Tuesday 17 April 2018

Day 1706

Day 17p8

I have had a BMI of19.62, steps 12,968, 992 kcal and 8.40 km. But today I have gone on a walk to the bike place and then we rode the tandem back to the house.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, toast, mini sausages and something.
Dinner: gammon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, runner beans and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

First up I had my breakfast, then I cannot really remember what I did, before lunch. But I know that I went for a walk, and a ride, was it that I did those two things before lunch? 

Then today I have been for a walk and a ride, the little walk appeared to take ages, it took us about 25 minutes. But when I was on the walk I was remembering the times that I had walked a similar route to some of the houses that are up on the other side of town, and I was remembering how long it seemed back then/when I was young, I’m sure it took us longer to walk through some different paths in order to get there, but I’m unsure of whether I had a watch on when I used to go there, so I have got no idea of the actual time but today it took us just about twenty five minutes to walk it.

Also I have been watching more of Arrow, season two. Green Arrow sounds similar to Green Lantern. But I think there’s actually more than one Greek Lantern in the comics, but there’s only one Green Arrow, at least back to where I have gone.

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