Sunday 22 April 2018

Day 1711

Day 1711;

My BMI was down today at19.69, according to my Wii fit meter I have walked 32,146 steps which equates to 20.81 km in distance that I have walked, apparently in doing all of those steps I have burned off 1630 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: salmon, spinach, broccoli, runner beans, peas, potatoes and bread + butter pudding.
Dinner: half of a margarita pizza and 3 small cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

“While I stood there.. That’s it, that’s all I did, I stood there in the shops open doorway I saw you, fleeing the scene. So I took flight after you, to apprehend you”.

Now that was just another little flight of fantasy from my overactive imagination. Which I just typed off of the top of my head I may use it in something.

Then today we had gone on a 50 mile tandem cycle. In the morning, 1 week before the 80  mile excursion, that we have planned. Then what did I do? I think I ate my lunch, then somewhere in the afternoon I had another treadmill walk for about half an hour before the pizza arrived and I went outside to eat it, as Allergy had her friend over so I got the opportunity to eat outside, which was fun.

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