Tuesday 17 March 2015

Day 619

Day 619;

Ok, so I have seen the below vaguely humorous thing on youtube

This morning I thought I had been gotten up by Mich and when I reached approximately half way down the stairs I was awoke by Mich and I found myself back in bed as if I had never been anywhere but their was two dodgy things about this occurrence the first was that my leg had gone numb, second was that I needed the loo, third there wasn't a third besides I only said two.  

But now lets get onto some of the things that I actually did today, like my trip to Athletics  I'm thinking that not only I was slow this week but my arm also wasn't cooperating within the shot put diseplin, I cannot wait until we are going to use the sand pit, for long-jump, as I would like to see if the height that I have gained over these winter months either helps or hinders my long jump attempts, plus I have had some more news on B the paraplegic (I think) skier who apparently knows BM, who wants to see me get on some ski's, but the last time that I went to the place that they're talking about taking me I think that I took out the snowboarders, but I can remember none of this supposed incident.

Finally for today I played a lot of Majora's Mask which was fun I competed the water temple (or great bay temple) but I know that you may be saying that didn't I complete the temple days ago, as to which I would say yes I did but what I did was to collect all of the prices of great fairy together which I did and I now have strength.

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