Monday 9 December 2013

Day 156

Day 156;

Today I have been reminded that I walked into a lamppost yesterday the lamppost that is directly outside of my home. 

When I was on my way to see Dick Whittington which got me thinking who actually was Dick Whittington, so I researched itand the section below are the results.

Who actually was Dick Whittington?

Well the actual man was called Richard Whittington, who was a medieval merchant and a politician. Within his life He was four times Lord Mayor of London, a Member of Parliament and a sheriff of London.

According to myths he was very generous also, as apparently in his life time he financed a lot of public projects, such as drainage systems in poor areas of London and a hospital ward for unmarried mothers, so I think Boris should take note as I know he has got those bikes for London, but what else, well he’s put his name to them anyway.

Plus he apparently left his fortune to the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington. Which I am concerned as to there was no mention of him getting given a knighthood in neither the story or in reality, despite him apparently knowing, personally, three of the five kings that where alive during the course of his life . So Queen Liz II your Christmas honours are coming up soon you should make him a knight this year just to make sure his charities name isn’t fallacious or you could release the documents that state that he has been knighted; which are if you have them.

He was from the West Country not the country to the West of England to put it another way he was born in Gloucestershire, at Pauntley in the Forest of Dean not Wales so he could be related to me if he had some brothers or sisters that stayed in the forest of Dean and then if one of their descendants had some children who turned into to be Hancock family. Genealogy it’s a funny thing you could find out that you were related to me originally how weird would that be you could have been my Great times 10 grand mothers sisters daughter’s son 8 who had another son who had three children of which girl and she had one son and he had a daughter 4 who had a son and he was your great grant father  then the off spring that he had could be either your grandma or grandpa, then they find their mate and  then you get one of your parents and then it comes down to you. But It’d be even weirder if you believed in a literally true Bible as you’d be literally be sleeping with someone who has as screwed up genes as yourself thanks to all of the insets in the past.

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