Monday 31 August 2015

Day 785

Day 785;

By now it should no it will have been my today yesterday, 

So today what have you done?

Now today I haven't really done much due to the fact that we have had Emu and CM around today.

Was that an excuse?

I don't know but an excuse for what exactly?

For why you haven't done much today.

Why should I need to white an excuse for that?

I don't know it was just floating around in our mind after you had typed that.

Ok, our mind while I typed it? Shouldn't it be our mind while we typed it? 

Well it could have been that, but you type in the default colour, I type in Red.

RGB colorspace- is a colour model which has Red Green Blur as the three primary colours. 

I found the next part on wikipedia:
Color model: different devices detect or reproduce a given RGB value differently, since the color elements (such as  phosphors or dyes) and their response to the individual R, G, and B levels vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, or even in the same device over time. Thus an RGB value does not define the same color across devices without some kind of color management.

Red Green and Blue, are also the names of the original Pokemon Games, which came from Japan as they originally came out as Red and Green then  released Blue edition/version. But the rest of the world, I'm only thinking, only got the first 2 but out of the Red and Green versions, they decided to rename it Blue

Fire Red and Leaf Green have a female avatar to play as within the old Pokemon games, Red Green and Blue You had your character Red, and you had tour rival Blue, so who could be Green, a female rival?

Sunday 30 August 2015

Day 784

Day 784;

Today was a... ... another day when I watched the football team that I support climb out of the relegation zone at the bottom of their respective league, with another draw.

But how long will they stay out of the drop zone?

I don't really know, but it could be as little as 1 day, as their is only 1 team that's beneath them in the league which has still got a match in hand (a match still to play) over the team that I'm supporting is playing there match within the next few days and there is 3 separate results that count for anything.

1 is a victory, a victory is any result which adds to your goal difference like; 2-1, 6-1, 8-6.
2 is a draw, a draw is any score that doesn't effect the goal difference like; 2-2, 8-8, 6-6.
3 a loss, a loss is any result when your goal difference is subtracted like; 1-2, 1-6, 6-8.

Now I'm thinking you should tell everyone reading this blog entry that you meant the victory score line is only for the first team the same goes for the losses but the draw line score is for both of the teams. As out of the 3 only 1 of the results would be enough to have the team that I support, safe...ish, at least until their next match/ So 2/3 probability for the team that I support dropping back down the table into the relegation Zone, then the opposition team could have the same points as the team that I support and then they could go further ahead on goal difference and they could have an additional 2 points, the  team could win the match.

Saturday 29 August 2015

Day 783

Day 763;

So another day has past me by, and I haven't done much on it, well I know I have done 1 thing which was to complete my watch through of The Avengers; earths Mightiest Heroes, and i have also ate some food tooday but I cannot remember what it was.

 Anyway the "new Avengers" consist of;
Iron Fist.
Luke Cage.
The Thing,
War Machine,

At lest they're the six that replaced the Avengers within an episode called "new Avengers" I's close to the end oto the season

Friday 28 August 2015

Day 782

Day 782;

So if this is how it ends, let it end.

Now it had been listening to poetry recently, some of T. S. Eliot's poetry, I got the inspiration from the most quoted two lines within probably any poem, "This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper".

But today I went for another hair cut and the hair dresser that was cutting my hair kept stroking my hair along the left hand side of my head, which is quite a bit weird. I'm sitting there thinking about other stuff trying to avoid thinking about the hand that is caressing my head. I was wondering why he was caressing and then I had an idea, it could be like how you calm dogs, you rub their fur, as if when I sat down in that chair I got myself in a little bit of a laughing fit, I can't remember why now that I think about it.

Black Widow the triple agent as she was appearing to double cross S.H.I.E.L.D to gain acceptance with  Hydra, so what am I supposed to state if she only did that to gain some intel on Hydra  so it was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent that Pretended to be a Hydra agent, but then she had to pretend to be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent instead. S.H.I.E.L.D -1- Hydra -2- S.H.I..E.L.D -3- so yes I think that Black Widow is a triple agent. 

Thursday 27 August 2015

Day 781

Day 781;

Today I forgot something as I had to remember another thing at the end of the gym session today but now that I have forgotten the other thing that I had to remember for the gym as I was at the Gym hours ago I've remembered it.

The thing that I have remembered was the fact that the exercise bike that I was using first kept making a clicking noise every time that I peddled it, so I changed the piece of equipment that I was using. But then as I was going along on a new exercise bike...

The exercise bike wasn't exactly new it was just different from the one that you were using previously,

Fine then the different exercise bike, happy now?

Not really.

Oh damn you, Red.  Sorry about the interruption I'll proceed with the factual story, now where was I?

You were just switching bike.

Red! Oh that's where I was so I was gone nowhere but I had gone a short distance on a different exercise bike when another person went and sat on the exercise bike and he started peddling which was irritating. I know that I have described myself as a person back there however inadvertently it was, I wasn't attempting to cause an offence. But just incase you want to get a clarification of exactly what I mean by my use of that word.


  1. a human being regarded as an individual: 
    "the porter was the last person to see her prior to her disappearance"
    synonyms: human being · individual · man/woman · human · being · 

    • (in legal or formal contexts) an unspecified individual: 
      "each of the persons using unlawful violence is guilty of riot"
    • an individual characterized by a preference or liking for a specified thing: 
      "she's not a cat person"
      synonyms: person · individual · creature · fellow · man · woman · sort · 

    • a character in a play or story: 
      "his previous roles in the person of a fallible cop"
      synonyms: ego · I · oneself · persona · person · identity · character · 

      antonyms: other
    • an individual's body: 
      "I would have publicity photographs on my person at all times"
      synonyms: body · person · self · backside · butt
    • (especially in legal contexts) used euphemistically to refer to a man's genitals.
  2. a category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms, according to whether they indicate the speaker (first person), the addressee (second person), or a third party (third person).
  3. each of the three modes of being of God, namely the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost, who together constitute the Trinity.

I meant it in context to 1 a human being I know that it may shock, as it did to me, you but I am and I'd like to be regarded as an individual.

But I have also been watching The Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes, the animated series with the awesome theme tune.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Day 780

Day 780;

Now today's morning started off, I have somehow forgotten what I wanted to type here for it, it's just my brain is useless at remembering stuff; I have just remembered what I was about to type earlier.

But I  have remembered some of what it was about and it wasn't something that I was going to type on here originally as I was in a semi conscious state when I started thinking about fears. At first I thought about monsters and ghosts and all of that chain rattling lame (Shouldn't you have used the word humorous instead of lame, I don't know Red why? As you seem to laugh more often than not when people are freaking out at something that they think are scary. Like when? Allergy clowns. Hang on a second they're clowns you are supposed to laugh at them) stuff and then my mind stumbled across a thought that is truly terrifying. I probably would have wet myself if I hadn't already just gone to the loo.

The following happened in a church, I was like a ghost that no-one could see standing just inside the main entrance so I could see the alter straight ahead of me and there was 1 row of pews on either side of me. So I was in the Nave in a central west position, on the bellow map I would have probably been just out of the Narthex.

So it had me, the ghost, at the west entrance and I could see a load of my friends sitting down on the north side when the organ was blaring out with it's awful tune the wedding march as there is a man stood with his back to the audience up with the vicar, but then I see A girly friend of mine walking through me, and down the isle, in a big white dress, to get married so I followed her up the church but when we had reached the crossing the man turned around, the girly friend and I were horrified by the sight as he had my face, but no it was more than that he was me, but how you may ask I don't know but at this time the girly friend of mine screamed and looked at the vicar, who was also me at this moment in time and the whole of the congregation also shared my face. I might only be a barely bearable sight at the best of times; but I am thinking mental scarage FTW,

I know that the story isn't realistic, but the scariest part for me was the point when I first saw me about to marry my girly friend, I was a bit like why? I was also disgusted with myself for making my girly friend scream, who was obviously disgusted with me de to the fact that she screamed, and ran away due to the fact that she didn't agree to marry me as I was dead at this time see my ghost haunting old buildings, that the church. Besides she wasn't even my Girl Friend she was my girl that is a friend/girly friend.

So that does it for a trail of thoughts that I have been on today in a half asleep state, I'm thinking that I had thus day dream, at least well it was something similar to the above story. With all of that happening today I have kind of forgotten everything else I have done today, which sucks. But I just wanted to allow you to know that I hate churches as I have ever since I was younger, and we used to go to church multiple times a year. I'm thinking 1 was to practise for a show that we used to do at a local church and then the second was for the actual performance, but we'd have to do it several times per year like at December time and then at spring time, until I got hit by those cars, which has given me this seemingly constant headache which is the majority of the time a lot weaker than that I got every time that I visited church when I was younger.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 779

Day 779;

So today I heard the joyios news that 1 Direction is now without their direction, as they have ceased to be a band today, I only found out due to Allergy tell me about the latest BBC lunch time news.

So it obviously was a slow news day.Today the rain continued, pretty much as the forecast predicted. There was something else I wanted to type on this blog entry but I have  forgot the specifics of it,  I'm thinking that it had something to do with my roller blades,

Who is the earths mightiest hero? As I have just seen The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes season 2 episode 1, and I thought that it's obviously the Hulk' As the Hulk was the only character that stood a chance against the gravity guy. Hulk was using his TM stubbornness and his giant muscles to overcome the gravity of the situation.

With that pun I don't think I sis anything, at least not important. today. 

Monday 24 August 2015

Day 778

Day 778;

So today it has been another forgettable day, But if today was Sunday, which I think it was, then it was a day of the next GP. 

The GP was today and I know, as you more than likely do, that Vettel got a DNF as he had driven from 8th position on the grid up into 3rd position he was doing immensely well as he was working a one stop race but then his right rear tyre exploded, I think that he was on his penultimate lap 2 more laps yo complete and boom he was out of the race.

But then the Mercedes managed to convert they're 1, 2 from the start t a 1, 2 finish Rosburger got himself bogged down at the start as he was at one time in 5th then he managed to get back up to 4th then I got called away to eat my roast lunch, as we had a guest round today, we had GAK come around and apparently she never stopped complaining while she was here but I think that it must have gone over my head, I like minted pear and a nice piece of lamb.

GAK looks a bit like the word oak, to my pathetic excuses of eyes. Which is one of my reasons why I hate my eyes; they're excuses. They aren't even the correct shape how horrendous. I know what the world needs now, it's not Love sweet Love it's really a zombie apocalypse; just for fun.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Day 777

Day 777;

Today was the day of 21. I know I said that I started working on that the Legend of Zelda: a Link to Memes, a few days/weeks ago...

Well it's kind of stalled, 

What season is it now a day's?

The season that it is. I can't remember but it seems to me to be summer at the moment, due to the fact that it's unbearably hot for the moment..

December, January, February= Winter
March, April, May= Spring
June, July, August= Summer
September, October, November= Autumn

I think at least.

What did you do, today?

I watched the last bits of qualifying for the F1 GP in spar on catch up also known as iPlayer, I was only watching to see how badly Vettel had mucked up as he got qualified in 9th place but he did better than his team mate whose car broke down in practice. So Mercedes get another 1,2 on the grid when it's Williams in 3, and that is all that I can actually remember.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Day 776

Day 776;

Now today... what have I done today?

I don't know what you have done today.

Was I thinking a lot about random suff?

Well yeah dumo, if that's what you want to call it.

Call what, what?

You called what you have been doing today thinking, when I didn't know what to call it, it's like listening to white noise, well it's about as sensible.

Thanks Red...



Didn't you write that message to the Bolton girl this morning?

Oh yeah I did well one morning I did at least I think, but it was only to a girl that I thought could be the Bolton girl partially as her profile picture looked familiar and another part was that she shared some of my hockey friends and there was another one of the people that I saw in her friend list's name I kind of recognised from a long long time ago. So long in fact it was from my first Roller hockey club back when I was 10. But they have all grown out of roller hockey, they're playing Ice Hockey now instead, I enjoyed Ice skating the last time I got a go at it at least I'm thinking that it must have been a good 10 years maybe longer since I last got a go. I'm thinking the last time that I got a go it was the last time I went skiing or there about. Oh what I'd give to play on some more Ice and Snow.

Friday 21 August 2015

Day 775

Day 775;

So today I thought that I probably should have wrote slightly more about the gym yesterday, I have watched some more of the Game of Thrones, season 4 again and I have watched some more of Digimon.

Have I done anything else today? Well the answer to that is yes, like I have ate some food at various intervals throughout the day but I can't exactly remember doing anything else, today, 

But I can remember this one thought that I had while I was watching Game of Thrones, it was about Ramsey Snow/Bolton, Lord Bolton, the warden of the North's, bastard. As I was attempting to work him out as he shows great compassion to his Reek, but then why did he cut his meat and two veg off from down bellow. Why did he have to castrate the iron born prince to muck about with his head? Surely it'd be possible to do without cutting off the mans penis? I mean that's really quite bellow the belt, well it's something like 5 inches bellow the belt line isn't it? I'm sorry but I don't have a ruler to hand.

But that wasn't my only thought to do with the Game of Thrones or tot be more exact the name Bolton, It is as there was another defender from in my Roller Hockey team, which wasn't my team it was more of on the team that I was a member of my I was approximately the 4th of the 5 that I can remember, defender by the time that I had my incident, just as I was daft, of the 3 that were better than me there was 1 girl, Miss J. Bolton, another 1 of the 3 was Mr S. Daubney (I'm sorry if I have spelt that name wrong) and the 3rd 1 I have forgot what his name was. Buy Miss Bolton was an excellent player of the game and she used to get up the other end of the pitch and actually score occasionally, well more often than me at least which wasn't hard to do.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Day 774

Day 774;

I have seen the below YouTube video it is actually about the EU, and how much of a disaster it has been.

if you watch through the above thing when it reaches just after the 55 minute mark, when he starts going on about Tory Defectors, who is the man that is forth from the... L... left as I'm thinking that it was Mr Farage, but I could be wrong.

I think the scale of EU intervention within British affairs is just deplorable, but I thought that we were getting the boot from the EU due to our non conformity to the single currency, as if it wants us to unite us all under one united banner and and it wanted to get rid of exchange rates to all of the other EU nations by making it the EU super state with one currency, good old Margret Thatcher got there in the end. which may have been after her pushing it in the early days but she made up for her error in judgement, such a pity that she had bigger Balls than any of the prime ministers since. For starters John Major whose position on Europe was naive at best, then Tony Blair who was like he couldn't give away powers to Europe quick enough then it as Gordon Brown, mire of the same from him then it came onto the coalition headed by Mr Cameron which brings us up to modern times with Mr Cameron back in power, and I think he likes the EU, probably due to the fact that he has a lot less to do so he can spend his after noons off down the pub, watching  a game of footie, instead of having to run the country as he was supposed to do,

But what have you been doing at other times today?

You know, just going to the gym, and watching the Game of Thrones; season 4 again, just as I was unsure if I had watched it yet and I was hearing about how John Snow died in season 5 and now he's come back to life in season 5 I thinking a least. But I have just re-watched the murder of Jeffrey Lancaster of the house of Baratheon, well I'm thinking that should be how it's put as his mother and father were the two Lannister twins and he was living n the Baratheon's House/Castle.  

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Day 773

Day 773;

So today I saw the above YouTube video.  It is a perfect example of why you should be versed in the memes of a game before you dress up as a character from it.

Even if you're dressing up as the Link character from one of the newer games.

I have viewed a decent enough football match today the team that I was there could, as they most probably should, have won the game, They had plenty of chances in the second half which the DA player missed an absolute sitter as I'm thinking it could be called.

But also before and after the game the commentators were wondering why GM wasn't playing, But when they asked the manager after the game it sounded as if someone had died in his family, well that was the impression that I got from his positively nebulous statement about not being able to speak about GM's issues as they're his issues and they aren't for him to talk about. He would be able to talk about him being sold to another club because that is him that would be actually doing the selling, the same thing if some other club had requested him to play for them, and the club was giving him space so he could make a decision. But I just don't know, now.

Well you have just succeeded in putting probably half of your readers to sleep...

Why only half?

I would have typed all of your readers but one of our readers could be car fans and they may have seen GM, and gotten excited.


Ok, so you think this blog article is going to get 2 views.

I live in hope.

Your a confident feller now, aren't you. 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day 772;

Day 772;

I seriously hate my brain.

As I had a very good deep thought process just now and I have forgotten it just as I thought to myself that I should probably bore my audience, that means you, with it. But I know how I arrived at the point that I was making so therefore I can metaphorically retrace my steps. So here goes.

As I was thinking about the second and third dimensions and about what could possibly be called the first and the fourth dimensions.

Now if your looking for a first dimensional object please allow me to stop you as by it's definition it's invisible, as to see something it must have at least 2 dimensions height and width. as if  it was only hight no width you couldn't see it. so it'd resemble a horizon but your looking at the intersection between the earth and the sky.

But now I move onto the 4th dimension while the previous dimension that I have typed about was to little to view this dimension is too much to view  and it's the only dimension that allows for there to be any gods to us at least like we are the gods of bacteria, where we can destroy it.

But we also need bacteria to stay alive, which resembles our relationship with god,  As we are the bacteria and God is the creature that is on a different plane of existence, this time the non-exsistance plane. As if everybody stopped worshipping god then the idea of a god would fade, until it is forgotten about like the original gods that have been all but forgotten about by now. But the earliest known human civilisations were the Sumerians and the Egyptians and they each had many gods and the remounts of each of their faiths are classed as mythology now a days just as the modern day god's shall be looked upon in the future; if we last that long at least.

if none believed in god then the whole stupidity that goes along with it would cease by the word stupidity I don't mean that all of the stupidity would just up and vanish from the world I mean that people would stop doing religiously enraged stupidity like the twin towers could still be standing or the terrorists that were responsible for it would have a lot  less influence over some people of their religious mind set, and it'd just be down to politics. I have heard people say that politics is the new religion before, but I'd like to amend that statement a little. As in the properly old days they had politics as we have always had some politics ever since there was at least two people on this planet and they have to communicate. Their form of politics may have been very much different to our understanding of politics but it's still politics, Now religion was created as a method of control, a method that should have been stopped a long time ago.

Monday 17 August 2015

Day 771

Day 771;

Basically today I have been thinking about the Legend of Zelda series, I have been thinking about a parody I could make, of it. The Parody is called Legend of Zelda: A link to Memes.

So far I have included probably the most famous meme from Zelda games, the one that goes ‘It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this’. I shall set the scene for you, As Link is sitting at his home when he gets word that something bad is afoot at hyrule castle, so he tells his son to go to Hyrule castle but ‘It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this’ then I have scripted another meme as Link Jr asks Link senior why does he have to be the one to save Zelda isn't she still his responsibility? But then Link says I know but I took an arrow to the knee, which is meme number 2. I have got an idea of what I could do for a second meme not from Zelda games, as you could go to Hyrule castle and Sheik could tell you that Zelda is in another castle, which would be aMario meme, Then as he leaves his home there could be a black screen with white text on it when it says Dawn of the First day-- However many hours remaining, a second Zelda meme then I have a third Zelda meme, which takes place after he has walked into somebodies home and they say to Link Jr "I am Error", 

But now I'm getting ahead of myself.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Day 770

Day 770;

Today I have remembered to type about a YouTube thing that I was watching, and an enemy that became a friend for the 2 out of 5 years that I actually played roller hockey.

As I have just got knowledge that it was for 5, not 4, years that I played roller hockey, as I started playing roller hockey in the year that I became 10, so I could have been either 9 or 10 when I started playing. Now I have realise this as I have got a little award thing that says "PeeWee Player" then it has the year next then finally it says my initial then my name. Which I got as I was a PeeWee player for the team for that year obviously.

Then it was in a future season that I left the team as I joined a different local team a team that was staying in the same game not swapping out to a different non contact version of the sport,  As the other team was in the process of doing while I was leaving.

But the strange thing was that I had played against some of my future team mates but I hadn't actually played against the team that I joined the next year as I could remember some of them from other teams that I had played against like the Titans, which were a team that wore orange. when I was back in the first two years of me playing in green. Then I changed to blue for my 3rd year until my 5th year.

In green the team came 3rd in the league that we were part of and there was a enemy of mine but he was my friend at that time for the length of time that we each played in the same team, afterwards he became my enemy again, I think I can remember him stabbing a hole through my hand with a pen, well it wasn't through my hand as in i could put my other hand through my hand  I was only meaning a little hole through the skin, but I could be as I most probably am wrong about the incident.

 We were both in primary school and there was about two more people, from our school that played
for the same team as Joe and I, as I am thinking that they were called Jake and Lauren, I know that Lauren had a younger brother that played also but I'm thinking that he was too young to be a PeeWee.  But we had to stand up in assembly in our Hockey Kits explaining about the sport and why we all played it.

Well that happened after my first year of playing for them I think then the second year of playing for them I don't think that I collected anything for playing for them as I moved teams and it was my last year as a PeeWee and the new team won the league so we moved onto the nationals and we got the title of the 8th best team in the country.

Finally I can inform any of my readers about the YouTube project that I have been watching it's called Life is Strange. It's not really a YouTube project it's a game that people are playing and they are recording their play throughs and they are putting it up on YouTube I think it's interesting especially the parts about time travel, and the butterfly effect.

I know they never say the butterfly effect in it but it's the same like she saved William in the past which means that Chloe paralysed in the present.

Now lets watch and listen to the Ballad of Luigi...

Saturday 15 August 2015

Day 769

Day 769;

Now today I have been in a reflective mood,

So I have been looking back at my life that I can remember, and it's some properly old memories. As I was trampling back through time I was thinking about the Holiday that I have just been on and how it could be the place that is the closest to the sea that I have ever been on holiday. But then I was thinking that it could but then it might not have been as I can remember this one holiday where we stayed in a like B&B, it might not be what you or the other members of my family call a holiday but I had a great time as I got to compete in the nationals, The nationals that I went to were  for roller hockey/the only sport that I did outside of school properly, as in I was on an actual team that actually took part in competitions.

The above video shows a match but I think that the match is a Pee-Wee match not a Junior match as it says in the description below it on YouTube, which could be unless the chap that put the video on YouTube could have meant that their son is 14 years of age not that he plays in the shirt numbered 14, which would make him a Youth not a Junior, but I'd say that they are moving incredibly slowly for a youth match I meaning I may have only managed to get in games in a Pee-Wee team and a Youth team, but even though I have had a traumatic brain injury before I would get to play in the Juniors properly, but I trained with the Juniors since I was a Pee-Wee so I could get a feeling of the speed that they played at, which assisted me at playing at quicker speeds throughout my limited time of playing roller hockey but I was by no means the quickest Pee-Wee player I was not by a long shot which has me doubting that they're even in the Pee-Wee age bracket so maybe Minnow. I wasn't even one of the most noticeable or memorable players I was just a boring non-standout defensive player who only got something like 3 goals, within my whole mini career which must have lasted only approximately 4 years, I was numbered 81 for my first team then I'm thinking I switched team which got me numbered 25 and then finally I grew out of number 25 and I dropped into my number 24 shirt.

But I might have played as pedestrian as the the young children within the video at one time, maybe when I had just started but by the time that I was finished at my first club I had earned the name Savage, which may have come down a bit at least with my anger issues, as I could just go out there and i could check other people which included some of my friends and foes from school I wasn't the biggest small child back then as well so I had some fun knocking the tallest members (who where usually in an age group above of mine) of my teams down to size.

Friday 14 August 2015

Day 768

Day 768;

Now today has been another day and the Women's ashes has been rained off which may actually save the English Women's Cricket Team, within the Ashes this time as Australia may be 196 Runs ahead of England but it looks as if they're going back in to bat for the 4th day at least for the start of tomorrows day of play.

Which will be if the rain stops so England may not have to bowl or bat again in this test due to the torrential rain that should have passed over head by now, so I don't see why they stop the games because of a little rain. I know that it was a thunder and Lightning storm that passed over me when I was in a hospital in London which should have been getting the storm after Canterbury (where the cricket match was being played) as on the radio it was saying that the storm should be moving from south to north and Canterbury is south of London therefore they should have had the storm before me who was in London.

In London today I was told that the only thing that is left for them to do to me is this thing called Deep Brain Stimulation, but they also that from my MRI of my brain they could tell that my brain has taken on way too much damage to actually make that a viable option. As I think that to get that to work you need an unscrambled brain, which has more connections in it than mine, but I am unsure about those connections, to what exactly?

Thursday 13 August 2015

Day 767

Day 767;

So my yesterday has passed and today I got done more active stuff, at the gym, as I started off as I usually start off in the gym on the cross trainer the piece of equipment called a cross trainer it's not as if I just there and piss off one of  the trainers.

But today at the gym I saw a person that I thought was in the year bellow me from at school and his older brother was in the year above me at school, but I could be wrong anyway he was actually working in the gym, I mean he had a shirt on which said something on the back of the shirt like team leader but he was just sitting down as if he was waiting for someone and he was being moaned to by some of the other people about their clients, saying stuff like "he just doesn't know what he is doing".

When I was sitting there in ear shot of the two of them thinking he could probably still hear every word you said which would be unless he's death deaf, but then if he was deaf why would the man have been explaining the details o. to the man so loudly? Surely that would be counter productive and tiring.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Day 766

Day 766;

Today I thought that I probably should have got a bit of a telling off by my Wii Fit, due to the time of my body test as I was late, when I was having it.

But I didn't get into any trouble at least not in that respect. The Wii Fit contraption was still informing me that I had drifted off of my goal. But also today I went out to watch a football match but sadly, for me at least, the team that I was there supporting lost the game that they were playing. they were the underdogs from the start due to the fact that they are in a lower division of football, and the team that beat them wasn't appearing to field a weakened team but the team that I support was putting up a decent showing for themselves as they managed to limit the damage done to them to 1 goal, which only came after 105 minutes had been played in the second half of extra time. Which was better than how I though the game would turn out for the team that I was supporting, as I thought the full time score would be 3-0 to the opposition when in actual fact it was only 1-0  to the opposition.

For the complete first 45 minutes of the game and a smaller amount of the second 45 the team that I support had they're number 1 goalkeeper playing and he saved the oppositions best shots of the match, as the goal that they scored was pretty much a pathetic shot, if only...

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Day 765

Day 765;

Today was the next day,and I have done some exercise on it. Which impacted badly on my weigh in tonight, as I dropped even farther away from my goal.

But today at the athletics thing I had to wear another plaster thing for my chin in case I was going to get some sand in it due to the long jump, which we didn't do today. But one person actually asked me what it was about, I attempted to sign that I got a bit intimate with a Welsh wall but my attempt failed, for two reasons. 1 was because I don't think he could read my signs and 2 was because I got called shortly after him asking me.

But later on this day Mich was being really quite irritating as he kept offering me stuff for pudding which I had already said that I didn't want, then Tini said something to the effect of "I could be as irritating if you would like me to be". But then I thought of the following "Even though that is a tempting offer, I think that I shall have to decline it for the good of my sanity... well what's left of it at least." so I had typed it out within my speaking gadget and I played it to her; which was humorous as when I played it and she started speaking over the ellipses, (brief pause), something about me not having any sanity.

Ok now it's me typing about two Pokemon episodes which are out of order/sequence, they are the episodes called "Holiday Hi-Jynx" and "Snow Way Out Ash" or episodes numbered 65 and 66. I say that these two episodes are out of sequence as they have each got Charmander, Ash's Charmander within and just as the last episode that had Ash calling for his Chamander would have been while, a way off, as he's evolved twice since that day, first into a Charmeleon then into a Charizard. That is all I wanted to type about.

Monday 10 August 2015

Day 764

Day 764;

Today is was another boring day of my overrated existence if you called it a life. But today I have just completed Pokemon: Soul Silver well I have got up the part which says The End after showing you credits including the executive producer who was Mr Iwata, after getting 16 Gym badges.

But I still haven't caught them all, but I have to say that the old DS seems a lot bigger now after using the 3DS, which seems so much smaller than the old DS, I have just typed the same thing twice quite literally, I'm such a klutz.

But my chin has pretty much already fixed itself which is quicker than the woman said as she started by saying that it'd be alright to not be be plastered after 5 days, then she said 7 days before she finally arrived at an answer of 10 days, which was basically 4 days ago. But the scar hasn't come to anything, well nothing that I can see at least. Which is a bit of a disappointment, if you were to ask me; but then again no one's asking me.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Day 763

Day 763;

So it has been the next day of my existence and I finally returned to my home by the end. Also today the football team that I support kicked off their season it wasn't the best start possible but it also wasn't the worse start to the season.

Now I type the before statement as the team that I support didn't win or loose even though they had plenty of chances to snatch the point away from they're opposition, in the second half towards the end of the game, but that wouldn't have been fair for them to snatch all of the points for themselves as in the first half they should have probably been down by a scone of 5-2 instead of 2-1, but they managed to score 1 more goal than the oppositions in the second half of the game to level it up and take the point.

But I had a day dream at probably slightly past 12 this morning and it included cheerleaders, a phantom, pom pom's and a couple of knives. The last thing that a  cheerleader sees is the ghostly face of the phantom as the cheerleader squeals in agony during the pain of the knives piercing through the skin of a victim. But when the other cheerleaders turn around to take a look at what has happened to they're colleague they can't see the phantom, all they se is the victim of yet another savage assault.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Day 762

Day 762;

This morning I had arisen by 6:15,  then I had to go back to bed until about 7 when breakfast was ready, for me as it was the leftovers from yesterday's dinner; which was a cooked breakfast but it was for dinner/evening meal.

Well it has been an interacting week, except from today as we were confined to the insides of a Train for the majority of today, I attempted to keep my mind busy on other things, which would have been easier if Mich and Allergy didn't keep going on about how I was asleep on the train, when I was actually attempting to block everything out even the movement of the train. As I kept saying in my head how is it possible for anyone to go to sleep under the conditions of a steam train, as its ride isn't the smoothest, as I thought that my head was getting thrown all over the place, plus every now and again the flipping driver toots the trains horn.

Rant over?

Yes I think at, least for now.

Now for the following little bit of text I'm going to type about cricket so if you have any adverse feeling about cricket, say you're Australian and you have adverse feelings due to the score line all out for 60 then I'd advise you to turn away now, but if not then I'll proceed.

Australia what has happened the Australia that I know of from the old days would never have allowed that to happen for any innings but fortunately it's the second innings now and for it you've hit a much more respectable 241 runs for 7 you're still behind England's first innings score but you still have 3 more batsmen for England to get out I'm sure that they could get the 90 or so many more runs needed to get England to bat again, or just see them hold out for 3 more days even if it means by the grace of the English weather; as if you could just hold the fort down for as little as 0 more overs the English rain could help you to draw the game then you could come over for the final game in other series and you could redo a lords on the English.

Friday 7 August 2015


Day 761;

So today has been a day when I went to the top of the highest hill in Briton minus Scotland, or as it is better known as the highest mountain in Wales, which is higher than all of the hills in England.

So I'm guessing that it'd be correct to call it the tallest hill in England and Wales but it in Wales, it's within actual fact got nothing to do with England, apart from it's on the same landmass; which is called Briton. So the trek that I took up the hill I started off by boiling in my rain coat, while we waked along a path at the start of the trek it may have been raining at this point I'm uncertain of the decency of the weather, at that time; but I know that by the time that we reached the summit the clouds were all around us, so we got to see none of the views that it should have had to offer. Which was until we had descended the hill and then the sky's around Snowdon cleared. All in all the trek was pleasant but it was just the final bit which by that time allergy had wound me up pretty well, so I snapped. It was all of the little things she was doing like slowing down so much in front of me that I'd either go into the back of her or I'd go over on the track beside her, so on the majority of the occasions I choose the latter of their the two options and I fell on the path which gave much a reason to have a go at me for not slowing down to a slow enough pace, well it' not my fault if you can't keep up with the gradient that we were going down as a gradient should have a set speed to decend it at if you can't keep up with it you shouldn't set out to slow everyone that can, you could just take the train down the hill instead.

Rant over? Now what else did you do?

Yes, today I was playing a bit more on Pokemon Diamond. I just beat up another gym leader to get my second badge.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Day 760

Day 760;

So today I stacked it over a gate that I was attempting to close which stopped us from walking to a small Welsh town which has the name of a pottery patern I think.

Well it was called Port Meirian or something like that, anyway I didn't make it to port, I got Tini up from Tesco's to collect us and to take us to the minor injury's place, how her face looked when she saw my chin was a picture, meanwhile I was like it's only a little scratch, it's only a flesh woumd, without my two arms missing though: I'm sorry if you don't understand the slight Monty Phyton reference there. But apparently and I have reason to believe that it was worse than it felt as I kind of just fell over the gate that I was attempting to close due to the gate collapsing onto the floor and my chin saved my head by stoping me on my way down on a small pile of slate, of which I think was one of the gates posts but it was very low down. But that gate post also sliced through my skin aparently so I am apparently going to be left with a scar on my chin, apparently.

Allergy thought that I'd have to get some stitches for my chin, as was the nurse that was at the minor induries place, but then she reconsidered and she just stuck a load of plasters on my face, I was looking foreword to someone coming round and attacking my chin with a needle and thread. But alas it wasn't to be.

But for the rest of the day I just had to rest up for Snowdon tomorrow apparently, which I was doing by playing on Pokemon Diamond version. For the rest of the day meanwhile Mich and Allergy was going to Port Meirian shopping. Which isn't my idea of a good time.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Day 759

Day 759;

So today has been yet another day in Wales for me but before first thing this morning, literally before 1:00, I have forgotten the exact time of me actually receiving Het's message as the Wi-Fi in this place is slightly dodgy, at least it is for me.

I know that she sent the message to me yesterday but I only actually received it this morning, as I was surprised by my computing device as it made a sound of me receiving a message when I thought my internet was down at about quarter past 12 early this morning, and she revealed to me that she had actually looked at my blog as she noticed a mistake that I had been making over the past 10 days from aproxomatly as at the time that I had put the day 749 I had gone back 1 day a day later, so that means that I had put 758 after as before day 749 which puts me 2 days behind where I should have bee so I would have been on day numbered 757 today if Het hadn't alerted me, so I would like to state my most grateful thanks to Het. For not only correcting my mistake but for potentially taking an interest in my sometimes random commentaries of my dull existence.

But today I remember a car journey, and it had a interesting cricket related song on, Howzat I think was the songs name. But today wasn't the best day thus far on holiday, in actual fact it was the second worse day, from my perspective. As we went in the car to a steam powered train station and not only does it did my head get a bit giddy, from all of the automotive transportation of today but I also got stared at by little children. Which irritates me, not because they're children I would probably get as anoyed if anyone was staring at me. 

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 758

Day 758;

 A snake entered a pub, as it entered both Tini and Allergy jumped out of their respective windows, leaving just Mich and I sitting at the bar; but apparently Mich would be there attempting not to scream keeping his cool not showing any fear, and I ŵould probably invite the snake to join me in a pint of milk.

Now within the above little story we first have the two cowards then we have the one brave gentalman and then we have me the insane nut job. As your not brave if you have no fears, not of something like a snake that can kill you, or at least put you in critical condition down the local A & E as the snake that I saw today could have apparently, as it was apparently an Adder snake which had coiled itself up into a quint little coil until we walked past it, I only noticed it due to Mich pointing it out to me and me in my attempt to protect it from Allergy's vision I may have drawn more of Allergy's attention to it, so I'm sorry snake for doing that. Which caused the snake to silver off hissing, which caused Allergy to invent a new size for it as it wasn't that big, at all, it must have been only very young, so therefore only a fraction of the size of a fully grown adult one but the size that Allergy says it was she makes it sound as if it was a fully sized adult, even Mich said just after it had left us that it was a small young snake.

But then later on he admitted to Allergy that he was scared around the snake, but then he started discribing the snakes size with more embellished details.

Monday 3 August 2015

Day 757

Day 757;

But today I have another thing to say about this holiday lark, it is that it is my second day on holiday in a foreign country.

But today started with a cooked breakfast, which was delicious. Then after that we, well Mich Allergy and myself went on a walk, we didn't have lunch as none of us was actually hungry, thanks to the cooked breakfast. Then the next meal that are was our dinner, but I can't remember what it was. But the walk that we did after lunch time and before dinner was all of us having a walk.

But then for the rest of the day I'm thinking that I have... Played Pokemon Diamond version and the rest of what I have done today has just faded to black.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Day 756

Day 756;

So today was my first day on my holiday trip. As I predicted it was horrid, for the most part. Due to our journey to the place which had one big diversion added to it, which didn't hełp.

But what did I do when I had arrived

You went for a small walk around the buildings that the apartment is situated in.

Oh yes I did and that was about it for today. And Mich was a bit of a numpty yesterday when he was helping me pack for this holiday, as he packed my running shorts, under the false pretence that they were in fact swimming trunks, as I have already stated this was a fiction created by Mich himself.

Just to wrap this blog entry up today I would like to congratulate the Chelsea women for winning in their women's FA cup final against Nottingham county.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Day 755

Day 755;

So it has been the final day, that I get off from being on holiday,

I hate holidays, not for the KM's we walk every day when we get there, nor is it for the hills  that we walk up. it's for the journey, the journey to these places that are pretty far away, by car, at least. Basically I hate travelling due to the fact that it mucks about with my head. I don't care that it's only to wales this time last time it was to Cornwall or someplace like that, at least I'm thinking it was someplace like the south coast of England, the time before I'm thinking it was someplace like Scotland.

Ok now quit your whining, and just tell them what you did today.

What I did today?,,,


Oh I did watch a few more Pokemon Episodes and I also played a bit more on Pokemon Diamond... But I have forgot everything else about today.