Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 758

Day 758;

 A snake entered a pub, as it entered both Tini and Allergy jumped out of their respective windows, leaving just Mich and I sitting at the bar; but apparently Mich would be there attempting not to scream keeping his cool not showing any fear, and I ŵould probably invite the snake to join me in a pint of milk.

Now within the above little story we first have the two cowards then we have the one brave gentalman and then we have me the insane nut job. As your not brave if you have no fears, not of something like a snake that can kill you, or at least put you in critical condition down the local A & E as the snake that I saw today could have apparently, as it was apparently an Adder snake which had coiled itself up into a quint little coil until we walked past it, I only noticed it due to Mich pointing it out to me and me in my attempt to protect it from Allergy's vision I may have drawn more of Allergy's attention to it, so I'm sorry snake for doing that. Which caused the snake to silver off hissing, which caused Allergy to invent a new size for it as it wasn't that big, at all, it must have been only very young, so therefore only a fraction of the size of a fully grown adult one but the size that Allergy says it was she makes it sound as if it was a fully sized adult, even Mich said just after it had left us that it was a small young snake.

But then later on he admitted to Allergy that he was scared around the snake, but then he started discribing the snakes size with more embellished details.

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