Monday 9 April 2018

Day 1698

Day 1698;

So today i only managed to get 7880 about steps in which was a disappointment and my BMI was also don’t it was at 19.85 or something like that.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, scampi, chips and salad.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today I have been snowboarding, which was fun, challenging but fun. It’s challenging as you have to be more in control of your balance than when you’re skiing, as if you’re a skiing you already know what to do from your day to day walking about, it’s just easier than walking, downhill at least. But snowboarding is just something else, I know that when you get better at skiing they talk about going on the edges of your skis but then today day 1 of snowboard lessons, I was being instructed on getting onto the edges of the board, which was refreshing. So if I was told I had to ride the Matterhorn tomorrow on an either snowboard or skis, I’d say skis but if it was on a slope that I have skied on previously then I’d probably say that it has to be on a snowboard as I like challenging myself but I’m thinking that I’ll have to get a lot better at snowboarding before I have a go on a real slope, not one of the man made ones which are inside, and also in the pleasant land of Blighty.

But then I got my self home and I went on the treadmill, as an attempt at getting my daily steps up, which it worked at doing but I wasn’t on it for long enough, so that’s a pity.

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