Monday 29 February 2016

Day 977

Day 977;

So last night I was having 2 dreams the second of which may count as 2 in 1 so therefore 3 only if I count them all, but the thing is I was thinking I was awake for all except the 3rd,

Now for breakfast I had as usual bowl of cereal, next up I had a box which has 3 fruits inside, well 2 fruits and banana, as it had some grapes and some apple within. For lunch I ate food of which I cannot remember. Then fir dinner I ate some chicken alongside of some vegetables.

But today I have done mŷ first 30 before 12 O'clock midday/noon, which made a change, but I have one problem.

What! you only have 1 problem, at least 10, that is at first glance, not in total.

I'm sorry Red I forgot to add in the word more, before the word problem.

But within the game Zelda Triforce Heroes I have completed the games basic story mode so now all I have to do is complete all of the bonus levels to get the game completely finished.

I went to the cinema to see Deadpool today, it's hilarious but it's crude so it's to suitable for anyone that's probably above the age of 38 unless you have a very low brow sense of humour. But within the Adverts at the beginning of the film X-Men: Apocalypse looks very good, as did Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and it looks like bruce wayne has got a piece of bat kit that could match Superman's strength. Also there was a Suicide Squad trailer, but all of that is of what I expected to interest me, there's also a film called "London has Fallen" which has got Morgan Freeman in it so you know it's going to be good but that film was looking better than I was expecting it to be.

Deadpool I was expecting to see him just as a head, a decapitated head, talking at one stage of the film but no it's probably being held onto for a sequel. But the end scene was a bit of a let down as Deadpool's girlfriend just accepts him without any shocked/horrified expression or sounds coming from her there was no sharp inhale of breath when he revealed his true face the two of them just kissed. There was no mention of him looking like the inside of somebodies anus, at least none that I heard over the laughter. 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Day 976

Day 976;

Today must have been the 15th day of my 30 a day challenge, I can't really be bothered to check right now as I still need to get it done for today

For breckfast I know I ate a bowl of cereal but I am unsure if I ate anything with that. Then it was for lunch that I had a cheese sandwich with white bread for today, which was a bonus, as well as some mini/cocktail sausages and some Jaffa cakes. Next up was dinner... What have I just eaten for my dinner? Thank you Allergy for answering my question, she answered it by messaging back to me "chicken nuggets and chips followed by profiteroles".

Now today there was a football match, but I missed that this week only as this week I had some actual Boccia practise which was after some people playing roller hockey, yes that game/sport that I used to play before I became a cripple, it may actually be the only thing, which had many layers to it that I actually miss from my past life. As I don't seem to be able to get that level of thrill anymore,

But back on to my 30 a day challenge I completed it just before midnight, twice in actual fact, as my fitness seems to be deteriating as this week has progressed, as the first 30 that I did today at approximately 11:50 I completed in aproxomatly a minute then I had about 5 minutes rest, I'm really getting lazy, then I did another 30 in aproxomatly another minute then that was that, I was done.

This morning before Boccia I was doing some of that thing that I did before Boccia practise and I tripped on the floor but fortunately I had my arms out in front of me when I was falling so I stopped myself from getting a matching scar to go with the crescent moon(ish) scar that I have got on my right hand side of my face.

I'd just like to leave you all with a quote from the X-Files:
Jose Chung: And though we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet we are all alone.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Day 975

Day 975;

Today was the 975th day, of my documented existence, I did my 30 rather late on then when I attempted to continue to 60 I only made it to 45 before having to stop and again on 57 before I finally managed to complete the 60.

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, that was it for breakfast. Lunch I had some spaghetti hoops on a bread roll, then I cannot remember what I ate for dinner.

Today I have watched some mores X-Files, I'm still on season 3. Also today I got a bit of gaming on Zelda Triforce Heroes but I got no further in completing the game dispute some very close calls this morning. We had The Lady on her 3rd form.

I can't remember retry much anything that happened to me today.

Oh yeah I remember I watched that rugby match between France and Wales, the Welsh won by 3 penalty goals (9 points) 19-10. Which was a good result for those frogs who put up a good fight today.

Friday 26 February 2016

Day 974

Day 974;

Thin morning I thought that I had grown, but later I discovered that it must have been a dream as I have stopped growing, haven't I? But today I have done my daily 30 about slightly later than noon.

But for my breakfast I had a bowl of cereal alone, then for lunch I have eaten a horrid whole meal sandwich and a cheese that I think is a baby bell.

Today at the time of slightly passed noon, when I was doing my daily 30 I decided, as it was easy to do now, I decided to make it a little more challenging for myself so I continued on to 60, of which I fell 7 short of accomplishing, in one burst. So I continued it in a second burst therefore completing the 60. So basically I''m still too weak.

But on the plus side of the equation I have finally completed the 'Dragon Citadel' level in Zelda Triforce heroes, now I'm waiting for more people to come along so I can complete the final boss fight of the game, The Lady, I know that I'm not supposed to fight with ladies, I currently have 21 hero points, Hero points are points you get for completing some of the levels that you don't select at the beginning of a play.

Within sporting news today 3 of the football English clubs managed to get through their Europa League matches today, first is was Liverpool with the most disappointing of the europa games played today, as it was won by only a goal, when they had the better of the chances to score in the game and they took none of them, but needless to say they did enough to make it through to the next round. Then in the next match it was Manchester United vs Mid...


No silly Midtyjland,

wo may have beaten them n the first leg of the tie 2-1. The first 45 minutes of the game went by with Mid scoring first, and then Man U managed to only get one back by half time despite getting a penalty to allow them to take the lead in this game but no it was saved by the Mid's keeper, and that was it for the first half Man U still needed to get a goal back to push the game to extra time and then penalties but as the game stood Man U wouldn't be progressing in the competition. The second half got underway and Man U were ruthless in the second half, with 4 goals to make the final score of the match 5-1, the results of the tie was 6-3, To Manchester United.

The other match finished 3-0 to Tottenham but it happened at the same time as the above match I was watching the above match.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Day 973

Day 973;

Noe today I went to the gym so I could do my 30 wither before or after, I decided after.

So today for breakfast I had the usual, but I was really looking forward to my lunch today, as Mich had said I could eat the second half of my Pizza today, he lied to me he threw it away and instead he got me a plate of spaghetti hoops on toast; I'd have much preferred my pizza. Then for dinner I ate some kind of pie with a load of vegetables like I'm thinking peas.

Corruption and Deadpool,now I'm not about to tell you all about how Deadpool ruined my life, I may be a bit of a douche but I'm not a complete douche. Instead I'm about to do is tell you all, as long as you can read or are getting this blogpost read to you, is tell you all about my first encounter with the Merc with a Mouth, as the vast majority of these tales it starts with me getting woken up after I had been asleep,

Obviously else you'd have been asleep, if you weren't already asleep?

Shut up Red, it was a Saturday and two of my sisters had piano lessons on that day in a local city, but it was a town back then, I'm thinking or it could have been in the town that is still a town, my memory isn't great on specifics especially if they happened recently. But then while they were in they're lessons I was allowed to look around the local 'Works' shop back then they were doing a comic book sale I think it was 3 comic books for 50p so I picked myself up a couple of Deadpool comics which may have been at least in part as he looked a bit like Spider-man, but as I read through it for the first time I thought, my thought patterns are strikingly similar to to that of Deadpool's, but that was a long time ago.

At the gym today I was getting told I was going to be assessed on my skiing ability in a while even though I haven't been skiing for something like 10 years, before my  accident which left me a cripple, so it's going to be fun. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Day 972

Day 972;

Basically today I have forgotten what I was about to type here but I have done my daily 30 today.

I ate a box and a bowl of the usual for breakfast today. It was a sausage roll and 2 chocolate mouses that I ate for lunch. Which has just left my dinner for me to direct for you now, which was a piece of chicken in bacon, sausages, peas and I can't really remember what else I ate with it if it was with some carrots and potatoes or not, I cannot remember and that was only for the main dishes of my dinner I can't even remember if I ate anything for pudding.

But today by my time of my weigh in I met my weight goal, on Wii Fit. If you can remember the person that I called Dolly Town, at least I think that's what I called him. Well Dolly has got a new girlfriend recently, yesterday in fact, and by the term girlfriend I am unsure what I mean by that label.

What? You are confused about what you mean?...

It's insanity in a savage shaped nut shell.

Ok thank you Red, for basically telling me I'm nuts, next time try telling me something I don't already know, anyway shall I inform you of some of my confusion?

Is this another one of those rhetorical questions type things where you're just about to tell me anyway even if I don'r want to know as I don't give two hoots about what your about to type?

Basically, well as I was about to inform you is that Dolly Is really quite larger than life, like a stereotypical american, By the term larger than life I mean physically as well as personality wise, of which he holds a full house in both of those departments; in card games speak.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Day 971

Day 971;

After midday I decided to get my 30 done for this day, and I have done my 30 for today. As I was part of my way through doing the 30 I initially thought that I was at 20 but then I thought how could I be at 20? So I set myself back to 10 and I did another 20, but then after I had finished I started again to do 10 to be certain that I had really got 30 done.

For breakfast was back to the usual, you know of a bowl of cereal and a box of banana. Then for lunch I had dish of Macaroni sand cheese. Then I ate some cake for snack, before going out to athletics then on my return I had some pizza.

My trip to athletics must have been the only thing that I have actually participated in today, I mean I've watched a load of the X-Files today, but noting out of the ordinary... apart from what has happened on the show. But I'm unsure if I played on my 3DS today, as I know that I played on it tonight, just now, but that was just a couple of minutes on Zelda Triforce Heroes as my 3DS's batteries were running low, so I didn't get in any real play time, but what I did get in I'm thinking counts as tomorrows play time.

Monday 22 February 2016

Day 970

Day 970;

So today I thought I did my daily 30 in the morning but they were only vague recollections, so I did a other set of 30 before 12 pm.

For breakfast I ate the same as usual plus a bowl of strawberries, at least I'm thinking that is what I ate. Then lunch and dinner is now all a haze but I'm thinking that I ate a slice from an Oreo cheesecake for one of the two pudding times I can't even remember whether I ate any of anything other than what I have already typed.

Now what have I done today?



Jump in any time now?


We thought you were being all rhetorical.

But why when I am being rhetorical you blurt out answers, and  when I am being serious you are as quiet as a as a quiet thing?


That is a nonsensical question.

X-Files are still great I have just completed my watch through of season 2, all 25 of the episodes. Also today I have played a bit on Zelda: Triforce Heroes, of which I must have been doing every day now, especially with the internet up and running, better now.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Day 969

Day 969;

So today I had done my 30 in the morning. Then I had a go on Splatoon, single player as the internet connectivity wasn't working properly, I'm still stuck on the final boss battle.

My mealds for today went the following way; for breakfast I had a bowl and a box, each of the usual, lunch was the almost same as I had the last time that I had the buffet lunch thing, dinner I ate a I had a roast I think.

Today was the day of the rugby match that I went to see with Mich, the very small child and the 6 foot 3 man. As we sat there there was a professional rugby match going on and the team that I was there to support won the match but the result by then end of the first half the teams scores were separated by 7 points in favour of the team that I was there to support which happened in the first 5 minutes of the game, they scored a try and the converted it basically add 2 points to the 5 awarded for placing the ball past the line , scoring a try, it's the rugby union rules.

With the Splatoon that I played this morning the little boy told me hewas impressed by my getting defeated by the Great Octobot Octobot King, he was saying stuff like I'm very good at the game.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Day 968

Day 968;

So I  have just got my 30 for today in as I am thinking just before the death of the day.

But today as usual I'm thinking I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana, then for lunchI'm thinking that I ate another bit of a buffet lunch (why do I always say it how it reads in my head before correcting myself, as I am usually saying Buff Et first before correcting myself by saying Buff Ai), For todays dinner I ate a portion of some pie with mashed potatoes as an ingredient, and it also had cheese on, so I'm thinking that a name for it is some kind of shepherds/cottage pie.

But my eldest cousin has grown up a little bit since the time that I last saw him. I'm thinking at least in terms of his sporting nonsense. As I believe that he is coming more to grips with his team loosing. But I don't think his team will loose tomorrow as the team that I'm going to support has lost a lot of their players to England for England's six nations match. But in the Rugby match that I'm going to watch tomorrow I have discovered that I'll be sitting on a chair that is in the first row(s) so if you watch the game that I'm going to see on the TV tomorrow you might see me, I'll be the drooling imbecile with a Saracens scarf on nearby some Gloucester supporters. One that is a very small child I think he's 7 the day after the match, and the other is a very tall 6'3",

Savage have you got them the right way around?

I don't really know it should have meant 6 foot 3 inches.

But the internet connectivity problems have reared there they're ugly heads again. By having my internet connection to turn from connective one minute to non connective the next second and repeat.

But today I have plated on Zelda Triforce Heroes but I still have to do a lot on ZTH to make myself better so I can defeat the Lady in single player mode as that id the only mode that I can get onto at the moment.

Friday 19 February 2016

Day 967

Day 967; 

Now my 30 of today I have 3 separate recollections of doing the 30. But I am unsure if they each happened today, apart from the third that I just did about now.

But for breakfast I’m relatively sure that I had my usual for that mean. It’d the other two, meals, that I am unsure about at this moment, but I know that I ate a chocolate truffle, sponge cake combo for pudding after dinner. But then I’m thinking that I ate an egg mayonnaise sandwich for my lunch, but don’t hold me to that time slips by for mr all ways in the same direction for me, Now at least.

Today I have been watching the X-Files, I have watched the episode about vampires and I an reaching further threw the second season and I know who Moulders new ally in the FBI is as well after his old one got himself killed off during the first season. But that isn’t the same as his new informant is as that is another new character, the same character that wanted Moulder to stay put in his apartment for the late break in to his home to kill the killdeers of the first informant that was also his ally on the inside of the FBI.

I know that this blogpost is late but my internet connection was also down tonight so I had to preserve my memories of today in a notes document for a later upload time.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 966

Day 966;

Today I have just completed my daily 30, just as in just before my typing of this, as in after my dinner, not before unlike yesterday, and a difference I have noticed.

For breakfast I had a bowl and a banana, by a bowl i meant a bowl of cereal and by a banana I was meaning a banana sliced up and put in a box. For lunch I ate  potato salad, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, ham, mini scotch eggs followed by another slice of some very alcoholic fruit cake. Then foo dinner I ate pasta, vegetarian meatballs (which are basically non-meat meatballs- now if you are like what the hell is he typing about now start up a club I can see it now the Savage.1 fan club number of members 0, the person that made the group was quickly eaten by Feminazis) in bolognese sauce and cheese followed by a chocolate trifle sponge cake combo.

Today I have watched some more of the X-Files but the episodes that I've been watching are the episodes of old. Back when Scully was still a red head with that old friendly face, not the new blonde incarnation of her with her more alien appearance. I know she's got old and white of hair by now but I honestly couldn't recognise her from the clips of the new show that I'd seen. But the credits from the advertisement tells me that it is the same person, and then you've got Moulder who still looks as if he just shot the first season last week, Tini also told me that the two 'oF them, Moulder and Scully, actually despise each other which I know may seem a little shocking but on the other hand it's expected. 

Also today I played a bit on both Splatoon and Zelda Triforce heroes. before getting roped into blowing up a blow up mattress by the use of a broken foot-pump. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Day 965

Day 965;

Today I failed to get my sit-ups done, well that would be in the morning and then I attempted to do 60 before getting called down for dinner. I only made it to 55, so I made my 30,

For breakfast I didn't have my usual, I only had a bowl of cereal. Then for lunch I had a egg mayonnaise sandwich and a bag of grapes. Finally for dinner I ate a bowl of Macaroni and cheese followed by a... I can't remember what I had for my dinners desert.

What I did today was simple as I only ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning you could tell that I was going to do something different today, it may not have been as interesting as it actually was but I have done something different today. As I went to get my face and right arm injected with some more rat poison. Which lasts approximately 3 and a half months.

Which today after I had that done I had a football match to go and watch today so I had that to go and see later on today, with my newly opened eyes.

Just today I have had the rupees to buy myself a new outfit, on Zelda Triforce Heroes, as I have just bought myself the Linebeck's uniform, but I have had a thought about where in the time line this game could stand, as there obese character that accosts you after every time that you go into the taylor's changing facility/ you buy an item of clothing and you are changed into it, and she comments about Linebeck having something to of with her mother or grandmother which should mean that the events of Phantom Hourglass happened in the relatively close past.

I believe that this video is interesting.

I heard the news that the CoE is trolling Richard Dawkins, by the term trolling I'm not intentionally being disrespectful to any of the CoE's congregation. I am saying this as Richard Dawkins has recently suffered a stroke, which is bad, for him and all of his fans. Although I don't know what it's like to have a stroke. I do know what it's like to suffer brain damage, and that is similar I think at least when I was in rehab I think I kept being compared to people that had suffered a stroke. Anyway I hope that Richard Dawkins makes a speedy recovery.

So the CoE trolling this good man by saying that they'll pray for him? Now that reminds me of a little Meme the one that says "You pray for me, Ill think for you." or something. As I know that this stage of his second life; first before stroke, second after stroke, if it is anything like my brain damage, then I would like to state that I know what your going though but if not then I don't have a clue.

Here is the urban dictionary definition

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 964

Day 964;

I was thinking about if I did my 30 daily earlier today so I'll do another 30 just now........... There goes done I have done them for today.

Breakfast I had the usual, Then for  lunch I had a fish pie which consisted of cheese, mash, cod and peas which reminded me of a real first world problem that happened with my lunch yesterday. but more with that later. Then for dinner I ate some of the left overs from yesterday's dinner.

Earlier today, I caught onto a conversation between Allergy and Mich, The conversation was about Mich almost getting knocked down by a bus which turned into a van. As the tale went that Mich was attempting to cross a road and he saw a van coming towards him so he took evasive action. Next up was something that I wrote to them as I wrote something similar to' "Mich was just attempting to get 1 up on me, as I got hit by a car, so Mich gwent for a van. Allergy reminded mw that it was 2 cars that hit me, as if I'd have forgotten but I'm thinking that it was the Mercedes that hit me first which cause me to collide with an oncoming traffic.

But yesterday I was disappointed by lunch as it said sausage a and mash in bold before telling you what is included in each dish underneath, it said sausages mash and peas, but I didn't get any peas.

Now that is first world problems done correctly just as I did that flappy bird mini game on the Wii U correctly, Birds Eye Bulls Eye I think is the correct name of the mini game. As yesterday in the afternoon when me Allergy, B, C, Emu and myself were all playing on the Wii Fit U game yesterday evening and it was my go first and I had an almost perfect run through I only lost 10 on the platforms and I lost a couple here and there for dawdling about in the sky but I made it so I got full (4) stars for the end, which was the first time that I have done that, ever.

I also played a little on Zelda Triforce Heroes yesterday I think I got my 19th hero point and I got my 20th today which was in a bit of my time that I had today, on the game, or it was that I got both of the hero points today and I failed at the game yesterday.

Then today in Athletics there was only me and one other person there, for the majority of it this week then it continued with only me kicking a 1KG medicine ball around the room. Then it ended and Mich had to talk to Mr B not B from earlier who put him onto  asking questions of Dick, who in turn told Mich, that only wanted me to get involved in any of the sports just for fun, that he'd have to go onto a website to ger me signed up with some of the best in the world, actual paralympians, which left him perplexed like "how is Savage going to even be able to compete with these experts" and a quick response is I'm not going to be able to compete on a level playing field with them, I am probably going to be the cannon fodder like the pretty rest of the people there except from the winers and the people that run them close.

Cannon fodder to make up the numbers, thats me.

Monday 15 February 2016

Day 963

Day 963;

Now today I had a little trouble of finding any time for doing any of my 30 in the morning so I have just done it now, before eleven O'clock.

Now breakfast today was the usual. Lunch today was sausage and mash which was followed up by a superbly tasty chocolate brownie, it was such a shame that it had been reduced in size because of the day that it was today, as that had cut it down to the shape of one of a non-anatomically correct heart shape. For dinner I ate a buffet tea which consisted of a lot of pork products, a weird cheese thing and some more cheese things in bread crumbs, I had some fruit cake for my pudding.

So what happened to me today, now if I was to say nothing I could be correct in just about none of the possible forms of the word. As today I played a couple of games of boccia and my hand has gone off on another little strop which didn't enable me to play boccia, I know I've got 2 hands but the other 1 wouldn't release the ball at the correct times. I mat need more practise at the game with both of my hands to build up my stamina while playing the game, so that my hands don't go off on 1 again.

The reason that I ate such a such a disquietingly shaped pudding today was because Allergy's anniversary of her existence was today. So we went out for lunch today. I can't believe how Leister gave away all 3 points in that football game today, they deserved at least 1 but then in the dying seconds of the added time the Leister player fowled the Arsenal player who was outside of the box to allow Arsenal to score a goal and steal the match 2-1.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Day 962

Day 962;

So I finally got my daily 30 done today, really quite late on today, due to my previous engagements of the Boccia practise without doing any Boccia

For breakfast it was the old usual. But then for lunch today I'm thinking that it was soup. Then for my dinner tonight I just cannot remember.

But th rest of my today consisted of me going to watch an epic defeat of the football team that I support, before the start I predicted that the full time score would be 0-5, you were being as optimistic as usual I can tell, when the first half had ended with only 1 goal in it, the score at the end of the first half 0-1. The team that I was supporting was surpassing my expectations, but Mich said to me that he could see the game turning on it's head with the team that we were supporting to win the game 3-1, to that I remarked that it's more likely to be 1-3, but the score got to 0-3 and then a brilliant bit of play by the team that I support managed to bundle the ball across the goal line, which threw my score prediction out of the window and I was glad of that, suddenly the team that I was supporting were looking more alive and as if they were still in with a shot at winning. Just as it was looking up for the team the opposition scored a 4th. The the whidstle to signify the end of the match sounded.

Rugby 6 nations today one of the favourites for the title of six nations champion Ireland lost against France I'm thinking, which put the frogs at the top of the table, but that was short lived as the Welsh managed to beat Scotland by 5 points, the day before Italy vs England, the it's should be a much tougher opinion than the Scotish as they managed to draw with Frogs who just dispatched the Irish simply.

As entrancing as what Dt Brian Cox was saying yesterday, about if we could see far enough into space.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Day 961

Day 961;

Today I can't remember If I had done my 30 this morning so I did 30, and then some tonight just to be sure that I had filled my daily allocation.

Today my breakfast returned to it's usual, it lost the apple of yesterday. Then for lunch I ate a cheese toasty and for dinner I ate some scampi, chips and peas.

I have been thinking about the latest instalment in the Star Wars film franchise, as I have been attempting to uncover why it left me feeling decidedly dead inside. For this post I have only a few reasons as of why it was such a let down, in my opinion, and my first is that I was expecting a masterpiece and it just wasn't. It wasn't a masterpiece by any stretch of my imagination, it was just a remade version of 'A New Hope' but on steroids; to progress the story quicker for the impatient modern-day audience, which is why you keep the story line interesting Disney not just recycle stuff that worked for the franchise before.

As Rey already knows how to use the force before it starts but she doesn't use it, as she's forgotten or something. Just as she has forgotten her parents. Which is one of the points that could be explained by the little speculation that Rey is in fact Luke Skywalker's daughter of which I have no problem with except maybe Ben Solo's reaction to her holding Anakin's Lightsaber towards the end of the film. As he didn't state anything toward her other than that it's his give it to him there was a distinct lack of almost sibling rivalry and familiarity of which there would be if both of them are cousins. I typed almost sibling rivalry as the two of them must have been close like brother and sister at one time if that was the case as Ben was sent off to be trained by Luke when he was corrupted by the influence of the dark-side of the force before his training was complete just as his grandfather before him. But the two of them would have each had different masters, like Luke's Ben's teacher and Rey's Mother could have been Rey's, which would have only been if the New Jedi didn't scrap the rule of having one master to every student, accept in the case of Yoda who could have as many younglings as the Jedi council wanted him to have.

Then I also played a bit more on Triforce Heroes but it was to no avail, I have still got the final 2 levels to complete in the Sky Realm. As for Splatoon I have completed all 27 of the levels of the single player campaign, now it's just for me to defeat the 5th and final boss in a battle and I will return the great Zapfish to Inkopolis. If I do it in the next few days I will have completed it before the next Splatfest, which is between the original Pokemon games, Red or Blue, I have already voted for Callie's Team/Red, I think it's strange how all bar 1, I think, so far I have voted the same way as Callie; I think.

Friday 12 February 2016

Day 860

Day 960;

So today I have either done 30 this morning and I have done 30 more just now or I haven't actually done 30 this morning so I have just done a set of 30 now, as someone is almost always saying "better safe than sorry".

Now today I had a feast of Indian food but that was for dinner. Before that I had some cereal, banana and apple. For lunch I had some spaghetti rings on roast which was followed by something but I cannot remember what I was thinking it was Tuesday all day as well. For dinner you know what it has been that I have eaten for it.

Now I know what I have wrote about being better safe than sorry above. well I found the below song which takes a twist on the above mentioned phrase and I thought it was entertaining.

Now what have I done today?  I have traveled from my room to the room with the TV in many times today which was why my blogpost was delayed by 3 hours, Was the delay really 3 hours or was it 4 hours, as you eventually went to bed last night after 3 am and a minimum of 6 hours rest time would mean that you get up at pasr 8, so you physically couldn't have. Owww Red good point, you were quite correct.

So in games that I have played today I have played a bit more on Zelda Truiforce Heroes so far I have  helped to complete the first 2 levels of the Sky Realm, which isn't bad considering... I can only actually see in stints and my Wi Fi is atrocious, neither of them excuses for my dreadful play they are some of the factors that go with it. I also played a bit on Splatoon as I completed the next 2 levels/levels 22 & 23, finding the Sunken Scroll was a bit more difficult in 23. 

Thursday 11 February 2016

Day 959

Day 959;

Now today I probably hadn't done my 30 this morning as I was going to go to the gym later on today, which I did, but as you should know by now no rest for the wicked. Which probably should mean no rest for me so I have just done myself my daily 30.

Now today for my breakfast I ate the usual combo, separately as usual. But now for my lunch what did I eat? I am thinking that I ate spaghetti hoops on toast but did I? As I know that I had some pasta Bolognese for my dinner with cheese.

I just checked my daily page views statistics and it's saying that I have had 16 page views a day for the day, wow how amazing, I bet amazon has that number about every minute. Yes I know. You are in thee 15 most uninteresting people that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. So does that mean you have got who 14 of the page viewers were already?  No I didn't say that. Then what were you meaning with your statemenrt? Exactly what I wrote, Ok I get that but what does it mean? You are in thee 15 most uninteresting people that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I just told you that I know what it says but what was your intended purpose of putting that sentence together?  I've forgotten. Oh gordon benet.

But today in games I have played more on Zelda Triforce Heroes and I have continued my play through of Splaltoon, the story mode. As I had forgotten it until I read through a 3 issue comic book about it online. Now for he game to be completed I just ned to get the last 6 Zapfish and then it'll be into the flying saucer I go to rescue Captain Cuttlefish and The big Zapfish. I have been making sure that I collect the sunken scrolls as well so I can read the complete back story after I have completed the game. But I'm not sure which part I enjoy the most, if it's either splatting the enemies or if it is running around swimming through ink in an attempt to find the portholes to the the levels. On second thoughts I've got to say that it's neither instead it is squishing your enemies with a roller that really gets my satisfaction.

Lets just take a look at David Cameron's laughable attempt to keep the EU in the EU.

Red card system is a joke. Look watch David Cameron himself laugh at it.

But then I thought that you could veto the proposals already. but apparently you cannot veto the laws. So what good are the people that we have elected to represent us in the EU, if they have no power to change any of the law's that are put in front of them. What is the point the EU should be honest with all of it's nations, and just state all of you within the EU are now under the control of the EU, all of you people and all of your possessions now belong to the EU.

Is the EU basically a dictatorship, under the disguise of a democracy? 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Day 958

Day 958;

So today I have forgot if I have done my daily 30 in the morning. So I just had myself a go at doing them just now (when I'm typing this, not for the time that this blogpost goes live as I'll probably be in bed asleep at the time of this post going live.

For my breakfast today I had the usual. I ate spaghetti hoops on toast for my lunch and I ate some pancakes for my pudding. then for dinner I ate chicken peas and I had some ate one of those little trifles for my pudding.

I thought of the following statement after a West Ham player, called Moses, missed a free kick in their FA cup match against Liverpool today.

"Moses parted the Red Sea but he couldn't part the Red's defence."

I know that the Red's of Liverpool were actually playing in their away kit, which was white, but anyway...

Also today I played more of ZTH but I have got a new piece of gear for my avatar to dress up in. It's especially useful for when I can't see was it turns to stone if you don't touch any of the controls. But I have a problem, yes another one to go on my list of problems that you aren't part of, as I have at least 2 different lists of problems that I have and you as reader of this blog has got a special space on a special list that I take extra care to... ignore as I don't know who "you" are, As in I know that you have found this blog, if you are on it, which would make sense seeing how your reading this text which is on my blog. But I have no knowledge on your reasons for doing that crazy thing.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Day 957

Day 957;

Today I did my 30 sit-up in the morning, a least I think

Breakfast I had the usual, lunch I had macaroni cheese and I'm thinking that it had some ham on it. Then for dinner I ate a selection of cakes.

The following video I found entertaining,

Remember it is rape when a muslim does it,

Then if someone says to you "can I rape you?" and you answered the question in a positive way, like you were to say "yes" would it be classed as rape? Because you are conversing with them about the act before the act therefore it's not rape,  which means that you didn't rape... but then they just told you that you could rape them not have sexual intercourse with them, but then with your permission it'd be consensual sexual intercourse, would that be classified as rape?

Well by the way it's too difficult for me to understand now  I only got to see that video as I had seen a video about Richard Dawkins which was something to do with the following video.

Also today I have been out to athletics, but it wasn't really athletics today. As we were inside and we were doing a load of exercises with medicine balls like we stated off by passing the medicine ball around the room but Dolly kept getting frustrated with me as I would accidentally drop it. Obviously it was my fault that I'd drop it it was these eyes of mine that wouldn't stay open, which I can probably chase back to me walking (running/jogging either way not quick enough) in front of that car all of those years ago. Else wise I probably wouldn't be here pouting the internet.

But now I remember what I was going to type on this blog, It was going to be about North Korea's new satellite launch. I had thought that it might put a stop to the seeming to be endless debate on Great Britain's membership of the EU. but no we just have more of Cameron's lies about how if we left the EU then GB would have a jungle, like the one in Calis, on the south coast of Britain. But if GB had control of they're borders they could just ship them home. they can't at the moment due to the fact that the frogs are blocking them and if they weren't how could we if they're from a country within the EU, GB is screwed.

But today in games I completed the last level on the part of ZTH before the Sky Realm. So it does only be only mean that I have 4 ore levels until I should have managed to complete the game, which would be without actually completing it 100% which would be with all of the clothes unlocked and purchased and with all of the challenges complete like how I did for the first level of the game. 5 triforces I'm thinking.

Monday 8 February 2016

Day 956

Day 956;

Now today I am thinking that I got around to doing my 30 sit-ups today done in the morning.

But for breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal and a box full of a banana. for lunch today I ate the other half of the pizza that I ate for dinner yesterday. Meanwhile later on today I ate a roast for dinner, apparently.

During today I have played a bit on Super Mario 3D World and I have finally passed the 3rd level in the 7th zone next it should only be up for me to complete the boss of this level then I'm onto the sky, and if you know what they say to do with the sky and limits? They say the sky's the limit, you must have that been said by someone, haven't you?

But the 2 favourites to win the Six Nations this time around, Ireland and Wales, faced off today, and it was a draw. 16 a piece. Ireland the defending champions of the Six Nations cup, were in the lead when the Welsh managed to come back at them and draw them level. So that means that England lead the Six Nations  after the the completed first round. 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Day 955

Day 955;

So today was the day that followed yesterday, But I had no time to get my 30 sit-ups done in the morning, so I did then in the gap between the two Six Nations Rugby matches.

Today for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal I'm not sure if I ate anything with it, but then For lunch I had a cheese sandwich but then for my pudding I ate a slice of ginger bread, a chocolate roll and then I had something else with it but I can't put my metaphorical finger on what it was. For dinner today I ate some pizza and chips, it was from the local turkish take-away, which cooks chicken a bit doggedly; but it's pizza is fantastic.

The six nations matches were between France and Italy, the frogs won it by 2 points so it was a close run thing. The second match was between the Scottish and those English, which was won by England by 6 points, so it was another close match. Next up is Wales vs Ireland in the Six Nations.

My reasons for not completing my 30 in the morning today was because I had Boccia practise but no Boccia was played, so i spent the time that I had there was a kick about.

But on the Rugby coverage today the presenters were informing us that Tim Peak would be up there in space having to explain Rugby to his Russian colleagues, but then I was thinking they're Russians not imbeciles so I'm sure that they've heard of it before.

As in games I stared playing Super Mario 3D world again today within my attempt to complete all of the Wii U games I own.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Day 954

Day 954;

But today as I got myself up rather late quite close to just after I had finished my breakfast I was being called down to eat my lunch, if it needs being saying then I'll put it down but I didn't have enough minutes in the morning to get my first attempt at my 30 target for today, but I managed to get it in after lunch, so that was it for day 8 of my 30 a day challenge.

So today I also ate the same thing that I usually do for breakfast, but for lunch I ate 2 sausage rolls And a bag of monster munch; pickled onion flavour. Oh bugsy I've forgotten what I ate for my dinner but from my memory I van remember what I ate for pudding, as I'm thinking that I finished off the Toblerone cake from who knows when.

But I have done 30 extra today while I was waiting for Super Smash Bros (SSB) Wii U to update itself, but I thought that I had updated it already, the last time I played it at least, which must have been approximately this time last week, I think at least. But today in games I have played a bit on Hyrule Warrios,  just to check that I have completed it at lesast once, of which I had in one of the easier modes, not the hardest mode. But I shall leave that for another time as I have got many more games that I need to complete in at least normal difficulty before I go back to that game to recomplete in its most dificult firm.

Now onto SSB now there is many ways to complete this game like there's a 100% complete where you have to unlock all of the characters, all of the challenges, 100% of the unlock-able content within the game, which includes all of the  characters and all of and all of the stages.

I feel as if I should add I am not going to get all of the characters as some of them are the downloadable fighters and they cost money to purchase them, I'm not that flash basically.  Now that I have completed 100 fights on SSB for Wii U and I have unlocked all of the unlockable characters, minus the DLC. So I know I could finish all the rewards and trophies but I am going to leave doing that for another time, so I'll be back onto other games until then, that is going to be the number 2, of games I have completed but not 100%

Zelda Triforce Heroes (ZTH) I have also been playing today and as i'm stuck on a level, at the moment.

Oh bug it I accidentally scheduled this post for next week.

Friday 5 February 2016

Day 953

Day 953;

Today I have attempted to get my 30 a day, for a start and Allergy started complaining to me that I was making too much noise when in actual fact I was attempting to count out loud.

As usual I ate the same for breakfast. Then for lunch I ate a margarita pizza, I didn't have a desert for afters, Then for dinner I had some chips, ham and peas but then for my pudding today I ate some Toblerone cake, which was delicious.

So about my first attempt at doing 30 which was interrupted as I got to 15, I attempted to finish it more quietly just after she left, but it didn't feel like I had done 30. So I did myself 30 more but this time I was quiet and I made sure that I had got to 30 before I stopped so that makes it my 7th day of doing the 30 a day challenge.

As I started it last Friday
1. Fri
2. Sat
3. Sun
4. Mon
5. Tues
6. Wed
7. Thur

So tomorrow (the day this post is set to be posted) will be the 8th day.

But also today I did 15 minutes on the lateral trainer, at the gym, to get me warmed up which was followed by a whole load of weight machines at one point in the session my trainer got a bit too friendly with me, he tapped my left hand side of my face, which was a bit too close for my liking I know he may have grabbed my arm to drag me over to another weights machine a few times but that was allowed as I couldn't see where he wanted me to move to and I'd endanger the other users of the gym if I moved around unsupervised. That was after I was looking around the gym and out of the window for such a good stint of time while I was on the lateral trainer, in my warm up. When he touched my face he was talking to someone else at the time and he was talking about me going to the rugby in a couple of weeks and he was talking about my troll baiting antics, how everybody that I'm going with is going to be supporting the local team to them (well to the my uncle  that invited me) as it's an away match that they are going to sebum I am going to support the local team to where I live.

Now this is some more shenanigans that go with Miss Sarcasm.

Finally I'm back on the topic of games that I have played today, and it is Zelda Triforce Heroes and ALTTP, for good measure as my older 3DS still hasn't worked today, I wonder if taking it's back off and having a little rummage around could be in order to prolong it's life.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Day 952

Day 952;

I did the 30 a day today in the morning, I didn't end up actually doing any more yesterday, so I'm thinking that I have done my 30 a day challenge for... 6 days now I'm thinking.

Today I had to eat the usual breakfast. For lunch today I ate cheese cold pasta and ham then for pudding today I ate a Dairy Milk Pot of Joy (DMPOJ) which I'm guessing I should class as a kind of chocolate mousse, even though it seems to lack those many tiny bubbles of air, which are a critical feature of a mousse, and for the DMPOJ I have to state that they should taste mindblowingly good, but they have that weird after taste and the initial taste of them isn't as great as I was expecting either (but they still taste good). Now I have just eaten a little chocolate reindeer as a snack. Then for dinner I are a piece of chicken with some bacon, a couple of mini sausages, carots, peas and potatoes.

Such an odd sensation came over me as I was walking down he stairs, as I had got to the step that I thought was the bottom step, so I stepped backwards slightly more than usual and my elbow gave mea static shoc, it wasn't touching anything else it was just there out in front of me, when zap. Oh and if you didn't already know I walk down the stairs backwards, it's safer that way.

So today I have watched a critique of miss Anita (fem freak) it was about that video which was all to do with the video of Anita's called = "Strategic Butt Coverings" I still don't think she's being serious, about the shenanigans, as if she was a gamer she'd know that we don't sit there playing games like  Bayonetta just to sit there jacking off to her, it's very difficult, near enough impossible to do. But then Miss Anita started having a go at Lara Croft by saying stuff about how in. Tomb Raider: Underworld the game initiated some pervert mode as soon as someone started the game with her wearing that swing kit to start the game as the game zoomed in on her but tut I  have been watching through the game to see if that was the case and behold it wasn't, she was just using some footage of the game to suit her purpose, which was, as far as I can tell, to undermine, degrade and objectify one of the most well known and kick ass heroines of video in video game history. How counter productive, if what you want gender equality in video game leads; I know that isn't what feminism is actually about, but we can pretend. at least until you want to get us all of us neutered and our sperm locked in some lab somewhere labeled and stuff like that so if you want a child, a woman just has to go to the sperm centre and they would just present to the documents of ownership of said man to the front desk and then they'd perform an artificial insemination on you, using the sperm of the man that you have, a woman has got, ownership of.

But today I also attempted to get my 3Ds working again but no luck, so I was playing Zelda Triforce Heroes today, and a bit more on ALTTP today.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Day 951

Day 951;

I remember what I was about to type in yesterday's post, I have my daily 30 sit-ups in the morning, just. I wonder if I'll do another 30 later on as I wasn't very sure about my counting skills.

For breakfast this morning I had more of the usual, a bowl of cereal followed by a box of banana. Next was a sausage roll and I have eaten a McVitie's digestive caramel slice or a McVitie's digestive slice Caramels, as that's what is wrote on the packaging but then I also found a thing that looks like a chocolate mousse, it's smell was stronger than that of a ordinary chocolate mousse but chocolates none the less and it tasted better than an ordinary chocolate mousse. Then for dinner I ate some pasta Bolognese.

What I was about to type in yesterdays post was Gattaca's future is almost upon us at least here in the UK, isn't it exciting? I know that they are just editing the embryos in hope of understanding them more and they currently have no plans of building designer babies, yet. But how about if they somehow create a embryo that is resistant to the common cold? What about proper test-tube babies? Lets see babies that weren't born from inside of a women but instead they were born in a test-tube you'd still need a woman for an egg but it could give more equality between the sexes, like a woman wouldn't have to carry the baby as at the first sign of pregnancy she could undergo an operation to have the embryo removed and have it placed in a vessel, that way she could keep her job and everything in her life the same as it was before pregnancy without the nee of an abortion, but this could mean that the over crowded world gets a bit more overcrowded but think of it this way probably much further in the future  we could use the technology that derives from the advancement that this technology offers and we could spread the virus of humanity to many distant planets.

The last day was a day that I had my old 3DS working, again.  So I managed to get in some playing time of Link's Awakening, but today It worked but as I was attempting to transfer my Nintendo Network ID (NNID) over to my new 3DS it kept shutting down before it transferred the whole data and then it was being temperamental the rest of the time, but fortunately I had my new 3DS to play Triforce Heroes, then I've got a Wii U to play A Link to the Past (ALTTP) on.

So then there was another thing I wanted to type about today,

Was it about the game that you thought up ages ago that you called Legend of the Wolf?

No Red it wasn't about that old RPG Idea... at least I don't think it was about the old RPG.

Was not about your old idea of a story of the same name?

No, I don't think it had anything to do with Legends or Wolves for a fact, so just shut up Red.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Day 950

Day 950;

So this morning I attempted to get my 30 out of the way before I started this day I'm thinking, but U'm thinking that I failed it as I realised that I wasn't counting correctly.

Today for break quick I had another bowl of cereal and a box of banana. But then for lunch I ate some macaroni cheese. Then next up I ate a slice of chocolate bread, and for dinner I ate a dish of spaghetti hoops on toast.

How I am thinking I was counting was by thinking +1 every time that I reached a seated position, which I know I kind of have toto perform an accurate set of 30 sit-ups. but I only noticed when I got to a number around 10 that not only was I +1 when I reached the midway point through the sit-up cycle I aded  +1 when my back reached the floor also, so I turned it up to 40 to do and I made sure that I was counting correctly, for the next 30.  At least I thought that I did that today but I may have imagined it from my memories of days gone by, so I have done another set of 30 just now.

Scream Queens I have now seen the final 2 episodes of the first season/series, but I guessed the killer correctly but it was too obvious to be her so I was attempting to find some loopholes in the case to vindicate her. But with channel locked away with her 2 accompanists numbers 3 and 5 in the mental home her and 5 are having a ball, but what isn;t making sense is why oh why isn't graces father already called up for the new series as he's got a supposed daughter in the nut house isn't it his obligation to visit her(even if he isn't her real father but an imposter)? 

Monday 1 February 2016

Day 949

Day 949;

So I was thinking that I did my 30 a day this morning but I wasn't certain, so I did 30 at about 11:30 pm just to make sure.

For breakfast the usual Lunch spaghetti hoops on toast, Dinner I have forgotten what it was that I ate, but I know that I ate no pudding to go with it and I had just asked what I had eaten as well.

So this morning I woke up and I ate my breakfast then it's all a blur but I'm thinking that I watched a FA cup match on the TV this afternoon I can't remember who was playing but it was a team in blue vs a team in white and the team in white (Everton) won by 3 goals against the team in blue (Carlisle), so that must have been who the game was between Everton and Carlise, so I can remember who was playing after all.

Then after the match I completed my Splatoon quest to become a Barberian King, so I started the quest, a level 24 Barberian fanboy, at slightly later than 6 pm yesterday but then before 6 pm tonight I managed to grow to a level 26 Barberian King. With a couple of realisations along the way, like I'm not a no longer a Noob, I only realised this as I was playing in a battle and I had just taken out a load of level 2-10 Ninja fanboys/fangirls without getting zapped, until slightly before the internet went down.

But that is about it that I can remember of the past day or so long.