Friday 6 March 2015

Day 608

Day 608;

Today was the above noted day, and today I have been walking on the streets of London, as well as getting my eyes fixed up. now I have managed to complete the first race with the beaver bros.

First off on the list at least I went into London to get myself injected in my eye lids with some rat poison, As it helps with my eyes opening.

How did Mystique and Sabertooth, two mutants, reproduce a single human, who was the founder of the friend of Humanity as if both of them possess the x gene in their gametes and just one x gene is required to make them a mutant as it is said by one of the X-men from in X'men the films the X-gene is passed on by the father as he said it to Rouges father, when her father used some accusing language  against Rogue's mother but then if that is the case should Kurt (Nightcrawler) actually be a mutant?

The Beaver  Bros, as I got myself down to the last four the timer ran out and the beaver was still  not finished

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