Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 612

Day 612;

So today I had a plumber come to visit, it was to service the boiler, what he did to the boiler was take it apart stick a noisy thing into the pipe above it and plug the thing that he stuck into the pipe into the mains.

But yesterday I can remember loosing my spectacles before attempting to type up what I did yesterday. Which could have confused some of you as I didn't know what I actually was typing, So if that applies to you you have my deepest apologies.

Ok so what I actually did today was some more athletics and today there was another new boy that came, he was fast at running and  he was super at throwing, He was better than me at every discipline, well of the ones we did today at least, Which wasn't long jump, of which my personal trainer has been bragging to my old PE teacher, that I'm getting good at, by saying stuff like "he's getting distances that some able bodied people can't, in long jump" of which I would like to know how is it that he knows how far I can jump has he ever seen me jump? As I wasn't aware of that. it's because his friend Mr RM tells him that but I don't know about the accuracy of his measuring method, as I jump and then he goes off the top of his head like that must be more than 3M, well done" and besides I haven't actually tried out running and jumping into a sand pit in quite a while my form has probably gone right out the window.

So the plumber that came to visit today was actually arrived earlier as the usual plumber looks a bit like Luigi, as he haas a tall slender build, but the plumber that we had today looked quite a bit like Mario with approximately the same height the only difference was the plumber that came today had a lot more of the podge around the outsides.

But in the land which ends in 3 days I started off in the dungeon and unless I'm mistaken I should have already beaten the first mini boss now it's up to the second mini boss or the frog, which I was having a little bit of trouble on, but I've got the Ice Arrows now which is cool.

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