Wednesday 5 August 2015

Day 759

Day 759;

So today has been yet another day in Wales for me but before first thing this morning, literally before 1:00, I have forgotten the exact time of me actually receiving Het's message as the Wi-Fi in this place is slightly dodgy, at least it is for me.

I know that she sent the message to me yesterday but I only actually received it this morning, as I was surprised by my computing device as it made a sound of me receiving a message when I thought my internet was down at about quarter past 12 early this morning, and she revealed to me that she had actually looked at my blog as she noticed a mistake that I had been making over the past 10 days from aproxomatly as at the time that I had put the day 749 I had gone back 1 day a day later, so that means that I had put 758 after as before day 749 which puts me 2 days behind where I should have bee so I would have been on day numbered 757 today if Het hadn't alerted me, so I would like to state my most grateful thanks to Het. For not only correcting my mistake but for potentially taking an interest in my sometimes random commentaries of my dull existence.

But today I remember a car journey, and it had a interesting cricket related song on, Howzat I think was the songs name. But today wasn't the best day thus far on holiday, in actual fact it was the second worse day, from my perspective. As we went in the car to a steam powered train station and not only does it did my head get a bit giddy, from all of the automotive transportation of today but I also got stared at by little children. Which irritates me, not because they're children I would probably get as anoyed if anyone was staring at me. 

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