Wednesday 4 April 2018

Day 1693

Day 1693;

Today I had a BMI of 19.40, 14,876 steps, 961 kcal burned and 9.63 km walked.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pie, peas,carrots, sweetcorn, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now basically today I have been doing nothing, with the exceptions of when I was doing some things, which was an hour cycle on an exercise bike, at the gym, before another hour on the treadmill, at home. Doing that got me almost up to 10,000 steps, as my going on a bike doesn't count towards my daily steps I had literally done almost 9000 steps in the second hour as I'm thinking that I had only done 788 steps this morning, then after that I jogged beside Mich as he was attempting to pop the balloons' the wii fit Island in a half hour jog on the spot using a wii-mote as handle bars.

Ok now today I was going to watch the film Logan, but I ran out of time.

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