Friday 6 December 2013

Day 153

Day 153;

Today, or yesterday depends on when you’re reading this, I broke a window.

Ok, Savage, you’ve got to start getting your terminology correct/

but which way around should I put my days? Today or yesterday?

Today as your typing about the day that you have labelled the day that you are going to be referring to at the start of the article like this one says that’s about the day 153, so therefore even though it is going to be released to the public on day 154, at approximately 6 am Greenwich mean time which is 1 hour earlier than previously stated.

I’m sorry Mr pedantic!

Did you really break a window?

Well it was that or a wall, I am unsure of its definition.

But what did you actually do?

Well I was firstly... Sorry, well firstly what happened was I noticed that the bin with the green lid had fallen over onto the road, the bin with the green lid is the bin for waste that can be recycled or the plastic, cardboard, the bin for the objects with the below insignia on:

so I was retrieving it into my homes back garden and I was dragging it to it’s spot in the lowest portion of the garden but then I forgot to stop when I had reached the lowest level of the garden and I accidentally crashed into a pane of glass which then proceeded to smash I heard the noise that made me notice I had crashed into it the feel of the glass I didn’t really notice, it just kind of disintegrated on my impact with it. Next I continued to put the bin in the correct place for it to go. Then I went back inside of my home, I had already got all of my lunch stuff out and ready for my lunch but I didn’t see my iPad which was on the end of the table so I went up to my room to look for it, so I could warm Tina of the broken glass of outside. Unfortunately it took me all of that time in which I was travelling to my room plus the time that I spent looking around my room to remember that I had prior to the events and that my iPad was already in the lunch room, so then I traversed to the lunch room where I sat down and started eating my lunch. Now when I lifted my arm while I was typing my message to Tina out, and I realised that a pool>/strike> shallow puddle of blood was on my placemat.

First I tasted a sample of my blood, the initial kick to it has quite a strong, I would say a bitter, flavour to it but the after taste is pleasant and sweet, which compensates for the earlier bitterness of taste, in my opinion. Then I cleaned the placemat that I was using and I was using cloths to clean up my arm.

But then Alice returned so I showed her my message to Tina and she decided to use me as a dummy, her first aid dummy. As she wants to be a nurse, like Rory Williams/Pond from Doctor Who but now while I’m on this tangent the new 13th Doctor/ Peter Capaldi has already been in two separate episodes of Doctor Who and he has hardly even started his role. The two episodes he has been in so far have both stared Mr Tennant, his first was in Pompeii and the second was the fiftieth anniversary special.

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