Tuesday 11 August 2015

Day 765

Day 765;

Today was the next day,and I have done some exercise on it. Which impacted badly on my weigh in tonight, as I dropped even farther away from my goal.

But today at the athletics thing I had to wear another plaster thing for my chin in case I was going to get some sand in it due to the long jump, which we didn't do today. But one person actually asked me what it was about, I attempted to sign that I got a bit intimate with a Welsh wall but my attempt failed, for two reasons. 1 was because I don't think he could read my signs and 2 was because I got called shortly after him asking me.

But later on this day Mich was being really quite irritating as he kept offering me stuff for pudding which I had already said that I didn't want, then Tini said something to the effect of "I could be as irritating if you would like me to be". But then I thought of the following "Even though that is a tempting offer, I think that I shall have to decline it for the good of my sanity... well what's left of it at least." so I had typed it out within my speaking gadget and I played it to her; which was humorous as when I played it and she started speaking over the ellipses, (brief pause), something about me not having any sanity.

Ok now it's me typing about two Pokemon episodes which are out of order/sequence, they are the episodes called "Holiday Hi-Jynx" and "Snow Way Out Ash" or episodes numbered 65 and 66. I say that these two episodes are out of sequence as they have each got Charmander, Ash's Charmander within and just as the last episode that had Ash calling for his Chamander would have been while, a way off, as he's evolved twice since that day, first into a Charmeleon then into a Charizard. That is all I wanted to type about.

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