Monday 23 March 2015

Day 625

Day 625;

Now today was the 625 day of this measly little existence,  which is as known as mine.

Today I had to do nothing, and I got that wrong, but there was still no sign of my form that I sent off to the GP to get myself classified for completion, but my other sibling Emu today went off skiing today, I don't know where to, it could have been France, Austria or I don't know America. As Emu keeps spending extravagant amounts of money to go on holiday's with some of her other friends as well as her boyfreind/C. But it's not the point about them spending extravagant amount of money that I am taking issue with, as I am not taking an issue with anything they're doing, besides it's their money they can do with it as they wish.

But I just have one point of concern for them which is has C ever skied on snow before? As I know that he could have skied on dry ski slopes before or if you were feeling like splashing out on him more you could have taken him to the Milton Keynes snow dome as I know from only skiing on dry ski slopes before going my first time on the slopes that it was a lot easier to control your skiing if your skiing on actual snow, but then again it's only easier if you have a good depth of snow beneath your ski's something like 2 cm to 1 inch at least beneath your ski's. As from my memory I can remember going over some parts when I was in Austria that had very little amounts of snow beneath the ski's that I was wearing and I mush have stacked it multiple times, you realise by the awquard crouching sounding noise as you ride over a rock or stone with a slight covering of snow.

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