Tuesday 10 April 2018

Day 1699

Day 1699;

19.98 was my BMI for this lazy day, it was so lazy I had only done 3973 steps,  I had only burned off 675 kcal and I’d only walked 2. 57 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, banana and pear.
Lunch: beef sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.

 I know that this has been a lazy day today and it was my day of watching more of the Game of Thrones season 7. Now I’m down to the last disk, as the white spear has just “killed” a dragon and it has been reborn into a force from beyond the wall. Big Sam missed out on the fact that Jon Snow is actually Rhegar Targarians (spellings have never really been my strong suit, if I was to have one) and he should be the one to sit on the iron throne not his new queen of a girlfriend, as Rahgar got there marriage annulled, but it’s all lost in the paperwork of old.

Then earlier on today I did myself 2 little jogs on the treadmill, the first was apparently 7.3 miles long and it took me 8:38.3 minutes:seconds, my second jog of the day was slightly longer but by time not distance as I only got 5.1 miles in 10:47.3 minutes:seconds. Which is a bit of a drag, but not as big a drag as Dani from Game of Thrones looks pregnant from the splash screen at the start of the GoT: conquest game, at least I think that’s where I saw it, but then about to as far as I have seen she’s been saying that she can’t have children, but then that must be a new revelation as wasn’t she carrying Drogo’s children, before that witch used them as a sacrifice for keeping Drogo alive, but in a vegetative state. I think I remember the witch saying that now the world would be safer now that Drogo’s children won’t be born as they wouldn’t be around to rape anyone, as she had getting raped before Dani showed up. But I only thought that it was that batch of children, then the Tyrell woman admitted to poisoning Joffery Baratheon, to Jamie Lanister before taking her own life, with the poison provided to her by Jamie. So basically Jamie had a lot of fingers in a lot of pies including one into his sister/the queen, which turned out to impregnate her also; if I was following the story correctly at least.

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