pokémon also as they have some meat or fish that they eat Tauros as beef burgers.

But today I also went to the gym 20 minutes on the lateral trainer to start off as usual, but what wasn't usual was there was a girl/woman (I'm terrible with ages) on the cross trainer in front of me with an exceptionally nice rear end. Then I went on to some arm weights but I was aiming  more as to stretch my arms out today On the arm weights, so I progress from level 2 to level 3 then finally onto level 4 of stretch for my arms. But I am thinking that I could go out a bit more, to fully stretch my arms. But then I finished off today on a bike, 7.5 minutes level 10 attempting to get it over 100 RPM's for the whole time I was cycling but I failed at that task. But you know the lateral trainer It tells me I'm too light, gobbledy gook I tell ye, insanity pure and simple.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Day 1189

Day 1189;

Today I had an ultra lazy day as I have done basically no excursus except my usual sit-ups and crunches. Now my BMI was back at +22 at 22.11 which is a + 0.13 increase on yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: a warm sausage roll, sour cream and onion flavoured Pringles and some more of my chocolate box.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, peas, new potatoes and chocolate truffle.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit  juice.

This morning I had a lie in, or so it appeared to Allergy when she came to wake me up this morning. But what I was doing in my life in was thinking, thinking about how Nico Rosburger has already won the F1 drivers championships for this season and I was also thinking about how asthma supposedly affects athletes (or sports persons) more than others and does it mean that I'm an athlete now that I have an inhaler as well as am on the website for english athletes, along with my time for running 100m and the distance I have jumped?

Today I have spent my day playing on Pokemon games.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Day 1188

Day 1188:

so I got my 100 sit-ups done for the day before I went to athletics and at athletics I did another 10 sit-ups as well as a bit of running around and throwing a small medicine ball, before getting home and doing 100 crunches before eating dinner and weighing myself in, I got a BMI of 21.98, which is an increase of 0.07 I really should get in better shape.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: pasta Bolognese and some chocolate trifle.
Drinks 1 mug of milk and 1 mug of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 toasted tea cake.

Today when I first awoke I was in bed as usual then a couple of moment slater Mich assaulted my door and he realised I was awake but he thought it was because of his assault on my door, I''m guessing as he told me "not get up,  right away" so as soon as he left I shut my door and I initially went back to bed before realising that I should probably start todays post strait away to avoid my inevitable confusion and forgetfulness.

Now today has been a rainy day,

I have watched the following YouTube video, I watched it the whole way through and I hadn't got a clue of what was actually happening, I mean I knew that the playable character got locked up towards the end of the game but I wasn't really sure what happened before that or after that moment.

But now looking back on it what I'm guessing happened was your playable character got a job which was finding stuff about another employee and then the other employee finds out by your handbag falling out of the car in front of her. Then you destroy the data that you have collected on the other employee, then you both get locked up, now here's where it gets complicated as you seem to talk to the man which gets you reinstated and then you continue your job ruining other FBI agents jobs until you get to the highest job in the FBI, which then makes you go back to the cell and you have to do another set of things to get an alternative ending. Which has a huge reveal at the end, it was the aliens that did it.

Then I went to athletics, and I have had a thought about what World Cycling should do about TUE's or Therapeutic Use Exemptions in future, at TUE's have been issued to some people at times of major cycling tournaments/Grand Tours, like the Tour de France, but I am thinking lets just draw a line under the TUE chapter in cycling history by abolishing the use of TUE's in cycling. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Day 1187

Day 1187;

So today my BMI was reduced back to the level of 2 days ago, I think, anyway it was 21.91, which may have been as I went skiing today

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, nectarine, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, peas, carrots, potato and quarter of an out of date cheese cake.
Dinner: a quarter of the cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

So today I forgot almost everything that I had set myself up to type today as I didn't get my act together earlier and type any of it pup, which sucks.

The only thing I can remember is that I stacked it 3 times today on the slopes, and only 1 of them was when I was actually skiing, but I'm unsure if I should count the 4th incident as a stack as I didn't actually fall over but my left ski came off but I managed to stay standing, but I think I successfully managed to scare a little girl of whom I was thinking looked as if she had an oriental heritage, now that was as I was attempting to do one of those 360's that I was practising last time that I went skiing, but what happened was I'd get 180 degrees of the way around and then I'd loose my sight which is a biy off putting so I'd attempt to go the rest of the way down backwards not by choice at least not any of the times that I was going down hill, but the 4th kind of stack but I managed to stay on my ski it was that my left ski slammed into the slow sign down at the bottom of the slope and by the time that I could next open my eyes I saw an oriental looking girl stood just a foot or 2 away from me. But another thing that I noticed was that my eyes played me up less when I as moving at speed.

But today I have done 100 sit-ups and 100 crunches.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Day 1186

Day 1186;

Today my BMI soared to 22.04 which was to be expected as I played some Boccia and I watched a football match. Which has had me in a seated position for the majority of the day.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I have forgot what I ate for main and an apple turn over.
Dinner: meatballs, pasta, banana, apple, purple grapes and nectarine.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and about 1/2 a bottle of Lucozade sport.

The football team that I support were winning 1-0 at half time when I informed Mich that they'd loose the game 1-2 , and regrettably I was correct.

But today in Boccia aka the most  boring sport ever, at least that I have played, but if I suppose that shopping can be classed as a sport also then it maybe relegated to 2nd from top on the list, especially if the sport was internet shopping.

Today in exercise I have dine 160 sit-ups and 100 crunches. So that was about it for today/yesterday as I was struggling to keep my eyes open last night.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Day 1185

Day 1185;

So today I am expecting my BMI to soar, as I have an evening of sitting down watching some Marvel thing, My BMI went upwards but not by as much as I thought it would as it is now 21.91 which is an increase of a whole point 1.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and cheese cake
Dinner: cheese sandwich
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 bottle of Lucozade sport (orange flavour).

The pricer of art work that I have been commissioned to make, is commissioned even the correct word? As it's not for any money it's for a friend of mine and it has to have Pikachu, Charmander and Jiggilypuff, within it, perhaps an Eevee also. so this is my plan for the drawing that I'm going to draw;
Pikachu and Charmander are in a fight with 2 Jiggilypuffs the fight is being looked upon by an Eevee that looks regal or maybe a rumble match and it's a free for all the last one standing wins.

Quick question, if the nation that you are a citizen of makes a dick decision of deciding to go to war with another country and when your questioned about wether your in favour of the conflict you say "yeah... I guess so" is that an overwhelming endorsement for the conflict? Luke warm endorsement at the very least the kind of support that I would say would be given by a patriot that believes in democracy, as in yes it was the will of the president so I'll go along with it, but at later times he may have been vocal about his disapproval towards the course of acton that they took.

Besides that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama actually caused the rise of the Islamic state? I would hate to see the two of them in power, oh wait a second they have already done that while they were in power.

Prince William talking about the hunt of elephants is he a hypocrite for doing so? No as has he ever hunted an Elephant not as far as I have heard and now he won't or at the very least shouldn't, But what they were calling him a hypocrite for was for his family hunting deer and pheasant around their lands up Scotland, and I'm unsure if he ever has but I'm thinking that his father probably dragged him along on one of his hunts and probably made him shoot something at least once and just if they do that then I can see why he could be classed as a hypocrite kinda but elephants are an endangered species deer and pheasant ain't if they were then there would be uproar all the way around the British isles about the abuse of the position the heads of state are committing.

Anyway what about the following argument?

I have gone to the Marvel Universe Live! Which was interesting but why don't the Asgardians just lock Loki into a black hole or kill him ? It will stop him from escaping.

Today I have done 120 sit-ups and 120 crunches if my counting is anything to be counted on.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Day 1184

Day 1184;

First up I've remembered what I ate for dessert yesterday lunch time, it was a cherry Bakewell. Secondly my BMI was a total of 21.81.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and purple grapes.
Lunch: white bread butter, pork pie and cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and chips.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

We live in an ableist world, and that isn't a bad thing. As if you knew me, the real me from before I died which left you with this drooling moron sitting here typing out stuff, you could have had a little bit of a psychopath on your hands, when it comes too me, as I can remember not all but a lot of the homicidal thoughts that appeared in my head and I was using 100% of my self control to stop me from enacting them as I was an abnormal young man (subhuman more likely).

I ate my lunch then I went for a little jog around the ground floor of my home as I had just finished doing that I was sitting down on my rowing machine about to have a nice relaxing row you know the type that you do to get your blood pumping, around your body at a quicker rate, well as I was just about to do that I noticed the bin outside the gate so I got up to get it back inside the back garden of my home. But as I was just about to go do that the post arrived so I went and sorted that out before getting the bin back inside which I did before going for a row of 5 minutes which had me travel 1.7km my rowing machine told me.

Ablism isn't a bad thing, it's discrimination in favour of able bodied persons, which I know that some people maybe saying it's discrimination all discrimination is bad, but discrimination may be a bad word to all of you liberal SJW's but discrimination is just picking something in  favour of another thing, e.g. you have a couple of applications for schools to send your child to, you take a look at them both and you say I would prefer that my child went to option A as I went there then your partner could say that they agree or they could say "Exactly, look just how bad you turned out we're sending the child to the other school" there you go either way you send your child will be discriminatory against the other one even if the two of you had absolutely no connection to either of the schools, like if you were living in a town which had 2 schools in the first is a Islamic Fundamentalist School and the other is a Christian Fundamentalist School which one would you choose? Which ever one you choose you'd be discriminating against the other. Or even with your lunch you ate today what did you eat? ... oh why did you discriminate against another meal, if you were like me back at school lunch times when they had all of these extravagant meal choices like a macaroni cheese I'd go for the cheapest option which would be a 40p burger then I would select the cheapest drink/a 45p bottle of fizzy water and when ever I wanted another drink I'd fill the bottle up with water free, generically that is I would often get hungry at other times of  the day and I would pig out from the vending machine, or I'd pick up a 20p tube of Polo's or Softmints and I would pay for that as I was at the till.

But I realise that I have just gone in a little too much information on the school lunches I used to eat within the previous paragraph, but can't you see any choice you make could be classed as discrimination and it's a good thing 99% of the time. It only becomes negative discrimination when people are some people (or ethnic minorities or women as the SJW cause would have you believe) disadvantaged by it, like if I wanted to become a front line soldier just so I could go abroad and shoot people, I'd  be disqualified as I'm a cripple, now the fact that I may turn psychotic on everyone may also play a role in my denial of service but anyway, thats beside the point.

Today I have been to the gym and I have done my usual 20 minutes on the lateral trainer, then I moved on to some of the arms weights at 22kg's before doing  the final 2 arms weights machines at 5kg's he said it's something to do with attempting to strengthen my right wrist as my left wrist is fine then Tini retold the humorous tale of my arms and how just after the accident the situation that I'm in now was flipped meaning I could only use my right arm. Then after I had used those 2 arm weights machines I moved on to the bike to attempt  to ride at-least at 100rpm for the whole of a 10 minute cycle ride, he says it's to build up my stamina, which should be fun. Also today I have done 100 sit-ups, 110 crunches and 50 squats just for good measure.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Day 1183

Day 1183;

now today I have done 110 sit-ups if my counting is to be counted on. But today I gained 0.06 on my BMI 22.07 I may have been as I ate quite a bit more today than yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: white bread butter, pork pie and I cannot remember what I ate for pudding.
Dinner: pats in cheese sauce with chicken, chocolate eclair and a banana.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Evolution, everything changes over time, it's a natural process you could just sit at home in your little bubble of 1984 all you wish but then time will catch up with you sooner or later, even if it means that you were living in your world of 1984 for your whole life, when you're dead your bubble will be destroyed if not by other people than by time. As in the end what does all of your virtue signalling get  you? Nothing no one survives this  game of life.

The game is rigged against us all, Male Female, black or white,  Sure we don't all have the same views....

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Day 1182

Day 1182;

Today my BMI was 22.01 again, I have got a clue as to how I managed it to that level today even though for dinner I ate a whole 9 inch pizza.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, purple grapes and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll and an iced bun.
Dinner: 9 inch margarita pizza.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Imaged o maintain  my BMI; I think, by doing 100 sit ups, 100 crunches and 50 squats today, I'm wondering if I had done 100 squats I could have decreased my BMI by just 0.01 then I'd manage to get a perfect BMI. But for that there's tomorrow to get my self in shape. Yesterday I managed to reach my calorie go,al. But I failed by approximately 1000 today.

I wonder how long this fitness streak can last? I am typing about the 100's of certain exercises that I have been doing and perhaps the 50 that I also did.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Day 1181

Day 1181;

Today when I was eating my dinner Mich said to me that my BMI is going to be high today due to the amount I had for my pudding, but my BMI was as low as it has been for the past week, I think, as it was back down as 22.01 which may have been as I have been at athletics today, but I'll leave that story for a bit later.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and purple grapes.
Lunch: spaghetti rings on toast and some iced buns.
Dinner: pasta with meatballs, apple crumble and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 bar of Fry's Turkish Delight.

So this morning I awoke then I had some of my breakfast, i are my cereal and some of my fruit because I was on a tight schedule, as I had an appointment with the dental hygienist today this was with the one that I apparently called patronising last time. but she wants to see me back in 6 months and Mich again in 12 months, which was after she said that my teeth were superior to his teeth, but she wasn't patronising to me this time as she didn't talk down at me this time. Well she did talk down to me as that was in the direction of her speech as in she was stood up and I was sitting on one of those dentist chairs which become beds which ended in me laying down on a bed like surface.

But then when my dental appointment finally finished Mich and I went across town to visit GAK and just it is remarkable the improvement she's made as she's been released from the hospital and you could have been mistaken GAK for being knock knock knocking on heavens' door,

Sorry I had to get that song in this, as she really looked and sounded like she wouldn't make the end of the week let alone up till now but here she is. But then we were there for about half a hour. Next up was a trip to the shops so we walked around town until we got to the shop, that sold the food that Mich was going to prepare

Then after I returned home I finished my breakfast fruit. Ten I went away and came back a bit later it was time for lunch, I ate that meal then I waited around a bit I ate my snack, got changed for athletics then I went to athletics, I had a lot of fun of athletics but my eyes  were a drawback, So why didn't you it me while we were playing it Rose? now you had got me stopped against the edge of the zone as you had been chasing me and I had run out of space so I turned round and looked into your eyes and you just tan away from me.

They after the athletics I went home and I ate dinner, then weigh in time.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Day 1180

Day 1180;

Now today was strange as I can't remember doing anything today But I know I lost 0.1 on my daily BMI measurement.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and purple grapes.
Lunch: tomato soup, white bread and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sausages, peas, carrots, roast potatoes, apple crumble and ice cream.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But I discovered that the Wheelchair Rugby bronze medal match didn't include GB which meant that there was only one chance for team GB to get at least 1 medal on each of the 11 days of the Paralympics, the final chance of a medal was with Mr Weir, who got taken out in the marathon today, apparently.

But then it was the closing ceremony of the 2016 Paralympic games, which was interesting but it wasn't as good as the Olympic games closing ceremony as they had Mario coming out of a pipe, then there was a tribute to the Iranian cyclist that died during the course of these games.

But I'm disappointed that there wasn't a F36 long jump in the last olympics the longest jump was 5.23m and Ryan Raghoo's personal best is 4.81 but I was sure that he beat that total , I thought he had 5.20m at the athletics meet that I went to as well.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Day 1179

Day 1179;

So tonight I put on 0.03 to my BMI Which surprised me a little bit, as the game asked me for a reason for the weight gain I honestly said that I didn't know, but then Mich went on the machine after me and he said it must because of the pie that he'd just eaten, and then I remembered what I had had for dinner and I was confused why hadn't it risen by more?

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham sandwich, apple and Bakewell tart.
Dinner:meat pie, peas, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But today in the Paralympics an Iranian Para-cyclist has died following crash,
Bahman Golbarnezhad - here competing on the track in 2012 - crashed during the C4-5 road race on Saturday.

I have just taken the picture and the below comment from the BBC website which is informing me of the story.

Now for the final day at the Paralympics team GB has got 2 chances to get a medal 1 in the bronze medal match of the rugby and the second is with Mr Weir, but I'm more hopeful that team GB Rugby can win their bronze medal match than David Weir can pick up a medal for the Rio 2016 Paralympic games, as apparently Richard Chiassaro was having a go at him for not turning up for the relay that they were supposed to contest.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Day 1176

Day 1176;

Next up was today when I didn't do any exercise, so my BMI went up to 22.27 and I'm thinking that with my attitude as it is at the moment I will just be getting heavier as the days progress.

Breakfast: cerea, banan and apple.
Lunch: white bread and butter, pork pie, spaghetti hoops, mini sausages and a Cadbury's layers of joy kind of chocolate mousse.
Dinner: I have forgotten.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Also yesterdayI did basically nothing except from sit in front of a computer playing YouTube videos and playing on faceybook games. That's all that I can remember doing yesterday, but I must have walked around slightly more than two days ago but I have done less exercise as my kcal that I burnt yesterday appeared to go up slightly over the day before, which I found humorous. 

Friday, 16 September 2016

Day 1177

Day 1176;

Now for this section I have forgotten what I was going to put here for yesterday. I'm sorry for the wait for this blogpost it's not worth the wait, I assure you.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: sausages, peas, new potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 3 300ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But yesterday I thought of a way to save the world and a way to tackle obesity.

Just imagine if everybody had some kind of device be it an exercise bike, hand bike, treadmill or a rowing machine and they were all hooked up the national grid so you could row 1km on the rowing machine and instead of it telling you how far you have rowed it could tell you how much electricity that you’ve put back into the national grid, and you could have on your home a dial which shows you how much electricity you've used, if you're a hefty old ballon you could roll on the treadmill until you've goy enough electricity to cook your selfs lunch. 

I have remembered what it was that I was about to type, now. It was with my BMI being 22.01 so I thought that I hadn't done enough sit-ups/crunches yesterday, as I had done 100 sit-ups and only 50 crunches yesterday but if I had done just another 50 crunches I may have been spot on with my BMI.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Day 1176

Day 1176;

Now today I had my friend P come around my home it was to draw some more of  his picture of me.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich.
Dinner: chicken, peas, new potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 200ml mug of fruit juice and the remnants from a bottle of Lucozade sport.

So other than that modelling work that I did I also had a work out today at the gym which was fun. It got my BMI to 21.94 which I am thinking was pretty good especially as my stomach was feeling very bloated this morning.

My gym instructor told me today to not spend all of my time just sitting down, so I've got to get up and take a walk around every so many minutes. Which is easier said than done especially when your watching the champions league first timers Leicester City beat the champions of Belgium 0-3, now that I thought was special, especially for a first champions league match ever and it was an away match at that. For the final of the Champions league I would like to see Leicester City v Tottenham but at the moment Tottenham don't look likely to even make it out of the group stages.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day 1175

Day 1175;

So today I got myself buck up to the high BMI level of 2 or 3 days ago (22.14).

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, purple grape, blueberries and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese & ham in a brown bread sandwich, it actually tasted quite decent, and then I had a Cadburys layers of joy thing Jaffantastic or something like that.
Dinner: pasta meatballs and tiramisu.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

which is too heavy especially if a perfect BMI is 22, but more often than not my BMI is higher than 22, so I’m getting fat. Now I know multiple ways of solving this problem, the first goes by the way of me actually growing. Of which I know is highly unlikely if not impossible as Mich has already told me that I’ve stopped growing. My second answer foe this would be to get me more active on the days of which U currently do naught, like today, I could have easily got in my half an hour on the rowing machine done, at least I think I had nothing to do… I can’t remember what I did today… apart from watch the Paralympics, eat  and basically naught, I could also eat less on the days that I do basically naught,  three ways for me to gain a more constant BMI of something more acceptable, and stop myself getting  at least too fat.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Day 1174

Day 1174;

Now today I had athletics, just on the off chance that I was going to practise any long jump I decided to check online how to long jump, the best advice I got was from a picture.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast with some mini sausages and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: Chinese chicken, chips and sweet n' sour sauce.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 slice of battenburg and 1 percy pig.

The greatest advice on how to long jump I got from this picture:

Now I usually get up to the third position minus the arms which could be why I tend to fall flat on my face on landing.

So I attempted getting  a bit extra leg lift on my take off while I was in the garden of my home and I managed to get to position number 4 but position number 5 and even number 6 my brain and body aren't working quick enough together to accomplish, yet, but I still have 4 more years to get better at.

The second most helpful advice I got was from this guy on YouTube, who paid great attention to the penultimate step, and do not lower your hips and run with flat feet the whole way down the run way.

Which I am going to attempt next time I long jump.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Day 1173

Day 1173;

So this morning I was remembering about what my aunt Flow was telling me yesterday, it was that I needed to pull my finger out in my athletics training as she was telling me that she wanted to go to Tokyo and she wanted to use me as an excuse to go.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: hotdog, tomato ketchup and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, new potatoes and am out of date strawberry cream slice thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

There was going to be an actual point to today's post, but I forgot it then I heard an Ice cream van playing the following tune:

and I remembered that I was going to inform you something but I can't remember what it was but I know that it was about an irritating tune and it being from a hymn (or alternative religious song) as I was remembering singing it and replacing some of the words as I was singing along, I use the term sing loosely as I wouldn't call it singing more of talking rhythmically, my voice was high enough to pass off as singing as it was; possibly similarly to Justin Beaver. From his early year, anyway it was painful having to sit there "singing" lyrics so I'd change them, while the rest of the class/choir were singing along with the correct lines.

Ok I've remembered one of the tunes that I'd butcher but the lyrics I'd use instead I can't... yet...

But the one line that I can remember changing probably was the line "Hosanna in excelsis" which I would always say Joanna in excelsis, partially as I didn't know what the words meant and partially as I thought that they were both names like Joanna in Tesco.

But now back on the topic of attempting to get into the Tokyo Paralympics, I am going to have to find a different sport as I'm not a fast sprinter nor am I fit enough for the longer distances, so there goes all for the track. Rowing I haven't even managed to get 1km in under 5 minutes on one of the gyms rowing machines yet as of swimming I'm not a very good one I prefer to walk on the bottom of the swimming pool, equestrian which in my opinion shouldn't be in the Paralympics it's like playing wheelchair basketball with an electric wheel chair. All of the wheelchair sports, I don't have enough upper body strength for, Boccia is a possibility if I was actually half decent at it;which I am not.

Maybe I could find a field event?

Long, Triple and High jump, my best of the field events that I have tried recently is probably long jump but my all time best isn't even a mark on team GB's best for my classification and he's not as old as myself so he's got more going for him. Triple jump I'm thinking I may have had a go at, a long long time ago. Finally the high jump well I think I have had a shot at that before I even think I have been put down for it one schools sports day but that was many years ago I bet I'd be even worse now than I was back then and that wasn't very good from what I can remember.

Shot put, Javelin and Club
As I mentioned ear;lier for a different discipline I lack upper body strength.

In the long jump watch out for Ryan Raghoo he's really good and he's the same classification as me. He should be competing in the Paralympics, this time around also.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Day 1172

Day 1172;

Today I remember writing up my observations of yesterday as I hadn't finished my typing yesterday, which was partly as I couldn't get on to the internet last night and the other part I'll explain shortly... 

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: tomato soup, bread, banana green grapes and purple grapes.
Dinner: meat pie, crochet potatoes and some peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.  
Snacks: 2 american hard gums.

A short time later, here comes my explanation:

So today I had a busy schedule, as I had boccia followed by a football match to go and see, boccia was he usual, but the football was exciting, as before the match started I predicted the scoreline would be 0-4, so a defeat to the team that I support, but then promptly as the game reached about quarter of the time the opposition scored as the game stayed at that score line for the majority of the
remaining first half then against the run of play the team that I was there to support managed to peg them back so the score line was 1-1; I thought "well that's not in the script, but I'll take it", half time.

Start of the second half; the start to the second half was a bit lackadaisical but it was an improvement on the way they started their two previous games letting in 2 goals in each, of the past two games 2nd halves as they were winning 3-0 by the end, of the first half in one and the other it was 2-1 and in both of them the score lines were respectively 3-2 and 2-3. But then in this game there was only 2 goals by the end of the first half and I wasn't looking forward to the commence of the second half as the team that I support hasn't done very well in the second halves they've played recently.

I guessed at the result and I signed 1-3, as mentioned above they may have started off the second half slowly but they were soon enough in they're stride putting the ball into the back of the oppositions net twice before the full-time whistle blew, which shocked me, but what surprised me more was the opposition only managed to get 1 goal back by the time of the full time whistle. So the winners by a remarkable result of 3-2 was the team that I support.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 1171

 Day 1171;

Today had an additional aspect that I wouldn’t expect to have actually happened today. It was that my friend (P) actually came around today, him on his quest to draw me, I can say that I’d rather him draw me that I, if I was a liar but I’m not, I’d prefer to be drawing that sitting down modelling even if the end product wasn’t as good.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and green grapes.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops and a sausage roll.
Dinner: chicken, chips and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a little bit of that Lucozade sport.
Snacks: 2 more of Percy pig's pals (1 cow and 1 sheep),

Now I am sorry for the lateness of this report on my existence, but all I can remember doing yesterday was watch a small proportion of the Paralympics and play on the Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening, and the aforementioned part about me modelling.

Ok now I know I have been reffering to the two separate ways that I have been referring to yesterday, the first being today which was as I originally typed the first part up yesterday in order to get it online this morning but I couldn't due to the internet being down and for the other part of the "excuse", how much do I hate that word (it seems like a pathetic way of saying explanation, as that is what it is; an explanation not an excuse), you are going to have to check out todays blog post which should be up by either 3:00 or 10:00, I'm guessing it shall depend on the internet connectivity.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Day 1170

Day 1170;

Now today I have been playing Legend of Zelda"Link's Awakening, as well as that I have been watching parts of the Paralympic games, I wonder when Richard will be competing?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and green grapes.
Lunch: cheese with white bread sandwich and I cannot remember.
Dinner: fish cakes, carrots, peas, new potatoes and some chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice,
Snacks: 2 percy pigs pals (they were both sheep).

Today I have been watching a critique on Anita Sarcasm's latest release the criticism of Anita's work are actually better than the videos produced by Anita, which is funny as the people that make the responses to Anita don't have the funds available to them to make as high quality video's as Anita as she is making hundreds of thousands of dollars to make one of her feminist frequency YouTube videos, and I find people reporting on her more intellectually stimulating than Anita, as Anita's videos consist of some lies a can and a half of her self entitled opinions of games that she probably has never even played. and she has just one a bit of background research on what the story is about, but sometimes she doesn't even of that, like with Street Fighter just takes a look at some of the female characters and then "These females are too sexy, I would like to have a horrific female in this game as week as the men, I have got to ruin the game industry for all of the youth". 

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Day 1169

Day 1169;

Today I was down on my weight goal, but in better news; the Paralympics started today, by that I mean they had the opening ceremony today, which was interesting as they booed the political leader of Brazil.

Breakfast; cereal, grapes and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Dinner: pasta and meatballs.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I have been preparing myself for doing excercise today, as I first did a couple of minutes of running up and down the garden, then 5 minutes on the rower, then 10 minutes then I finally did 15 minutes. To drive away the wheezing and it worked while I was doing my exercise, in the end. 

After the first 5 minutes it was it was at it's worse the wheezing problem resurfaced but only it was only a minor, inconvenience, which may have been due to my ittle bit of running arouns the back garden I did earlier. Then the next time it kind of resurfaced was while I was doing the 10 minutes just at approximately 5 minutes but I pushed on through it, I don't think that it reared it's head at least not while I was rowing.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Day 1168

Day 1168;

Today started up as a day where i was feeling good I thought I could get at least 10 minutes on the rower today, but no I was too lazy.
Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and 4 of Emu’s home made Jaffa cakes.
Dinner: beef, crocket potatoes, peas and some of Emu’s cake which was for GM’s anniversary day, but she didn’t like it as it was too sweet which too be honest it was, If you had a scale of 1-10 It’d be 10.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

What I did instead was watch some more of the Pokemon TV show, old episodes, I started re-watching the episodes from just when Ash got his  4th orange island “gym” badge and then he was fighting the man with the Dragonite, of which he actually managed to win 
and I started watching the Johto region again.

Also I started playing on Metal Gear SolidL Snake Eater, but no matter how many throats I slit there are still more enemies, Pokemon Y I got a Victini which is the bellow legendary Pokemon:

Then also today I got some time on Links Awakening and there's a child that says to me "Hey dude! What do you think of Marin?  Uhh... I don't know, I'm just a kid!" In the north of the main town. I don't know what he's insinuating or even if he's insinuating anything but I just don't know about the "kid" and just in the game aren't both Link and Marin "kids" also?

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Day 1167

Day 1167:

But today in one of my two journeys in a car, which I didn't enjoy I always tend to get headaches whenever I'm in a car, the man on the radio stated be thankful you're not Tom Hiddleston (or Taylor Swift) as they have broken up, again... I never knew they were together? Anyway why can't they both speak? Plus both of their memories must be good, seeing as one is an actor and a singer, you have to memorise a lot of lines for both of those  jobs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberry.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: margarita pizza, emu's home made Jaffa cakes and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: I can't remember.

 Today was another day of my life but today I only did a little bit of running as Mich and/or Allergy warned and instructed me not to push myself before it as they had left the inhaler at home so if I started wheezing I'd have had to go home, so to stop myself from wheezing I held myself back. Every time the left hand side of my chest started feeling weird I'd just back myself off, from the pace I was going at by a couple of seconds. But when we were doing the 3 by 25m relay race against DP I dropped the baton I managed to get the baton from T but it was just my passing the baton on to S as I was attempting to pass it to him while he was moving away from me so I let go of the baton before he had seed his grip around the baton. But I've got to do is accelerate up to about 20m then I have to decelerate so while S is accelerating so as I arrive at S we are both traveling at approximately the same speed for the change over.

S I'm thinking I can remember being called S-monkey in the old days go the HS, that must have been before I lost my voice and  my marbles (the plot) I was probably insane back on my last contact with the rest of the HS. As I may have been still in rehab or I had just escaped it back then and I think I also changed my email address to something that I have forgot now also, let alone either of my passwords. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Day 1166

Day 1166;

Today  I have disguised a bit on theocracies which there is only one that I could possibly find, as the term means ruled by god, and even though I don't believe in god I'm thinking that Kim Jung Il, as I'm thinking that the population regard him as a god.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and strawberries.
Dinner: BnB pud (Bread and Butter Pudding).
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

As biotic means pertaining to life does antibiotic mean pertaining to death? There was another intelligent prison that believes stupid things on the radio as well this morning, so I'll start from the beginning the station was BBC radio 2 and there was a woman presenting and she was introducing her guest who was another woman comedian but this one was an *actually funny* woman comedian apparently. I thought that women were funny people in general, not just this one. Who is this *actually funny* woman comedian you may ask, to be honest I'm unsure, but she's apparently a muslim woman that takes the piss out of islam in her comedy routine but then she is a muslim so she can take the piss out of Islam, apparently? I didn't realise that you had to be part of a club to take the piss out of it. I just thought anyone  could take the piss our of anything they wanted to, because they want to it could be because they believe it's absurd and worthy of ridicule, but if they want to do that they can it's part of they're rights as a human, but then I know that some countries of this world don't allow that like North Korea and probably the Ecclesiocracy nations such as Iran and Vatican City.

I respected Mr Morgan Feeman a lot before seeing the above YuTube video and now I've watched it I respect him a hell lot more.

But today I went skiing which was good I stacked it twice today, once when I was actually skiing, but my eyes had closed and I was straying onto the part f the slope that had been closed off, The second time was when I had just gone to the top of the slope i was standing still and my eyes closed when suddenly I had knocked myself over.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Day 1165

Day 1165;

This morning I had some Boccia to go to, then I went to watch a football match he score of the first half was 2-1 but the score of the second half was 0-2 so the game was lost.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs and bread and butter.
Dinner: spaghetti, quoin balls, bread and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of lemonade and fruit juice

So the below Youtube video has just just taken a dump on my overwhelming filature to attempt to drink 2L in one day.

Now I'm just about to restart my computer as it's an automatic thing so good bye.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Day 1164

Day 1164;

Now todayI found out that I had got a chest infection, apparently. Well they have prescribed me some antibiotics, which tastes bad, and an inhaler,

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and probably 2 chocolate mini rolls.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken and 2 small slices of chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So the inhaler I have yet to use due to the funky apparatus still needing to be washed before I can use it and just when I'm out of breath, as i did in actual fact have more exercise than I had yesterday as I walked into town to go to the doctors and then to pick up my prescription, which I did in one trip, and I got myself a quick 5 minute work out on the rowing machine.

I know that I was slightly wheezy after the 5 minute work out, and Allergy wanted to use the inhaler on me, but the apparatus wasn't quite dry enough so I just had to sit down and wait for it to go away which it did eventually, as always.

I have also progressed on Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater, I have learnt that Metal Gear is the brain child of the cray communist professor that helps you out by showing you what door you have got to use to get Socoloff out of where he's being held prisoner. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Day 1163

Day 1163;

So tonight my internet  has gone down, again, but I am going to wait until I have completed this article to decided if I'm going to put this post online at 3 or 10.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and at least 2 chocolate mini rolls.
Dinner: chicken pie,new potatoes, carrots, peas and chocolate cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Now today I didn't do, pretty much, any exercise today which shocked me as when I went for my daily weigh in I had only gained 0.06 on my BMI.

Also I managed to beat up Major Ocelot the other day which was before I drowned forcing me to do it again, so I did then I saved the game after beating him up, so then I could start from that spot the next time the words "Snake is Dead" came up on the screen, which it did many times, for my swimming antics which I discovered was unnecessary for a start and secondly it was because of the hornet man  who I manage to defeat with use of the M30 (it's a shot gun basically) I was remembering using a AK47 for that battle probably yesterday but I failed to find the AK47 today, so I had to make do with the shotgun.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Day 1162

Day 1162;

Today I got my BMI correct as of when I was weighing myself.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes and banana.
Lunch: white bread, cheese sandwich and a chocolate mini roll.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs off fruit juice, 2 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Also I have come across a website today which has got some old games for you to play, but then I'm thinking that only the Sega games actually worked on the site, like Sonic 2 and Earth Worm Jim. I was pointed to the direction of that site by Het who is a friend of mine, I think. Friends I am unsure of who I can classify as a "friend" anymore as in the proper old days I'd call the people that I talked to at periods of rest during the school day my friends. but now that we're older and we have moved apart naturally how long, or is it how far; apart until it negates the friendship?

Wow, was my reaction to my weight gain for managing to get it right on my goal. I don't know how I managed to limit my weight gain, I was sure that I'd be higher, as I must have only use a small amount of energy throughout the whole day.