Monday 2 April 2018

Day 1691

Day 1691;

19.95 was my BMI, I had made 13,104 steps, I had burned off 977 kcal and I was walked 8.48 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orannge, pear, banana, apple, strawberries and a chocolate croissant.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon cake.
Dinner: turkey, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, green bans, red cabbage, rhubarb crumble with cream and queen of puddings.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and Shloer.

So today I have swatched 2 of my new DVD's, the first of which was X-men: Apocalypse, it was decent enough but it didn't have anything to do with the world freaking ending, admittedly the "villain" was called apocalypse but I don't get why he wasn't called the gardener as that was what he was doing, he was attempting to weed out the world of the weak and unfit to survive which is what a gardeners job should be. the second film thatI watched today was called Thor Ragnarok, but this film was actually paying some attention to the source material, not much but some. Odin died and there was an actual planet being destroyed, in the story. Which is more than can be said about X-men but they did get the number of horsemen of the Apocalypse correct pity they didn't have horses.

Today I have done a 60 minute walk on the treadmill, now I can't remember if it was before or after I had walked into town, with Mich, and I got accosted by another person that I knew from school, in a local shop, he used to be in my form but before that I had already met the one old history teacher from school as she was visiting a relative at the old folks home that we were both visiting. 

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