Tuesday 24 April 2018

Day 1713

Day 1713;

My BMI was 19.56, my steps were 11,733, my calories burned were 1387 and my distance walked was 7.60 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and cakes.
Dinner: toad in the hole (sausage in Yorkshire pudding), carrots, peas, runner beans, sweet corn, bread n butter pudding and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now up was today and today was decidedly lazy, as I know that I managed to get a 15 minute jog on the treadmill in this morning. But then that was it, until I managed to do an hour long work out at the gym on the lateral cross trainer. So I got a blister on my foot from going on the treadmill in my small old white trainers this morning and then I got a blister on my hand from going on the lateral cross trainer, in my gloves which I’m starting to think maybe slightly too small for me now also. Fortunately I have got other pairs of gloves, which I could use in the future.

I have also watched some more of Arrow today. Oliver Queen is back from the dead again, he’s really starting to make a habit of it. It being one of the most commonly used tropes in comic books, which Green Arrow is need I not forget.

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