Wednesday 18 December 2013

Day 165

Day 165;

It’s that time again.

What time, 6am?

Wrong on both counts, but by the time that this post goes live it should be, 6am that is, but it’s not the seconds that I am writing this post.

But what time?!

It’s that rime that I tell all of you avid, or otherwise, readers of my blog (The more hard-core and the Casual members of my audience*) about some thoughts that I have been having over the past so many days/years and the idea is a simple concept and I have called it the AC idea, now before I go into it in more detail I think Red has something to add to a previous comment.

*what he is meaning here is all of you people that are making a habit of visiting and residing my blogposts, you’re the Hard-core readers of this blog, but what he means by casual readers is that it is your first time on this blog, or you visit in frequently.

Thanks Red for your little explaining, of the self-explanatory comment.

By the way what is the idea behind you calling it an AC idea, what is up with alternating currents?

It’s called an AC, idea as I took the ideas from both Batman Arkham City and Animal Crossing. I shall first go onto the game that I played first today.

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Now back onto the topic of the Arkham City and my crazy idea. My crazy idea is to get a city somewhere, anywhere from the Tundra to the Kalahari Desert, for example you could build an almost identical replica of London somewhere in Scotland but the only difference is the one in Scotland has got a mote running around the outside edges and a big wall outside of the mote and then we could send all of the criminals into that place (code name; crooked London) but when they’re in that facility for however long as their sentence lasts they can live without laws, guns and money they are restricted to only television and radio produced within some of their television studios same with films/movies, all entertainment mediums except computers, video cameras, microphones, book of other inmates authorship and their own imaginations, Even clothes they would each have they’re clothes that they were admitted in also known as an orange jumpsuit, but other than that they can make there own clothes from anything that comes to hand as meals, meals can be received from the on site canteen Which shall be staffed by robots at  the designated time slots of 6-8 am breakfast 12-2 pm lunch 6-8 pm dinner. You will be being watched every that you are inside of the facility, as if big brother is watching; 1984 reference. all the prison wardens would have to do is watch some of the cameras whish are embedded in the fabric of the facility, not actually.  but for all of the prisoners they are each given the sentences time limit when they go inside of but for every single thing that they do which is against the law on the outside they get that time added to they’re sentence. As the controller of this prison complex is God they see all they see all and they pass judgement on the poor criminals under they’re protection.

But then I got onto another game that I played today Animal Crossing; Wild World not New Leaf. It was my first Animal Crossing game, but remember to push start and turn off the game while you’re turning off the game else Mr Resetti will have a go at you, when you turn it back on. but this was the game that started me off thing about running my own town/city/an educational facility my last one on that list should be there as what are we attempting to do to all of these crooks when they first go into the city, we are attempting to educate them in how to live a productive existence. I shall attempt to write a bit more on how it is intended to reform the prisoners.

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