Sunday 29 April 2018

Day 1718

Day 1718;

Today my body test results were 19.69, 40,297, 2751 kcal and 26.09 km. But my watch says that I only stepped 2788 times and I burned off 3835 calories 2095 while I was active and 1743 while I was resting.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and batternburg.
Dinner: sweet n sour chicken, pineapple, sweet corn, carrots, peas, broccoli and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange),water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate chip shortbread and batternburg.

Now today I have been on a little tandem ride, it was a new to us ride and we got lost on it. It was supposed to be signposted along the route, but it was in some of the places but just not in others. There was also supposed to be places of public convenience and drink stations on the course, but the only places that I found any was at the start/finish place, which may not have been a problem if we could have been traveling at the speed that we had traveled the first fifteen miles, for the whole ride, but we didn’t, which may have had something to do with the fact that I was in need of the loo from really quite early on in the ride, but I only took the time to relieve myself in about the last ten miles of the ride.

But today we missed the F1 race, so we watched it online (on channel 4’s website). Which was actually a good result for Hami, pity he didn’t deserve it, and now he’s taken over from Vettel as the F1 World Championship leader. Bottas should have won but he got a puncture very close to the end of the GP and he gifted the race win to Hami.

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