Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 633

Day 633;

So today I got a hair cut.

This is exactly why we don't need Sharia law in Britain, or in actual fact anywhere else in the world.

As well as getting my hair cut I also received a gift for the anniversary of my existence early, it was a coat. But within the pockets were two pictures of something that I'm actually going to so on another day for my anniversary of the day of my existence, which was exciting.

Pity that I was a bit dehydrated due to my going to an athletics thing today and what's worse is my headache was going bananas, due to the fact that I had been driven to and from athletics, which could be the same type of thing as sea sickness that I get when I'm on a boat, which is on the sea/a variant of motion sickness, I know I get it minority every time that I am driven anywhere it gets worse the longer the trip, but it gets worse when I'm suffering a preexisting condition, such as dehydration.

Monday 30 March 2015

Day 632

Day 632;

Yes, I have done it,

You have down what?

I have completed the second day in the three days of gaming sub quest, again, which only left me with the simple target shooting for the third day which I did easily which got mr the next piece of a heart container.

Now for something completely different.

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Junker...

Bow you may think that sounds familiar especially if like me, you like Dad's Army,  when the actual second world war was around/when it was set; my GPF would have been alive and he would probably have been about the same age as Private Pike. But GPF wasn't a stupid boy, he was a teacher, of wood work along with other things. I still have my cabinet which was made by him just behind me as I sit.

But you have no need to worry my family name shall probably die with me.


I was typing about my GP on my fathers side and there is next to no chance of me getting lucky enoubth to pass my surname down to any younger generations.and then there is only me that could basically of my generation as the only siblings I've got are female, which means that if they have offspring then the off sprung would most usually have the partners surname. I don't know why but it generally works that way works that way.

But what he has said in the above could be classified as very rude as everyone should know who Hitler is/was. Geri that allied himself with issue at the start of the war only. but then by the end of the war they were enemies fighting Which parallels what Bunker is doing at the moment.

Back to the previous statement.

As I was stating earlier, I completed the throwing the bombs into baskets but it took me until after the shop was reset to close for the night/10 O'ClockI'm thinking that the town timer went to 10:02 while I was still playing so then I completed it in over time so as soon as I had completed it I was shown the door. but thankfully the final days trial was simple, as all i had to sio was aim and fire at static targets, easy. 

Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 631

Day 631;

Welcome... if you are reading this I'd first like to thank you for taking your time to read these words that I have wrote.

But I know that it's the Grand Prix tomorrow (from my perspective but it should be in approximately 2 hours from when this post becomes live),

But today I continued a bit more on my way through of Majora's Mask, but I keep falling at bomb basket mini game.

As well as playing I have watched the remainder of the 175 episodes of Fairy Tail. iiIt's entertaining, plus they have left the  out all of the data about what actually happened in the remained of the carnival as I saw Natsu own the twin Dragon Slayers, but then I'm still waiting to see what is supposed to happen to Lucy, as she's a celestial spirit.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 630

Day 630;

Today it has been the day numbered 630, and I discovered that it was the French Alps that Emu went to.

Yes the French Alps the ones that the plane crashed into the other day, and today I noted this as it was being talked about on the radio quite almost all day. It was being gone on about all day as they had discovered that it was the co-pilot's fault as he had been given a sick note of which the co-pilot had already ripped up and left it at home for the time period of this plane journey.

But I was going to type about that as we found a photograph on social media which had Emu and 2 of her friends that she went on holiday with to the French alps and Mich was struggling to guess the person in the photo that was Emu, as Emu looked similar to another one of her friends. He guessed it incorrectly and even I guessed it correctly, as 1 the other Emu has got a bit of a hunch and 2 she's quite a bit more pastey.

Today I got a bit more of nothing completed on Majora's Mask, even though I tried to complete the second day of the 3 days of gaming mini quest.

Friday 27 March 2015

Day 629

Day 629;

Ok, so I was watching Fairy Tail and at it's ending it was playing a little tune but the tune was sounding very familiar to me as I was thinking that the tune fitted perfectly with the lyrics 'in the pouring rain" but it wasn't the actual tune and what more it isn't the tune that I have put below this piece of text, but I think it sounds similar.

But it's not as familiar as Walking in Memphis but I'm unsure if it is part of the same tune, but the lyrics "in the pouring rain" is also in Walking in Memphis.

As today I have played some more Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, I have been attempting to complete some more of the notebook quests.and I had been attempting to beat some of the high scores on the ski slalom on my Wii Fit game,

But today I had an epiphany/revelation (in the non religious way) It was that I'm useless so when ever I stop getting stronger (in mind and/or body) what right do I have to sit here wasting this worlds resources? I should just die.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Day 628

Day 628;

Now today I gave myself a fright, as in a shock not as in an actual screaming fit. So if you would like to read in more depth into this slight scare then read on, if not don't forget to close the tab down on your way out (I think it's key board shortcut ctrl+w or cmd+w).

.But today I have also been to the gym, I have doe pathetically on the rowing machine, as I only got 100 M in approximately 5:56, which is a truly pathetic time. Well I know theres two kinds of goals that you can set yourself and they are the incremental targets and the big goal/target. I use both of these targets like I'd like to be able to row 1000M on a rowing machine at level 6 in under 5 minutes now as you could tell from the above statistics I have got a long way to go to meet that target, so at the moment I'm attempting to row 1000M in under 5:30.

As I have many more goals to get done before i Kick the Bucket/die so I am going to expand on some by writing a bucket list, so here goes...

  • I'd like to be able to row 1000M in under 5 minutes.
  • I'd like to get myself qualified to compete in some of the disability sports stuff,
    • who knows what this could lead to?
  • I'd like to produce a season of comic books
    • But I still haven't even completed my plans for issue 1 yet.
  • I 'd like to create at least one video/computer game, one that has some popularity, even if it is just 5 people of them none of them can be either friends or family of mine

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Day 627

Day 627;

Today has been day numbered 627, today I have got an appointment to see the GP not as in actually going to see the GP instead today I got told that my appointment tis on such and such day.

.But firstly today I worked on my redemption, for not playing on Majora's Mask yesterday, So firstly I explored a bit more of Termina, I found the thief's hideout, in the part of the map which is just before the place which only has 2 inhabitants a father and a daughter, but firstly you have to have to find the ghost composers brother to play the song of storms to, then when the music house starts playing to drive the mummies/Gibdo's away which when it does they burst some pretty impressive moves. But then you've got to wait until the little girl has left the house and moved far enough away for you to sneak into the house then go down into the basement to then wake up there mummy so you can play the song of healing which will get you the Gibdo's Mask so then it'd your turn to go up into the well. but then I have to talk to the Gibdo's to find out what they want, then I have to find out what they want and to deliver it ti them.

So I'm going to complete the Anju and Kafei quest first, well attempt to at least.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 626

Day 626;

So today I was thinking about my new way to p;ay video/computer games, I gave it a code name of OI Drive, formally of the name MOI Drive.

What the anagram OI and MOI stand for are Overactive Imagination and My Overactive Imagination, respectively. So the concept works by interfacing directly with your brain so you are actually part of the game I know there could be many problems with it. Like if you wanted to you could potentially program in to some soft ware the compulsion to murder or take drugs,

But what I actually did today was to go to my local athletics club, which was fun. especially the realisation of how weak my arms still are; it's (meaning I'm) honestly pathetic.

But  today I didn't manage to find any time to play on the game that ends in three days. Which is a blow.

Monday 23 March 2015

Day 625

Day 625;

Now today was the 625 day of this measly little existence,  which is as known as mine.

Today I had to do nothing, and I got that wrong, but there was still no sign of my form that I sent off to the GP to get myself classified for completion, but my other sibling Emu today went off skiing today, I don't know where to, it could have been France, Austria or I don't know America. As Emu keeps spending extravagant amounts of money to go on holiday's with some of her other friends as well as her boyfreind/C. But it's not the point about them spending extravagant amount of money that I am taking issue with, as I am not taking an issue with anything they're doing, besides it's their money they can do with it as they wish.

But I just have one point of concern for them which is has C ever skied on snow before? As I know that he could have skied on dry ski slopes before or if you were feeling like splashing out on him more you could have taken him to the Milton Keynes snow dome as I know from only skiing on dry ski slopes before going my first time on the slopes that it was a lot easier to control your skiing if your skiing on actual snow, but then again it's only easier if you have a good depth of snow beneath your ski's something like 2 cm to 1 inch at least beneath your ski's. As from my memory I can remember going over some parts when I was in Austria that had very little amounts of snow beneath the ski's that I was wearing and I mush have stacked it multiple times, you realise by the awquard crouching sounding noise as you ride over a rock or stone with a slight covering of snow.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Day 624

Day 624;

Now today has been unusual, as I can actually remember writing about yesterday/day 623.

Which is unusual as I can't remember doing that before.

As I can remember thinking about typeing today that I failed again to beat the Gormon brothers on the game Majora's Mask, but I have just  managed to beat them in a race it only took me 28 attempts today to beat them never mind that it might have already taken me 50 attempts a day early to no avail, and doesn't it suck when you get up the last three fences to jump and you get the first two and you've ran out of carrots before you get to the third. So there I was with the Gorman's behind me I jumped the first two fences I pressed A to bost speed but nothing happened, to my speed, something did happen to me I crashed into the fence. But then it was on what I could call my miracle runI dud it: finally. The Garo's mask is now mine, it's all mine, mu ha ha.*/maniacal laughter*

Ok so you've finally eat the brothers, what else have you actually done, today?

Ok, not much in all honesty, because I have spent the whole afternoon watching the six nations Rugby, and it was won by a nation that I have some ancestral links to. No not an African nation. I mean Ireland. But England came second due to the fact the try that was passed forward against Scotland from last week ends game. But then if we had them playing those points again we would probably have to have Jhonney Sexton kicking those 3 penalty shots again and him getting all three of them over the posts instead of just the one that he did get over today. In they're 40-10 away victory at Scotland, as Itally were hammered by Wales 61-20, but then England made a score of 55,  but it was to the frogs 35, leaving England 6 short of Irelands point total.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Day 623

Day 623;

So it has been the day number 623 or just have it as 6 divided by 2 equals 3, now I'm sorry for that little outbreak of randomness, I'm unsure how successful I have been on the previous 622 days, as I have forgot about all the days previous to today.

I know that I could just quickly take a look at any of my previous days to see what I have done prior but no, I don't feel like checking out some of my previous days at the moment. But I can remember some of what I did yesterday as I know I whatched some Fairy Tail, as I continued within my watch of it today, and I know that I failed at the Gormon Brothers racetrack on Majora's Mask again yesterday, only as I'm still having to attempt at beating them today, which I still fail at, every time I play it.

But what else happened today? I don't know.

Friday 20 March 2015

Day 622

Day 622;

Now today I decided to listen to a song that has special meaning to me. It's called Walk and it's by the Foo Fighters.

Well it may have only been recorded in 2010 but I know that I may have learnt to walk again by then but I am still to learn how to talk again.

For the rest of today I have just watched Fairy Tail, and I have inquired about a GP's form, but it was to no avail, maybe better luck tomorrow?

Finally today I have still failed in my quest for the Mask of the Majora today, I'm still attempting to get past the Gorman brothers.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Day 621

Day 621;

My IQ I have tested my IQ today and I'm thinking that it's too high for me, especially as I was doing this IQ test first and I only got 66 IQ points for answering it but it's a stupid test, they both are stupid tests, especially the one telling me that I have above average intelligence.

IQ Test

60-80 IQ: low intelligence
81-110 IQ: average intelligence
111-130 IQ: above average
131-150 IQ: gifted
151-200 IQ: genius

But I just wanted to tell you people that I got just under the borderline on gifted twice, I got 130 twice in a row on doing that test so I attempted it a third time. and on the third attempt I got 139/look below.

IQ Test

You could say that I cheated at the test, and you may be correct with that assumption. But my memory isn't too great + how am I supposed to know which ones I got incorrect and wouldn't I just think that I got some correct which I did in every conceivable other reality got wrong.

But the Ben that I am excited about going to see about my potential participation on some disability winter sports I think is called Sneesby, Ben Sneesby. But this is only speculation as I know he's younger than me and he has already participated at a Winter Olympics and I think I saw him on the box getting his 11th place finish I wonder if I could ever get into team GB Paralyimpics team? As I'm an English which is a subsection of Britain which in turn is a section of Great Britain which in turn is what GB means. But I'm unsure if I somehow get selected to become part of team GB would I have to rake this blog down, as I know that I have covered some pretty controversial subjects like Islam, and I've been thinking how would the team like to be affiliated with some of the stuff that could be misinterpreted as Bigoted  when it is factually correct, not bigoted.

But how did I do on majora's Mask today? not very well I failed in exactly the same position today as yesterday/on horseback,

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Day 620 p2

Day 620 p2;

So what did I do yesterday?

You failed at beating the Gorman brothers on Majora's Mask.

Yes but you know it isn't easy, neither is it as easy as on Ocarina of Time as you only have 51.something to complete the course in, which is on a bigger than the course on Ocarina of Time.

Now I know I did that yesterday but the real surprise from yesterday was the football and the team that I support won 2-0 it was  an unlikely result especially if you take the first half of the game into consideration where the team that I support could as probably should have gone at least 4 goals behind but it was thanks to the faultless display by the teams goal keeper that denied all of their attempts, then for the second half of the game it was more even until the team that I support got a penalty, but this time it was allowed to be a penalty and the goal keeper went the wrong way, which put the team that I support a goal ahead, which changed the shape of the opposition team as they commit more men forward to get back into the game but then there was just one break up the pitch when the opposition team had basically camped the team that I support end to get a goal back when the break happened and the score was 2-0 which makes it the 3 home victory that we have viewed this season and the last two were against the team at the top and the team at the bottom everyone else they lose against, at home at least , at least since the victory against the top side; I know it's unlikely but if the team that I support can just string together some good, winning, form now until the end of the season they should just manage to stay up in the league that they are in at the moment.

Day 620

Day 620;

So today something remarkable happened and I got some exercise, when I went out to get the form, that I think I mentioned yesterday, filled in by a GP.

Then later on today I went to watch a football match and before it started I signed that score would be 0-2 to the other team I was incorrect, but not by much, the score was 2-0 to the team that I support, But they are still in the bottom two of the league.As today thee team that I support beat their opposition team it may have ben as the team

But I am too tiered to continue with this message so I shall come back on and I shall complete it on *Day 621*. 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Day 619

Day 619;

Ok, so I have seen the below vaguely humorous thing on youtube

This morning I thought I had been gotten up by Mich and when I reached approximately half way down the stairs I was awoke by Mich and I found myself back in bed as if I had never been anywhere but their was two dodgy things about this occurrence the first was that my leg had gone numb, second was that I needed the loo, third there wasn't a third besides I only said two.  

But now lets get onto some of the things that I actually did today, like my trip to Athletics  I'm thinking that not only I was slow this week but my arm also wasn't cooperating within the shot put diseplin, I cannot wait until we are going to use the sand pit, for long-jump, as I would like to see if the height that I have gained over these winter months either helps or hinders my long jump attempts, plus I have had some more news on B the paraplegic (I think) skier who apparently knows BM, who wants to see me get on some ski's, but the last time that I went to the place that they're talking about taking me I think that I took out the snowboarders, but I can remember none of this supposed incident.

Finally for today I played a lot of Majora's Mask which was fun I competed the water temple (or great bay temple) but I know that you may be saying that didn't I complete the temple days ago, as to which I would say yes I did but what I did was to collect all of the prices of great fairy together which I did and I now have strength.

Monday 16 March 2015

Day 618

Day 618;

So today has been today...  the football team that I supply haven't managed to loose again today, which was probably as they didn't play a game today but I would hate for any technicalities to be brought in to it.

So today the new F1 season started, the race started but only eleven drivers managed to complete the course and it was Lewis's old team mate that finished in 11th just out side of the points,  now the race was won by Lewis but the race was a bit dull by all accounts.

But today in the world of Termina I attempted to beat the Goron's in one race. which I'did, which lead me to get the golden powder. Then I went to the blacksmiths I got the half finished sword basically then he said that I needed to talk to the other man and then say yes then select the bottled go gold then I had to wait for the next morning and then I I got the awesome sword.

Oh darn it ...

Sunday 15 March 2015

Day 617 p2

Day 617 p2;

Now I am going to wade in on Jeremy Clarkson's news story.

I think that Jeremy Clarkson shouldn't have hit the man no matter how incompetent he seemed. as not going to stay at a hotel which sells hot meals isn't the end of the world. I know that it sometimes is hard to vent your frustrations in a more positive manner, especially if it's about food when your hungry. But as I know that he said that his producer was a lazy Irish C@*€ which I know could be called racist but is it racist if it's true? Even I know not to call people by their nationality apart from if it's a thing that was started up by them, like if knew someone that was turkish and they has a name but they would just allow me to call them the turkish one, or if you are of that nationality. But I have got another little piece of the problem, he's friends with David Cameron, it's a problem as Nigella Lawson was also big friends with Dave before going down as a druggie.

Now as I thought about yesterday but I never got around to writing it down was that in Termina I managed to discover where all of the great fairy pieces are in Snowhead temple but I didn't have enough time t get them all on that one as I had only found 14 at that time so I had to play the song of time in oeder to restart time before I could get it, but by the time that I had located it was already the early hours of this morning 3 o'clock am our time so I decided that I had to get some sleep partially due to Tini's complaints and partially due to my eyes.

So the sporting news The football team that I support lost, again, but it was unusual as they scored first in the game which gave us something to cheer about, but then before the first half was out they were loosing 1-2, but then the second half started the team that I support got a second goal to make the game a tie, but then as their team had the ball loose in the team that I supports half and he was charging towards the goal so then the keeper had to commit to the player and he got his hands to the ball to clear it and the opposition player tripped over the goalies hands so it was penalty to the opposition and they scored it to make the final score 2-3 . But In half time Mich won the second prise in the 50 50 draw he got the game ball signed by all of the team that I supports players, so Mich only buy's tickets when he see's a ticket seller which isn't always, but his friend buys them religiously every game that he goes to and he as never won a prize, it just proves that there is no justice in this world after all,

But also in Rugby the six nations, no team can win the grand slam this year as Ireland lost against Wales so now there is three team's in the six nations that look like they can win within first with 4 more points than second place is England in second is Ireland with vastly superior point difference on Wales

Day 617

Day 617;

I know I'm probably quite a bite late on starting my Jeremy Clarkson topic. But I thought that I should wade on in.

And what it seems to be like to me is there was one producer of whom I believe was Irish and gee said that he was a lazy Irish females privates.

But today in the Rugby it was exciting today, as was it in the football that I saw today, but the results were mixed.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Day 616

Day 616;

Now today was the day of rednose day, my rednose has got spectacles and a bit of hair drawn on the sides of it's head.

One of my favourite parts was the James Bond scetch, I especially liked the sketch with the Hawking transformer that was epic, good bye mis penguin and mr David,

But I'm guessing that I'm going to have to stop with my doing of this blog entry, as I have just dozed off, so how could I expect anything for today? But in the world that ends in three days today I got the adult wallet and I acquired a load of heart pieces. So now I just need to go to the curiosity shop on the final day to purchase the all night mask. Then I can stay away even through some of the old woman from inside of the stock pot inn.

Friday 13 March 2015

Day 615

Day 615;

Today was another day no more special than any other day, except I got some more masks on Majora's Mask, which we're the mask that allows me to get all of the skeleton people to leave me alone and just talk to me, if I want them to, instead of attacking me and the mask of truth.

So today I started off by discovering that it was my insinuations of a sexual act that Allergy didn't like about my blogpost 22 days ago not the thing about me calling her a prude anyway I think she should grow up, she's no longer 18 months nor is she 18 years old she's  older than that, at least I think she is as I do get confused with ages of people; and I'm thinking that she was eighteen just over a year ago, at the very least, but she's a woman so I shouldn't be discussing her age on this blog.

As I am almost an athlete with disabilities/para-athlete I think, as I am just having to run of this
 form get it filled out by a doctor and sent back to them then I will be having to wait until I get classified, which sounds like something out of a sci-fi film as if I'm an alien species still to be classified.

But within the world that ends in 3 days everything seems to be going well for me as I started earlier I got myself two new masks but what I didn't tell you earlier was that I completed quite a few more of the bombers notebook activities. 

Thursday 12 March 2015

Day 614

Day 614;

Today I have been to the Gym, it was fun and tiring; but if I closed my eyes forever, will it all remain unchanged?

Smooth? I don't know. But I like that song and I was thinking tiring, what happens when someone's ting they're eyes tend to close more and I had noticed that immense song from the internet as I was searching fantasy, randomly.

But no song is safe from criticism and I shall prove it here as it says in the lyrics, "If I could have just one wish" but then they say "I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes" What is your wish? Lita Ford did you mean you'd of wished to redo the incident with new opened eyes?

But anyway with what I said yesterday I wanted to congratulate Allergy as she has found somebody...

Plus have you seen sof of the creatures made out of Durax?

But finally I have beat the fish, you know the boss of the water temple, the third temple, so what I am going to do to this game is going to be complete it up to the final showdown, then I am going to complete Skyward sword to Ocarina of Time before completing the game outright so I can hopefully complete them all in the correct order due to the timeline

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Day 613

Day 613;

Now I had something stored up in my head to write here but by now I have forgotten what I had planned to write here so here's a funny little YouTube video.

But now I want to inform all of the readers of this blog that Allergy one of my prudes of a siblings has now got a boyfriend. Who she has been out to the early hours of the morning with I wonder what she has been doing with him? actually no I do not wonder what she has been doing with him I think I know and it'll probably have something to do with Durex. Which shall be if they protect themselves.

But you know I stated that Allergy is a prude, which is true despite the my speculation on the nighttime activities tat she gets up to, as she is one of those freaks that thinks that nudists/naturists are weird disgusting people, but I think she's wrong as I have grown out of that mind set just as Allergy has grown into it.

Doesn't the below person look a bit similar to Skye from Marvels Agents of Shield? No, just me, I thought as much.

But what I did in the world that is set to end in 3 days I cannot remember as I am stupid. But I should really as I have just played on it some more, i basically completed the temple apart from the boss fight, but then I ran out of time, so it's time for the song of time again so I have to start the temple again. 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 612

Day 612;

So today I had a plumber come to visit, it was to service the boiler, what he did to the boiler was take it apart stick a noisy thing into the pipe above it and plug the thing that he stuck into the pipe into the mains.

But yesterday I can remember loosing my spectacles before attempting to type up what I did yesterday. Which could have confused some of you as I didn't know what I actually was typing, So if that applies to you you have my deepest apologies.

Ok so what I actually did today was some more athletics and today there was another new boy that came, he was fast at running and  he was super at throwing, He was better than me at every discipline, well of the ones we did today at least, Which wasn't long jump, of which my personal trainer has been bragging to my old PE teacher, that I'm getting good at, by saying stuff like "he's getting distances that some able bodied people can't, in long jump" of which I would like to know how is it that he knows how far I can jump has he ever seen me jump? As I wasn't aware of that. it's because his friend Mr RM tells him that but I don't know about the accuracy of his measuring method, as I jump and then he goes off the top of his head like that must be more than 3M, well done" and besides I haven't actually tried out running and jumping into a sand pit in quite a while my form has probably gone right out the window.

So the plumber that came to visit today was actually arrived earlier as the usual plumber looks a bit like Luigi, as he haas a tall slender build, but the plumber that we had today looked quite a bit like Mario with approximately the same height the only difference was the plumber that came today had a lot more of the podge around the outsides.

But in the land which ends in 3 days I started off in the dungeon and unless I'm mistaken I should have already beaten the first mini boss now it's up to the second mini boss or the frog, which I was having a little bit of trouble on, but I've got the Ice Arrows now which is cool.

Monday 9 March 2015

Day 611

Day 611;

Now today I am going to start by apologising, for all the ]mistypes and errors in text from here  for this post at least, as i have lost my spectacles so everytime i look up from the keyboard all I can see  is black fuzz with a minuscule bit of red benethsome parts of the text.

But what I wanted to state today was about my triumph in getting the bottle from thode two infuriating beavers s. then as soon as i finally  managed ro get the bottle iI'm not sure if this happened immediately after or weither i restarted time inbettween but I gathered the 4 eggs from the pirates fortresss and then i re gathered the3 eggs from the snake pit, to get me the new bossa nova tune, so I can optn the temple and it will be a fine day tommorrow for some more adventuring.

But I had an epic fail on my watching of ST DS9 today as I accidentally pressed spaniah on the opening spash screen so now they're all taking in spanish every time that I'm attemptin to watch the next disc.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 610

Day 610;

Now today from what I can remember was quite similar to yesterday from what I can remember.

Now I watched more Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and today I saw Warf loose his brother and Quark lost his brother also, but by quark I meant the Ferregi, Quaek the great con-man lost his nephew to the federation a while back but now he's lost his brother to the federation.

I also played a bit more on Majora's Mask but I managed to beat the first of the beaver Bros with literally no resistance and then after a few attempts at the second stage, I managed to get the complete 25 but then my time ran to before I could get into the beavers home within the time limit, now as soon as I did that I wanted to put it correct right away but i started it off again, by clicking A on the option that said sure, so I started and my 3DS battery went flat, which sucks.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Day 609

Day 609;

So today has been the six hundredth and ninth day, within this... thing.

But today I have done... what have I done... Red... Yellow... Blue... Green... any of you?



Haven't you watched some Star Trek Deep Space 9?

You have also played some Majora's Mask,

 Thank you two, Blue and Green, of actually answering my question.

Friday 6 March 2015

Day 608

Day 608;

Today was the above noted day, and today I have been walking on the streets of London, as well as getting my eyes fixed up. now I have managed to complete the first race with the beaver bros.

First off on the list at least I went into London to get myself injected in my eye lids with some rat poison, As it helps with my eyes opening.

How did Mystique and Sabertooth, two mutants, reproduce a single human, who was the founder of the friend of Humanity as if both of them possess the x gene in their gametes and just one x gene is required to make them a mutant as it is said by one of the X-men from in X'men the films the X-gene is passed on by the father as he said it to Rouges father, when her father used some accusing language  against Rogue's mother but then if that is the case should Kurt (Nightcrawler) actually be a mutant?

The Beaver  Bros, as I got myself down to the last four the timer ran out and the beaver was still  not finished

Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 607

Day607 ;

So all of a sudden it has been the next day, and today I have been to the Gym as well as my quest in Termina (but from my probably misinformed level of Spanish literacy means 'she ends' but I am incorrect in that guess, as it means 'ends') of which I have failed at today and I cannot believe my eyes.

So first things first, at least from the order that I have specified, as I have been to the gym it was fun, especially as I have been told and encouraged to get myself "classified" so I can start competing in some actual competitions for disabled people, which I think includes me; I only state which I think includes me as I am disabled but it's the people bit that I am unwary of. I'm more of a crippled freak, Or a disadvantaged mute-ant but switch the word ant for homo-sapien, if you would feel especially generous: with your descriptions  of me.

So my adventure in Ends, went like this today, went as follows, hopelessly but I put it down to my eyes being in a poor state. Which comes back to my eyes, as the best I could get on the swim through the targets to get the beavers Jar was 18 I couldn't get the final 2, so I lost sight once when I was attempting to complete it, but I should know that is a pathetic excuse.Of which probably will be getting fixed tomorrow, yes I should be getting some more Rat poison injected into me tomorrow.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Day 606

Day 606;

Now the above number is what number of day that it has been, Within this day that had a considerable section of it devoted to disappointment, how can it be that the football team that I support managed to beat the best team in the league that they're in, 3-2, and then they lost to a team that is competing with them to avoid relegation?

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark,
I have constant fear that something's,
always near,

Lyrics are from the song Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden of which I heard today when I switched the digital radio channel over to Planet Rock,

I like that song it almost makes me want to take up the electric guitar and it makes me want to sing/shout but if you have read my blog before you should know that I am a mute, as in I can not speak.

Now so my life in Termina today has got more interesting now that I have located the hookshot< even if it should more probablly be called the longshot as I'm sure that Link upgraded his hookshot for a tongshot within Ocarina of Time.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day 605

Day 605;

Now today was the six hundredth and fifth day within this long boring existence that I call my life, but there was two interesting things that I did today.

The first of the two was my go on Majora's Mask I haven't got the hookshot yet but I am invading the pirates base in hope of finding it there, I think that I might, But from here on in the game I have absolutely no recollection of where to go to/from until the final battle of which I am unsure of how I should execute it, but it should execute it but I am guessing that I'm going to have to reset time and defeat all of the bosses of the temples in the three day time limit and then I have to go to the top of clock tower play the tune that you get given by the giant of wood fall temple, I think it's the oath to order but I am unsure, then the giants come out stopping the moon from crashing into Termina then I have to defeat the Majora's Mask, and then game over game complete, another epic adventure complete. But I won't be able to do that until I complete Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Four Swords(?) and Ocarina of Time,

My second part of intrigue today happened when I was at the all abilities athletics club, the term all abilities literally means cripples (like me) and other people with additional needs. Today I fell over multiple times when I was attempting some Yoga Positions that I had done on my Wii multiple times in the past. I only stacked it on the attempts due to my right led being to close to my left hand, as I did with my right hand which was too close to my left leg in the same pose earlier on so I adjusted my legs positioning to my arm and there I go, so why didn't I think of that again? I am so stupid.

Monday 2 March 2015

Day 604

Day 604;

So it has been the first day of a month which was named after the Roman god of war, Mars.

Today I got the sirloin rock on Majora's Mask and Don Gero's Mask (see below) now I found the actual execution of the lighting the flames very tricksy as I had even tried using the flame arrows to complete this task in previous attempts which were to no avail but I am still looking for the hookshot, I wonder if I can find it in the bottom of the lake, after defeating Goht? But no it wasn't there.

But I have just invaded the pirates base and I have taken a photo of a pirate, of which I traded for a seahorse, so I've used the seahorse to get to the sea snakes nest and I almost half way through picking up the Zora eggs.

But I have watched the country that I live in team loose in the six nations Rugby to a team that today was better, so at least I can say that the better team won the match.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Day 603

Day 603;

So it has been the end of a month today. And the Calendar on my wall has just been changed form the radiant Miss Oswald to the stunning Madame Vastra.

But what have you done today on this day not in the early hours of tomorrow?

Ok sorry, Yellow, now I'm guessing that I probably should rewind a bit.

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So today I can't really remember what I have done, except from write a bit more on Jack Daw's origins.

Who is Jack Daw?

Well Jack is one of the main characters from within the comic universe that is inside of my overactive imagination, he is a humanoid life-form which is currently on the planet which is numbered 420, out of the 999 planets with so called intelligent life on.

Why have you got so many planets your mind ca;t even handle the world that your lining in at the moment let alone the 999 other ones that you've created,

I haven't created all of them at least 0-not yet