Sunday 1 December 2013

Day 148

Day 148;

Today was day number 148, if I told you that it was cold outside would you leave me? You probably would if you knew me.

you may even depart into the path of on coming traffic if you actually knew me just to get away from me as I’m boring, in my personal opinion the majority of time.

I’m just like the following song as the following song is just repetitive and boring.

Rose Tyler; why is she still alive?

Because Pete from parallel earth saved her from going into the void,

But how did he know the exact moment and second that she’d be free-falling towards the void?

I don’t really know, how?

Neither do I, luck? But I’m unsure of the rationality of Pete Tyler for leaving his world for the split second that he did unless a future Doctor travels through the void with the help of his newly resurrected kinsman,

Which should in turn mean that if his fellow TimeLord’s are resurrected the first dimension swap incident shouldn’t have happened,

So as I was about to state earlier a future incarnation of the Doctor could go to Pete’s earth and tell Pete Tyler the exact spot to position himself in and the exact time for min to push the button.   

As he must have else wise RT equals void bait but that was it for her second death. For her first death  she got Mr number nine/new ten to fall on her sword for her, which I do not understand how that’s possible as they both has as much exposure to the time vortex in the heart of the TARDIS but RT actually gazed into it and the Doctor actually took the time vortex out of her head and them he returned it to the TARDIS so RT should have died id either of the two not the then number 9 Doctor.

Finally I’ve got onto the topic of Mr unlucky, yep that’s him number thirteen. I was wondering where I had seen him before in Doctor Who, when it slapped me around the face, metaphorically, today as I watched Pompeii today and it was him and his family that the Doctor and Miss Noble saved from the Pompeii catastrophe.

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