Sunday 30 June 2019

Day 2135

Day 2135;

So fun this day I had a low BMI of 19.36, which surprised me as I’d only done 4643 steps which was only 3.01 km still I managed to burn off 914 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, peach, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch:cottage pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: omelette, potato salad and coleslaw.
Drinks: milk fruit squash and fruit squash with lemonade.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow I am planning on going to the gym, but that depends what mood Tini is in, no football until Tuesday so I probably should be getting fitter in order to reach my goal of competing at an Olympics as if I get to do that I will permit myself to ask a question of a woman, a friend of mine to become slightly more than friends then if she actually accepted my proposition it’ll give me more reason to win gold as if I actually won an event then I maybe good enough to ask for her hand in marriage, now that was something I never thought I would type, now just think about it I didn’t even think that I would before the incident which turned me into the crippled that I am today, but that was because I was too much of a coward.

My cowardice was about asking a girl out I never did that, at the point I was intending to make was what happens next after you’ve asked the question? I don’t know, do you? So you’ve got a girl that you like, how are you supposed to express that you like them, kissing and holding hands? If I just went up to her and I started kissing her how would I know that it is acceptable it probably wouldn’t be acceptable, I’m not French, I respected people’s personal space even with holding hands I wasn’t very into touching others, outside of a sporting context, as I understood the rules that were in place for sport but not for life.

The point about me being too much of a coward to ask anyone out with me, wasn’t so much the fear of rejection, but that did come into my thoughts on the subject. My fear was more of a fear of the unknown, as if you look at it from my perspective if you’re scared of dogs what are you actually scared of? The pain of dogs bites or the noise of the dogs howl/bark, now basically two separate methods of fear of pain, which I don’t get as I know that some things can hurt but I also know that you can get over it, get over the pain and fear no more. So I can deal with that type of fear but my fear was, of what happens next so you’ve got a girlfriend, that’s fine and dandy, but what is the purpose of the relationship I don’t know, I know that some people choose to get married but what is the purpose? So the children have the same surnames as the parents? Then that is getting rare nowadays isn’t it, if you should decide to get married that is as Emu and C got married a couple of years back and still no children, and then there’s a couple moving into the GM’s house who aren’t married and they’ got two children. I’m confused by the logic.

But then today I have been on the Switch playing Breath of the Wild today I cannot remember if I got the whole of the the one with the Rito Champion completed. As I can remember that I have done that in the past.

Saturday 29 June 2019

Day 2134

Day 2134;

BMI was 19.69, my steps were 13,387 or 8.67 km and I had only burned off 1086 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal ,watermelon, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham, cucumber, green leaves in white bread) and something.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, green beans, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, dodgy beer and hot Ribena.

I think that tomorrow will be a day of which skiing will be possible, alas my eyes haven’t been great over the past few days, but then they shouldn’t really effect my ability for skiing (especially not as it’s only going downhill) but the other people that are there will probably be the only challenge. Then also tomorrow I only have something like eight minutes to do of intensity in order to reach my weekly goal, which should mean that I have managed to do sixteen minutes today which is a pathetic amount, but more on that later. I’m guessing it’ll probably be another lazy day tomorrow until I get off for skiing when I’m at skiing I’ll probably get my final eight minutes of intensity done.

On this day I have been lazy as I predicted, with only an about ten minute jog along to the football and then a bit of bouncing around, without the trampoline, which was after I had done some boccia in the morning, then I had played a bit on Breath of the Wild, I got my first little shrine of Medoh thingamajig today, then I watched the two football matches also, but the second match was apparently the shocking match as the “voodoo” that was cast on the tournament appears to have been broken. What is this “voodoo” that I type of you may wonder, it’s nothing big it’s just the fact that whichever team scored first in a game went on to win the game, which has been disproven at least twice now, as first it was in the excellent Scottish match, three nil to Scotland then the opposition team managed to get the game back to three all before the end. But then this is the first game of which the score has been reversed so it was 1-0 to Germany at first but then at the end of the match it was 1-2 to Sweden. So Sweden scored twice against the German’s which put them onto equality with the USA on goals conceded, but it also put them out of the competition. So it’s Sweden v Netherlands as the Netherlands beat the Italians earlier in the day. So it looks like to the honest presenters of the sports shows a USA V Netherlands final, of which they are hoping for an England win against USA so they are hoping for a England v either Netherlands or Sweden (but they have got their money riding on Netherlands) final.

Friday 28 June 2019

Day 2133

Day 2133;

BMI of 19.33, steps 20,040, 12.98 km of distance walked and 1873 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in wholemeal bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, black beer and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow will probably be a lazy day, as I have boccia in the morning and football on the box for the afternoon, as tomorrow it’s the conclusion of the Quarterfinals, within the World Cup. We’ve got Germany v Sweden at half five, then before that, at two in the afternoon, we’ve got Italy v Netherlands. Now I hope that Sweden field their full strength lineup to really test the German team and perhaps we can see a few goals against the Germany team, as I’m thinking that is the only thing that their team has been lacking in this tournament. Goals conceded this time out in the World Cup Germany have conceded none, England have conceded one and the USA have now conceded two, thanks to France.

Today has been a bit of a mixed day, as I have spent the morning on the fitness gubbins, as I started off with a half hour ride on Zwift, next was half hour jog, which was followed by a four kilometre row and then I had a final little bounce, by then I know that my time in the morning was up so I had my lunch, bring on the afternoon.

It was the afternoon and what did I do for this afternoon? It wasn’t much, only a bit more of my play-through of Breath of the Wild, I had managed to complete a few more of the shrines, now the one hit obliterate thing is split into four. So it’s time to do some more of the the things that Kass is alluding to in order to complete the game again, but with the new fearsome one hit takedown thing which should be impressive but the next game in the series, Breath of the Wild 2 will be interesting to see how Nintendo gets around that mechanic and seeing how they get around the issue with the total heart containers and full stamina meters from the start.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Day 2132

Day 2132;

My BMI is 19.43 today, I had taken 12,436 steps (8.05 km) and I had burned off 1091 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on rice cakes and chocolate cake.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Ok then tomorrow I will be watching the next football match of the World Cup, to see who is up against England, I hope it will be France that beats the USA, as I hate it when so called sports stars go into politics. Like how Ms. Rapinoe (the USA captain) has been going on about how she and she doesn’t want any of her teammates to go to visit their Democratically elected president if they win this World Cup. Is it necessary?

Then today I watched the Norway v England match it was a fantastic match. England won the match by three goals to nil. Then I have been on the Zwift bike for another hour which was followed by a little walk, I think. I don’t think that I did very much else afterwards, but then again I think I have been around to the GM’s house, I think at least.

Why is it that men can, as some do, just go around without a top on but then why not women? I know that some go around in  a sports bra, but where’s the equality in that, if women want equality they should practice what they preach. As I know that I’m typing about equality of outcome, but then isn’t that what al of those feminists want nowadays?

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Day 2131

Day 2131;

BMI for today was 19.49, steps I had made were 16,243 which were only 10.52 km and I had burned off 1663 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (fish fingers in wholemeal bread), pork pie and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: spaghetti, meatball (in a tomato sauce), cheese, mushrooms and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, dodgy beer and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am planning on doing another cycle on Zwift, I don’t know where it will be tomorrow, but it could be another ride around Wattopia if I choose it to be so, but over the past week I think it’s been to London for the first three days of a week then it’s gone to Innsbruck, I believe for the Thursday and Friday then I haven’t been on the Zwift bike on either Saturday or Sunday. Then tomorrow I am also planning on doing some more sports stuff in the morning/early afternoon, as I will be having the World Cup to watch 8 pm tomorrow night and it’s the England match against Norway so then that should be a decent match to watch, well at least a better match than England’s last match against the stroppy Cameroon team, who were a prime example of why girls shouldn’t play football but the English women were playing exceptionally well.

Then today I have been having an hour cycle followed by a half hour walk, which was all that I did as activities today. Then after lunch I was lazy until Mich told me to go to the GM’s house at some time which I thought was half past what he had really said was in half an hour, so that was a bit of a mixup. Which included a little bit of walking to and from the GM’s house, and me locking the back door of the house with Allergy still inside, just as I didn’t get a response from her. So that was a little fath.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Day 2130

Day 2130;

This day my BMI was 19.30! I had made 24,813 steps (which was 16.07 km) and I had burned 1619 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: lasagne (quorn) and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and lemon drizzle cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: watermelon, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, grapes and Jaffa cakes.

Now tomorrow I am thinking that I should probably be able to have another cycle, followed by the rest of the workout stuff because there’s no more football matches tomorrow, at least none in the football World Cup. As we are going to have to wait until Thursday for England’s next match against Norway  it’s in the quarter finals of the World Cup, can England’s women do it? I thought that England’s men managed it in the last tournament that they played in, but then they lost the following two matches, let’s see if the women can do two better and win the World Cup, as the only non European team in the tournament is USA the rest of the clubs are European. So come on France in the last eight.

Today I have been riding the Zwift bike around London, it was fun, but then it was also slow, as I had only managed to get about 17 miles done, on Zwift, 0 miles in reality. Then later on today I have been  on a little 2 mile treadmill walk, so in reality a 0 mile walk and I have done an about half hour bounce before watching the football matches and I watched two more European teams get through to the last eight stage of the World Cup, 7/8 chance that the winner will come from Europe, 87.5% chance, which reminds me of something that Robert Baratheon said, I think it was “what’s a greater number five or one” then I’m thinking that it was Ned that said five but then Robert disagreed and he explained using his hands he said five and he held his hand aloft but then he curled his hand into a fist and said one then he punched the other hand away.

Monday 24 June 2019

Day 2129

Day 2129;

Today my BMI has been 19.69, I have only made 11,566 steps (which was 7.49 km) and I have only managed to burn 1055 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: Chinese feast (chicken balls, noodles, rice, chips) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am not doing anything, except for waiting for something, until then I’ll probably be able to get in some exercise on the Zwift bike or something. So when the thing turns up it’ll probably be about lunch time and then in the afternoon it’ll be the football matches of which I will probably watch so that will probably be my day.

I have been on a half hour walk today which got me my first 30 minutes of intensity on my watch, which I found a little bit shocking, as I had only walked for about 30 minutes, a walk, that was what I was doing isn’t really something that I thought would classify as an intense workout. Then later on I gave myself a bounce, of which I did before I watched the football, well I had watched the majority of the first game before I was required to go to eat my dinner, I finished my dinner and then I took a shower, before I watched the second game.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Day 2128

Day 2128;

My BMI for today was 19.46, steps for today were 26,946 (or 17.45 km) and I had burned 1759 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, pear, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: prawn open sandwich (prawn, egg, green leaves, purple leaves, tomatoes, haricot beans, seafood sauce), pastries and a cream slice.
Dinner: lasagna (probably quorn), green leaves, purple leaves, haricot beans, millionaires shortbread thing and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am planning on doing some more exercises, but I don’t really know what I will be doing, so it maybe a bit more on the Zwift bike, another little row on the machine or even a walk/jog/run on the treadmill, but then again that’s forgetting the trampoline of which I am thinking that I got for Allergy but she never seems to be using it, I’m disappointed in her. But maybe I can get some exercise on of her tomorrow?

Then also today I was watching the most disgraceful game of football that I have ever seen, and that is saying something. I’ve lived through the 90’s not so much the naughties I kind of had an off period back then, but I’m back now. But it’s the World Cup you should have the best referees in the game playing part, not just a load of referees chosen solely for their gender, as they were within this World Cup. Diabolical refereeing from the ref today but England managed to get through the game with a win and a clean sheet at that, three goals to nil should have been more, especially with that blatant penalty which was disallowed.

Then a 2-1 victory for France against Brazil but it was a game that went on to a bit of extra time at the end of the game as Brazil had managed to equalise, but they couldn’t get a second goal back in almost the whole of the second half of extra time. As they had managed to get a goal back to save them for another half hour of play within the second 45 minutes. So let’s get ready for Spain v the holders USA, and Sweden v Canada tomorrow.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Day 2127

Day 2127;

My BMI was 19.62, the number of steps that I had done today was 27,920 which was 18.08 km and I had only burned off 1636 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: fish, carrots, peas, broccoli, potatoes and millionaires shortbread pot.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ale and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I will be watching another England football match, will it be another good game to see England progress or will it be a good game to see Cameroon progress? Then I think that I will be going on another cycle ride around to the GM’s place of residence. Seeing how we have almost got her house rented out for her, and then it’ll only be about three years until the people that are proposing to rent it before they say that they should probably be able to purchase the house outright.

Then today I have been doing stuff lazy stuff generally well it wasn’t so good for my intensity minutes as I have been playing boccia in the morning, which I am thinking was followed by a little walk. Then my next activity must have been when I was watching another one of the football matches as I was jogging along to a football match. I only think that I got 8 miles jogged throughout the game, which is pathetic, even the players probably ran further.

Friday 21 June 2019

Day 2126

Day 2126;

As my BMI was 19.49, steps I had made were 19,881 which was 12.87 km (today) and I had burned 1720 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, watermelon, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: half Cornish pasty, half Thai pasty and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, thousand island dressing, vinegar, sticky toffee slice and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ale and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I will probably be having a lazy day, as I have got boccia practise tomorrow morning, before I have two more football matches to watch, the matches tomorrow will be getting more serious, as it’s knock out match time.

Now today I have started myself up with an hour long Zwift cycle ride around Richmond, I believe. Then later I have been lazy before going out to the GM’s house as there was some interest in renting it out; but it felt as if the house's location was it’s appeal, not the time and effort which spent making the house look slightly respectable.

Then today there was no football matches to watch. So I think I had nothing to do with my time, apart from being helpful, to others, which I guess could be considered a half an decent way of spending my time. 

Thursday 20 June 2019

Day 2125

Day 2125;

I had a BMI of 19.30, I had made 15,512 steps (or 10.04 km in distance walked) and I had burned 1503 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on bread and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and toffee slice.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snack: rice cake with yogurt.

Now tomorrow I am going to have a cycle, I will definitely have a good (at least) hour long cycle ride tomorrow, as I have failed to go on a bicycle ride today, I’ll give you more data on that later; if I remember that is.then I haven’t failed at watching the football matches today and I don’t plan on doing that tomorrow and I think that I will be helping Mich with moving some more of these beds tomorrow also.

So then today I have done a morning treadmill walk, next up was my row which I completed a 6499 m row so I thought that I should have enough time for a little bounce to round off my morning, then while I was bouncing Mich disturbed me about some man that was coming round later on, which has got something to do with some of the beds that we have here, cluttering up the place.

So I had done that much exercise today, in the morning, I was lazy for the afternoon with me watching the football matches from 5 before having a break for my dinner, then after I had finished dinner I watched the other couple of matches as it was just after 8 that I finished my dinner so I watched the two football matches, but mostly the Swedish V USA match which ended with the most likely outcome a USA win, but did the Swedes actually want to win the match? As they had sent out a “second choice” lineup to play, but the State’s had sent out a full strength side, why did they each choose opposite strategies when approaching the match, then also on at the same time was Chile V Thailand where the Chileans just needed a 3 goal win in order to play England in the last 16 stage and they had a 2 goal lead just as the game was closing out when the Chileans were awarded a penalty, she struck the ball the keeper dived to her right the ball would have sailed into the net as it was going straight, the ball struck the crossbar and bounced away too bad for Chilean hopes of a last 16 tie.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Day 2124

Day 2124;

My BMI today was down to 19.13, steps that I had walked today were at 15,652 which gave me a distance of 10.13 km and had burned off 1362 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, watermelon, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) fruit cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snack: a rice cake in yogurt.

The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bla de bla tomorrow. But other than the sun what else do I have happening to me tomorrow? I am not a 100% sure, like most days then. But then I’ll be sure to get another little walk/jog on the treadmill then I’ll be going on a bike ride, either tandem, Zwift or both, I believe that another row will be preferable also but then I could also do another bounce just to make sure that I am putting enough effort into my fitness program.

Well today I have had another ride about London, on the Zwift bike. Then I had a bounce which was as I had originally attempted to have a walk on the treadmill, my treadmill needed some serious lubing as it was making a horrendous noise, it was so horrendous that even Allergy commented on the volume of the sound that was emitted, and she is known to have issues with her hearing.

So what happened today, there was that little match of football, or two, that were all hyped up, the first was a relatively dull 2 - 0 to England as far as I could tell from my about 5 minutes in total that I watched of it, the majority of the time I spent watching was just as the second goal went in, I was spending time watching the match which had importunes to it, and I skipped over to BBC 1 as the phase of play started and then by the end of the phase of play it was England 2 - Japan 0 so I switched my attentions back to BBC 4 and Scotland were winning, they had reached a score line of 3 - 0 and we were thinking that has got to be them through to the last 16 of the World Cup now, but then with only 16 minutes left to play, they crumbled first they let in a shot from an opposition player, then it was an own goal which saw them reduced to a 1 goal lead, but then it was a penalty that was saved by the Scottish keeper, just to see the opposition team get to retake it as the Scottish goalkeeper was off of the line when the penalty was taken and they scored the second attempt, to make it 3 - 3 final score. So disappointment for Scotland in their first ever women’s World Cup.

The conservative leadership race got taken down to two today. It’s going to be a shootout between Borris and Hunt, 

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Day 2123

Day 2123;

My BMI was down to 19.23, steps were up to 21,318 (which gave me a distance of 13.80 km apparently) and I had 1827 kcal burned off today,

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch:  sandwich (cheese in wholemeal was bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: pie, broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, fish fingers and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit  and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes with yogurt.

Tomorrow may only be a dream away but then for Scotland it’s probably a little bit too long for comfort, but that is just speculation as I don’t know if Argentina are going to set up not to get beat,  as they have done thus far, but then they haven’t accumulated enough points to get through to the round of sixteen with them losing to England in the last round, so they may have a more open game plan, well that is as I hope at least. Then Scotland need to win against Argentina tomorrow to stand a chance of getting through to the last 16 stage, as the results in the group today didn’t go a favourable way for them I’m hopes of progression, but who knows, it’s in the future. As England and Japan are already through from group D, Argentina would be through on 4 points too if they beat Scotland.

Group A, you’ve got France and Norway through by rights on 9 and 6 points respectively then Nigeria is third on 3 points but there goal difference is at -2.
Group B, you’re got Germany, Spain and China Mainland all through on 9, 4 and 4 respectively as China is through on being one of the 4 best third placed teams.
Group C, you’ve got Italy, Australia and Brazil all through, in that order, with 6 points a piece.
Group D, now you’ve got England and Japan through, with 6 and 4 points respectively, so Japan could win the group with a win against England if the game ends any other way then England win the group. But that’s not interesting, Scotland v Argentina is the most interesting game of the stage as if Argentina win then they get 4 points which will take them through, but then if Scotland win that puts them up to 3 points level with Nigeria on points and at the moment they’re goal difference is equal to that of Nigeria’s so a win should have the Scottish pip the Nigerians into third out of four best runners up.
Group E, now you’ve already got Netherlands and Canada already through, with 6 points a piece, so it’s up to them to fight it out for the winner of Group E spot, then behind them they’ve got Cameroon and New Zealand on 0 points so if there is a winner of that game then they’ll have the 3 points necessary to progress, but they at the moment have -3 goal difference, so a 1 goal game should only get them to equal Nigeria’s goal tally.
Group F, now you’ve got the USA and Sweden already through, with 6 points a piece, so it’s up to them to fight it out for the winner of Group E spot, then behind them they’ve got Chile and Thailand on 0 points a piece, but with goal differences of Chile -5 and then Thailand -16 it doesn’t look too hopeful that either will be troubling the last 16 stage, but if Chile could win by a score of at least 3 they may trouble Nigeria.

Then today I have actually been quite active by that I mean that I have had a Zwift ride around a bit of London before I took a treadmill stroll, 5 km row, a trampoline bounce and I have had a pleasant enough jog on the treadmill as a way of topping it off. 

Monday 17 June 2019

Day 2122

Day 2122;

Now my BMI today was 19.62, I had only taken 12,047 steps which was 7.80 km and then I had only managed to burn 919 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: fish pie, peas, broccoli,  mushrooms and something.
Dinner: macaroni cheese with turkey drummers and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am definitely going to give myself a cycle, on Zwift probably. As today I had set myself up for a cycle in the morning, or failing that in the break between the football matches, then neither of the two opportunities happened, I’ll probably go into that later on in this post, as with now I’m thinking that I should probably continue on with the plans for tomorrow. My plans for tomorrow are to get in a bit of cycling, as previously stated, I’m going to get in a bit more on the treadmill, trampoline and rowing machine. Now when I’ve all that’s done I will probably have the Football to watch on the box, and probably before then I will have my dinner to eat .

Today was a warm day, and a lazy one from me, as by the time that I had finished my breakfast I was thinking that it was time for lunch, and by the time that I had finished lunch I was thinking that a football match was starting, it wasn’t going to for about another three hours. I got off lightly on that, then it was too “warm” to go cycling so I went for a bounce instead. I had gone for a 45 minute bounce before the next football match started, then I was watching the football. Before dinner of which I really should have been cycling for instead of having the nice macaroni cheese, then after dinner I was watching the next World Cup match of which had a controversy apparently, but the VAR showed the goal keeper was over her line before the kick was taken so therefore by the rules of the game it’s a retake of the penalty. So that should mean that Scotland just need to win there final group match to get through as one of the best third placed teams.

Sunday 16 June 2019

Day 2121

Day 2121;

19.49, I had made 14,327 steps apparently (but I thought I had a little bike ride today) my distance walked was apparently 9.28 km the number of calories that I had burned was only 946 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: soup (tomato with bread) and pastries .
Dinner: fish pie, peas, broccoli,  mushrooms and chocolate trifle.
Drinks:  milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Then tomorrow I have no plans so I’ll probably attempt to get in a Zwift ride, especially as I haven’t been on the Zwift bike in about a month, I do believe. But it maybe slightly warm out on the Zwift bike so it may only be about first thing or in between the football matches tomorrow, as the temperature may have changed.

Now today I have had a pleasant enough little cycle around to the GM’s current habitation and then I have had a slightly lazy day after, as I know that I may have done a bit of jogging around inside afterwards, but it wasn’t enough to get me really hot and bothered.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Day 2120

Day 2120;

I got a BMI of 19.49, I made 14,394 steps which was only 9.32 km and I had burned 1206 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: prawn open sandwich (prawns, egg, bread, green leaves, tomatoes) and something.
Dinner: I cannot remember.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: orange, banana, apple, watermelon, pineapple and yogurt.

Now tomorrow I will be going off for a little cycle over to the new habitat of the GM, not her house that we have been doing up recently, and we had dinner at, yesterday I do believe. What else will I have to do tomorrow? I know that there’s some more World Cup matches on the box, to watch, maybe I can do some more little jogs while watching?

So today I have been lazy for the start I had to go to boccia the laziest sport that I’ve played, I think. Then I think that I got my steps in while I was watching the World Cup and the results were Canada 2 New Zealand 0 and Netherlands 3 Cameroon 1, so there was 1 win for the Canadians and a win for the Dutch, now that means so that means that Canada is the first non European team through to the last 16, I know that Japan is almost certainly in the next stage of the World Cup already as well. So they may have made it first out of the non European nations.

Friday 14 June 2019

Day 2119

Day 2119;

I had a BMI of 19.33, steps that I had made today were 38,035, which gave me a distance of 24.63 km and I had burned 1919 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in weird bread) and something.
Dinner: an Indian feast (2 types of rice, 2 types of chicken and probably 2 types of bread) and 1 slice of chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Peps and hot Ribena.

Now today was a bit of an interesting day, but that’s for later on in this post, now let’s get on to what’s happening tomorrow. Now tomorrow I am having another lazy day with maybe a little jog in the afternoon as tomorrow I’ve got boccia.

Now today I have asked Mich how many steps he had made, as he has a Fit Bit, and I was wondering how many he had made as his Fit Bit seems to be hyperactive. His Fit Bit had him as just over 22,000 and his “excuse” for having so many steps today were that he’d been walking around London today, then I showed him my fitness watch it had me at just above 32,000, but I had been rowing for an hour, bouncing for an hour and jogging around for an hour before. Which had me up-to about 22,000 before Mich and I went around to GM’s home, Mich drove round as he was going to get a Takeaway for our, the three of our (Mich, Allergy and I), dinner. 

Thursday 13 June 2019

Day 2118

Day 2118;

My BMI for today was 19.53. I had made 30,033 steps which was the equivalent of 19.45 km apparently, anyway I had burned 1383 kcal in my activities of the day,

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, raspberries, apple, watermelon, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in weird bread) and pastry.
Dinner: pie (chicken), cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: 1 Dutch biscuit.

Tomorrow I plan on doing a row for an hour, a bounce for an hour then another jog on the spot for an hour, so hopefully I should manage to get my activity minutes for this week up, slightly, and I should really have managed to get some steps in this week, really that meaning today so if I can make it to 30,000 for tomorrow that’ll be half decent. We will be heading off to the GM’s home to watch the England football match tomorrow.

Then today I only managed to get an hourlong bounce, in the morning, after Allergy’s body test; before lunchtime. Later on today I managed to get to jogging around the lounge while I was watching the football World Cup on the TV. Then after that I had my dinner, as the matches were on later on in the day. Then I missed the majority of the second match as the cycling was on while it was on so we watched that instead, don’t worry it was the Women’s cycling.

Then again today, I think it was, Mich commented that it was now only possible to go to the GM’s home “my way” by this he means the way that I took Flow to our home on the way back from GM’s as I was thought it was too congested with weeds on my way through it on the way to GM’s earlier. The day that I did so he’s only a few days late on coming to the same realisation.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Day 2117

Day 2117;

My BMI was 19.46, steps I had taken today was 13,641 which was apparently 8.83 km and I had 1192 kcal burnt.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, raspberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in weird bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta Bolognese (quorn mince), mushrooms and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am probably going to be doing some more exercise but I’m I’m planning on doubling it tomorrow so that should be an hour of bouncing followed later on with an hour little jog. Then the next day I will be attempting to get in an hourlong row also as I am thinking that I probably should just to spice it u. Then I’m going to watch some more of the World Cup (Women’s) and then I’ll probably watch some more of the cycling.

Now as I have mentioned above I have done half an hour on the trampoline and I have also done half an hour little jog around. I wonder if I could use my energy to put some energy back into the national grid? As I know that in cartoons they're sometimes using treadmills to generate electricity and similar, things so why won’t it work in reality? I know it’s only a cartoon but electricity generation wind turbines transform wind motion into electricity so have how about creating a belt that anyone can run along at a turbine that anyone can be turn like a hand bike or better an actual bicycle that you can pedal to generate your own electricity.

What else have I done today? I cannot remember but I know that I have watched the first football game that was on the box today, it was a women’s World Cup game, then I played some of Breath of the Wild later (before dinner) then I stopped to eat my dinner and afterwards Mich decided to watch some cycling thing which Chris Froome crashed on in the practice today, which leaves Garent Thomas alone for his next attempt at the Tour de France, in a couple of weeks. Then Simon Yates will also be attempting to get the Tour.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Day 2116

Day 2116;

Now today my BMI was down to 19.49, my steps were 11,495 which was a distance of 7.44 km and I managed to burn 1112 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple,watermelon, pineapple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in weird bread) and lemon loaf.
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m going to get more done in terms of my exercise, or at least equivalent, then I will watch some more of the Women’s World Cup, then I think I’m going to watch some more of the cycling .

So what happened to the this morning was I had a nice little row, not an argument but a row as in how you can get a boat across a body of water, but I probably was setting myself up for an argument, with Allergy as I am getting her up at a time in the morning for her Wii Fit body test.

I’ve also remembered what happened to me yesterday , it wasn’t anything too dramatic or anything it was that I accidentally, obviously, put my arm against the iron, while it was on, I mean a clothes iron not the chemical element, which was on at the time that I touched it. I am unsure of how I feel about it now, as my brain never got the message that something is hot my arm just acted on it’s own and it tossed itself off of the iron. So I have two potential issues 1 is my head is slow and then 2 my reactions are good, as if I have to think about it before I reacted I might have actually had myself get hurt by the heat, now as it was I didn’t even know what I had done until Mich shouted at me. I can’t even see anything wrong with my arm and as soon as Allergy got back in later the first thing she said to me was “what’s happened to your arm” then she starts saying about how I should’ve ran it under cold water , just as Tini told us to do; I didn’t do, and I’m fine.

Monday 10 June 2019

Day 2115

Day 2115

BMI was 19.59, I had walked 11,347 steps which was 7.35 km and I had burned 839 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, strawberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (egg salad in weird bread) and Eaton mess.
Dinner: pasta and meatballs
Drinks milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena :
Snacks: pineapple.

Then tomorrow I will probably be watching the Chile match in the FIFA Women’s World Cup. So I probably should get back to doing some exercise properly tomorrow also and that will probably mean going to the gym and other things.

As today I have had another lazy day which started with me doing nothing, then I got on to doing another jog on the spot to get my steps up, but other than that I think I had a pretty much naught day today. I cannot even recall what I have been thinking about either. Probably was a girl that I had been thinking about, the same girl that I have been thinking about for a while now.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Day 2124

Day 2124;

My BMI was 19.46, as I had stepped 10,050 times which was 6.51 km and I had only burned 834 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

So it was my first day back home, then that is for later on, what’s going on tomorrow is more of a point for now. Tomorrow I should have another lazy day but I probably won’t be going on another walk.

Then today I have had celebrate Emu’s “birthday”, England’s Women were playing Scotland in their opening match for the women’s World Cup, England’s men also had a the third place playoff in the national league  and there was also a controversial victory for Hamilton.

So I where should I start...? let’s start with the controversy the controversy was caused by Vettel not accepting that he lost the race even though he won the race. Ok so I will explain:

1. Vettel went off the track, he was leading the GP and he suddenly made a mistake, he cut across a small section of grass just as Hamilton was attempting to overtake.
2. When Vettel was getting back onto the track he forced Hamilton to go wide, I immediately indicated that it’d be a 5 second penalty, which it was.
3. The race finished and Vettel was stroppy as he’d finished in first but Hamilton was within 5 seconds of his time, so Hamilton got awarded with the win.
4. Vettel was in a strop when he first finished, he went off to his trailer to sulk, before getting a talking to by some Ferrari person.
5. He walks over to the podium, mucking about with place settings on the cars on the way, he moved the number 1 in front of his car from Hamilton’s car and placed it in front of his.
6. He went into the sitting area before they went on to the podium and then had the all time quickest after race interviews as Hamilton was getting booed, for reasons of beating Vettel, I think.

Let’s move on to Emu’s “birthday” and it was later than her actual day of birth by a greater than something like 30 years and a week (fortnight) I am unsure how long. We did some cycling around the block and we also did some running around it.

Then it time to move onto both of the footballing stories. As we all know now that the men won their final nations league match which went down to penalties and then they managed to put 6 past their opponents meanwhile the opposition only got 5 past Pickford, and Pickford scored one as he saved one so he’s got to be the national hero, but that was in a match that I didn’t watch as I didn’t know it was on today. The match that I did know was on was the women’s football match but then it says women’s football in its title, but then there was only the 3 of us men watching it for the most part all of the women in the house weren’t interested until the death of the game when we only got 2 out of 3 of them interested, or at least they appeared to be interested. Sport is in general a male pursuit doesn’t matter which gender is playing the sports males are the primary audience, from my perspective at least.

Saturday 8 June 2019

Day 2123

Day 2123;

Now today I had a BMI of 19.79, I managed to take 14,586 steps (9.45 km) and I have burned 1126 kcal.

Breakfast: muesli, apple, banana, grapes, orange, strawberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in seeded bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate cake

Tomorrow I’m having to celebrate Emu’s “birthday”, England’s Women are also playing Scotland and there’s also another GP, the Canadian. In which Vettel managed to beat Hamilton into second place in the race for pole position.

Then today I have been travelling in the car, back home. We have had an excellent journey back it served to go quickly, which may have been as the queues were apparently nonexistent, apart from the queue to get by stone henge, we were still moving throughout our trip past the henge, so it was like a rolling roadblock. Then we got home in time for lunch when it appeared not to go that smoothly on the way to the place.

Then after the journey we had Emu coming round later on today so we had time to fit in a walk in between dinner and the time that she arrived. So that was mine and Mich’s afternoon activity but we had to get around the course before certain times, and Mich was going too slowly for us to get around the course, so I had to stop a few times and walk back to fetch him, and we made it to the place that we had to be at a minute late by my watch, then Mich said that we had gone the wrong way for the first part of the walk, then before the moment that he was referring to he told me not to go that way, mixed messages. Then again he also made the route a little bit longer anyway.

Then Emu arrived after we had got back to our home, so we had a bit of Emu’s “birthday” cake, which was delicious, despite being a shop bought cake. Then again shop bought cakes are still only a pale imitation of some of the cakes that Tini, the master baker, has baked in the past. Even some of the cakes that I have made in the past put the shop bought cakes to shame. It’s just that one bit of homely cooked goodness which separates the shop bought ones, but then it is there I cannot Describe the taste effectively enough to do it any type of justice, I appear to be lacking in vocabulary.

Friday 7 June 2019

Day 2122

Day 2122;

My BMI was 19.62, I had made 16,623 steps (which was 10.76 km) today and I had managed to burn 1066 kcal off.

Breakfast: musli, banana, apple, strawberries, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and fish paste) and something’s.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow I will be leaving Torquay, of which has been a great time. I’ve had a great time for the past week, but then as we all know all good things must come to an end, and then it has been the end of this holiday today so then tomorrow will be a day of a long distance car journey. So that’s my hopes of doing any exercise tomorrow up in smoke, or at least it should be.

So what I have done today was go to a proper Zoo not the farm like place that I went to yesterday, Guinea pig and an incredibly patronising woman yesterday. But that was yesterday I actually discovered why she was so patronising to me today, it was because I saw a video that Allergy had taken of me mimicking a grey gibbon, I looked like a total spastic, and I cannot blame anyone for talking down to me from now on, as I have been thinking that I look like me for all this time, not realising just how spastic I was. As the one of me that is typing all of this blog is still the same as the one that was on my own even before the accident, but that isn’t who I am anymore, and that shocked me a bit.

So how am I going to fix my issue? I don’t know what to do, I could start acting more pathetic like and stuff. But no I don’t I, believe it or not, actually enjoy being me, the one that is inside this here skull. This body not so much, this fragile mortal form is somewhat fragile, too fragile for these clumsy hands of mine.

Then today was the kickoff of the Women’s World Cup, 4-0 to France in the first match of the tournament which is held in France ruthless in front of goal.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Day 2121

Day 2121;

I had a BMI of 19.66, I have made 16,007 steps which was 10.36 km and I have burned 1159 kcal.

Breakfast: musli, apple, grapes, orange, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (fish paste in seeded bread), pork pie and something’s.
Dinner: fish, chips, vegetables and a chocolate pudding.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow should be a day for going to the zoo well I should be going to a zoo, which surprises me as I thought that it was only really me that enjoyed going to the zoo. I know that Mich has nothing against zoos but Allergy hates going to zoos, I believed.

Today I have been to a little zoo like place, which was included in the cost of a steam train ride. In the end of the day I was watching the movie “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”. The plot is, as far as I could tell, was that Lex Luther had hired Batman to kill off Superman basically so that was Lex had got Batman from Gotham to come over to Metropolis to bump off Superman, and as insurance/to clean up the victor, he then created another super powered freak out of some krypton thingamajig and blood (his blood). So the way the story went was Bruce had various altercations with Clark and it was all boiling up to the point where Bruce despite being a lot weaker than Superman and getting thrown about a bit at the beginning of the fight and in the middle point of the fight with technology meaning his krypton spray thingamajigs he can turn the tides in the battles. Then in the end of the battle Superman says Martha and Batman lets him off and then goes to stop Lex/save Martha. Then the other super human creature turns up and Wonder Woman gets involved,  between the three of them they manage to stop the beast. So there goes that the end. But what was interesting was about the meta humans them being Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg, of which Bruce downloaded from Lex’s network.

Then today England (men) lost in the semifinal stage of the nations league, against Nederland’s. Predictably another English defeat, but what was surprising was the fact that England managed to score first and second, but the second time it was ruled out thanks to VAR and the fact that the player was offside. So all the rest of the 90 minutes of the game the only other goal was a Dutch goal to draw the game level. The game now had a goal in either of the halves of the additional time but they were both to the Nederlands. So the final score of the game was 3-1 to Holland. Now let’s just see if the English Women can do better than the men in the tournament, the World Cup, that they are playing over the next few weeks.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Day 2120

Day 2120;

On this day my BMI was 19.40, I had made 15,882 steps which were 10.28 km and I have burned 1474 kcal.

Breakfast: granola, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, watermelon and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, fish paste in seeded bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken tikka masala, broccoli, carrots, peas, chocolate pudding and a kit kat.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate biscuit, Kit kat,  jelly babies and jelly tots,

Now tomorrow I’m thinking will be another day of car journeys, such a shame.

Today was a day of car journeys but then I managed to get out of the car and walk around a bit today, and for the approximately hour before dinner time Mich and I managed to get out on the tandem. On the tandem today Mich thinks that we shocked a man, well he said to us “F*#@ing hell man” as we went by. I knew that Mich was steering pretty close to them so I sped up my peddling just to avoid the seemingly inevitably of a collision, but it worked we avoided them. It’s a problem Mich will only use the bell if there’s some wild life in front of the bike, no point in hoping for the semi domesticated ape descendants.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Day 2119

Day 2119;

My BMI was 19.69, as I had managed to do 15,173 steps, I have walked 9.82 km and I have burned off 1131 kcal.

Breakfast: granola, watermelon, banana, strawberries, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), vegetarian sausage roll and other stuff that I have currently forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten what I had for my main component, green beans, peas, broccoli, chips and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll something ya tomorrow, it’s only a dream away. Or some lyrics like that I have not got a clue as to why that song popped into my head just now, I’m sure it was another song for the other majority of the days, if any song, indeed, well it was from a film called Annie which was released in 1982, which was a long time ago. Well the first edition that I missed at least, but back then in the past I believed that she was a little ginger orphan girl but then I was mistaken, it was a little blonde orphan girl. I got the hair colour incorrect. But then again I have forgotten what is going on tomorrow, but I’m guessing that it will probably include a bit more of driving.

So today I have been driven to a place of which we got on a train to a port to move onto another little island of which we traveled across the island to get to another little port in order to go onto another bigger boat for a river cruise, of which we had done before we got back on the first boat and the train so we were back at the car. Then we had a trip into a super market in order to purchase the food for tonight, before going back to the apartment and after waiting an hour, or two, we had our dinner.

Then for one of the hour that we were waiting we, Mich and I, had gone out for another walk. I think it was a walk to the post box to post the post cards to people that they decided to send them to, as my handwriting is illegible I don’t generally send any. But I have got an idea.

Monday 3 June 2019

Day 2118

Day 2118;

As a BMI I got 19.59, I had only taken 14,201 steps (or 9.19 km) and I had burned 1556 kcal today.

Breakfast: granola, orange, banana, strawberries, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread), Pringles, millionaire shortbread and flapjack.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, bread, vegetarian sausage rolls, pizza pocket, something and chocolate biscuit.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Now for tomorrow Mich has planned for us to go on a train so that’s going to make Mich’s holiday.

Then earlier on today I have gone on a cycle with Mich, and Allergy. That’s correct we even got Allergy to cycle and it was on a proper bike not an electric bicycle as the bicycle hire place didn’t have any electric bicycles, which I thought was odd as didn’t we see one before we entered the institution?

So we had a small cycle around a little track which was along an old railway track, granite way I think it was called. Then later on today I have gone for a little walk around, the town of Torquay, first it was to a shop, called Tesco I think, anyway Mich got a fool from the shop. A fool is some Puréed fruit, whipped cream and sugar. 

Sunday 2 June 2019

Day 2117

Day 2117;

I have got a BMI of 19.66, I have taken 21,787 steps which means that I had walked 14.11 km and I had burned 1165 kcal.

Breakfast: granola, strawberries, banana, raspberries, apple, watermelon, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), Pringles, chocolate brownie and millionaires shortbread.
Dinner: pie (chicken), broccoli, carrots, cauliflower,  sweet potato mash and trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot

Tomorrow’s promising to be a good day, I think at least. As we shall be going to a place, of which we are planning on hiring a bicycle for Allergy, so we can all have a cycle, together as a group and then if Allergy likes it maybe we could get Allergy on a bike at home so she could become fitter. I know that she only actually goes on the exercise bike at the gym if her friends are there to basically have a chat. Well isn’t that the point of having a group ride, for people that can speak at least, and then what I do is turn the pedals for Mich while he’s too busy chatting on the group rides, then I’m thinking that Allergy may be hiring an electric bicycle which should give Allergy an equivalent, like what Mich has got with me.

Then today I have had been to watch the air show, but the air show was cancelled, after the flyby by the red arrows before they called it off and the Chinook took off completed it’s little demonstration, over the sea. Then the clouds came over before the rain came down. The ràin came down on us I think that is how I got my summer cold, as I was sitting down on the seafront while the rain came down while waiting for Mich to return to tell us what we were doing, whilst we were waiting we were eating our lunches .

Saturday 1 June 2019

Day 2116

Day 2116;

My BMI was down to 19.59 today, my steps were down to 11,568 (which was apparently 7.49 km) and I had burned 1242 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (fish paste salad [green/purple leaves] in wholemeal bread), Pringles and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: cottage pie, cabbage, chips and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot fruit squash.
Snacks: jelly babies.

Tomorrow is my first proper day of holiday... well it’s the first full day of myself being in the foreign place. So what has Mich got lined up for us to do tomorrow? I don’t know, I know that he told us, then again I cannot remember what he told us we’d be doing, something I do remember he told us that we would be doing is going out to watch the air show like we did today. But then tomorrow we’re going out to look for it instead of just finding ourselves under it when we went for a walk.

Now today I have been sitting down, in a car, traveling to Torquay. That wasn’t all that we did today as I had managed to get myself up to one thousand minutes of intensity for the week, that may have been during the over one hundred minute walk that I did today it was apparently a little more than three miles that I walked. Three miles should be about four point eight kilometres, so three point five should be five point six kilometres, why have I bothered to convert the distance from miles to kilometres, shouldn’t miles be good enough?

Now I’m looking forward to getting out on the tandem some time this week, as there seems to be a lot of cyclists in this part of the world, but then there also seem to be a lot of fat people in this part of the world, I suppose that the majority of them are holiday makers though, as the one couple that we have met from the place where we are staying, the people that we are letting the place from, were quite slim when we met them. They asked us if we had stayed with them before as I found the key to the property under the door mat.