Day 779;
So today I heard the joyios news that 1 Direction is now without their direction, as they have ceased to be a band today, I only found out due to Allergy tell me about the latest BBC lunch time news.
So it obviously was a slow news day.Today the rain continued, pretty much as the forecast predicted. There was something else I wanted to type on this blog entry but I have forgot the specifics of it, I'm thinking that it had something to do with my roller blades,
Who is the earths mightiest hero? As I have just seen The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes season 2 episode 1, and I thought that it's obviously the Hulk' As the Hulk was the only character that stood a chance against the gravity guy. Hulk was using his TM stubbornness and his giant muscles to overcome the gravity of the situation.
With that pun I don't think I sis anything, at least not important. today.
So today I heard the joyios news that 1 Direction is now without their direction, as they have ceased to be a band today, I only found out due to Allergy tell me about the latest BBC lunch time news.
So it obviously was a slow news day.Today the rain continued, pretty much as the forecast predicted. There was something else I wanted to type on this blog entry but I have forgot the specifics of it, I'm thinking that it had something to do with my roller blades,
Who is the earths mightiest hero? As I have just seen The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes season 2 episode 1, and I thought that it's obviously the Hulk' As the Hulk was the only character that stood a chance against the gravity guy. Hulk was using his TM stubbornness and his giant muscles to overcome the gravity of the situation.
With that pun I don't think I sis anything, at least not important. today.
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