Monday 30 March 2015

Day 632

Day 632;

Yes, I have done it,

You have down what?

I have completed the second day in the three days of gaming sub quest, again, which only left me with the simple target shooting for the third day which I did easily which got mr the next piece of a heart container.

Now for something completely different.

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Junker...

Bow you may think that sounds familiar especially if like me, you like Dad's Army,  when the actual second world war was around/when it was set; my GPF would have been alive and he would probably have been about the same age as Private Pike. But GPF wasn't a stupid boy, he was a teacher, of wood work along with other things. I still have my cabinet which was made by him just behind me as I sit.

But you have no need to worry my family name shall probably die with me.


I was typing about my GP on my fathers side and there is next to no chance of me getting lucky enoubth to pass my surname down to any younger generations.and then there is only me that could basically of my generation as the only siblings I've got are female, which means that if they have offspring then the off sprung would most usually have the partners surname. I don't know why but it generally works that way works that way.

But what he has said in the above could be classified as very rude as everyone should know who Hitler is/was. Geri that allied himself with issue at the start of the war only. but then by the end of the war they were enemies fighting Which parallels what Bunker is doing at the moment.

Back to the previous statement.

As I was stating earlier, I completed the throwing the bombs into baskets but it took me until after the shop was reset to close for the night/10 O'ClockI'm thinking that the town timer went to 10:02 while I was still playing so then I completed it in over time so as soon as I had completed it I was shown the door. but thankfully the final days trial was simple, as all i had to sio was aim and fire at static targets, easy. 

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