Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day 772;

Day 772;

I seriously hate my brain.

As I had a very good deep thought process just now and I have forgotten it just as I thought to myself that I should probably bore my audience, that means you, with it. But I know how I arrived at the point that I was making so therefore I can metaphorically retrace my steps. So here goes.

As I was thinking about the second and third dimensions and about what could possibly be called the first and the fourth dimensions.

Now if your looking for a first dimensional object please allow me to stop you as by it's definition it's invisible, as to see something it must have at least 2 dimensions height and width. as if  it was only hight no width you couldn't see it. so it'd resemble a horizon but your looking at the intersection between the earth and the sky.

But now I move onto the 4th dimension while the previous dimension that I have typed about was to little to view this dimension is too much to view  and it's the only dimension that allows for there to be any gods to us at least like we are the gods of bacteria, where we can destroy it.

But we also need bacteria to stay alive, which resembles our relationship with god,  As we are the bacteria and God is the creature that is on a different plane of existence, this time the non-exsistance plane. As if everybody stopped worshipping god then the idea of a god would fade, until it is forgotten about like the original gods that have been all but forgotten about by now. But the earliest known human civilisations were the Sumerians and the Egyptians and they each had many gods and the remounts of each of their faiths are classed as mythology now a days just as the modern day god's shall be looked upon in the future; if we last that long at least.

if none believed in god then the whole stupidity that goes along with it would cease by the word stupidity I don't mean that all of the stupidity would just up and vanish from the world I mean that people would stop doing religiously enraged stupidity like the twin towers could still be standing or the terrorists that were responsible for it would have a lot  less influence over some people of their religious mind set, and it'd just be down to politics. I have heard people say that politics is the new religion before, but I'd like to amend that statement a little. As in the properly old days they had politics as we have always had some politics ever since there was at least two people on this planet and they have to communicate. Their form of politics may have been very much different to our understanding of politics but it's still politics, Now religion was created as a method of control, a method that should have been stopped a long time ago.

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