Wednesday 11 December 2013

Day 158

Day 158;

Now in yesterdays post I explained a bit about the real Dick, Whittington.

So what should I type about today?

Well what have you done?

I have awoken then I have eaten my breakfast, then I have had a shower, a think, I fed the dog and myself, once I had my lunch finished I proceeded to play on my Wii U, more Batman but unlike yesterday I didn’t progress while I was playing though in story mode I have got slightly stuck, it’s on the part where you have to beat up the one armed bandit (Mister Hammer) I know I’m terrible at all games but I have got him so he’s alone, then your told to keep pressing Y so I do and then Mister Hammer clobbers mw and I’m knocked out, but I get a times 7 combo on him 3 times before he’d knocked me out and he whacked me 4 times before I was knocked out. That is of the only one that I can remember anyway.

The other methods of play are fun as well like the Catwoman one at the stage of the game that I’m up to I only get Catwoman’s first battle to play, of which it was relatively easily done and the second, mini game thing is where you are playing as Robin which I got stuck on by a part of t where you have to press B repeatedly to make Robin kick the air vent through anyway I tried but no result, if I go n it again tomorrow then I might.

Then after those experiences I didn’t do much, or I was off somewhere lost in my head, until dinner time then after dinner, I got myself lost in my head again and in games.

Now I know that the topic I’m about to go into can be a polarising topic and I’m most probably incorrect on it, no not some more religious shenanigans. But it’s another topic that confuses me it’s the difference between a casual and a hardcore gamer, if I could state now that I’d class myself as one of the former group now even if at one time in my life I would have called myself a gamer of the latter type, now what I mean by this is a hardcore gamer is a gamer that is obsessed with computer and video games the majority of the time while you’re awake at least. Meanwhile a casual gamer only obsesses over computer and video games while they are playing them, or for a little while before or a short while after. non-gamers are people that don’t obsess over any game.

They are my 3 definitions of the 2 types of gamers and the other type of ant gamer. So you can still be a hard core gamer if you only play a variety of FaceBook games, what  it comes down to is the length of your personal time that you put into a game. 

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