Monday 30 April 2018

Day 1719

Day 1719;

19.98 was my BMI, 9112 kcal, 1045 steps and 5.9 km walked. So that was apparently the total of my, now let’s be honest, pathetic work out for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch; forgot, chocolate chip short bread and an energy bar.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, potatoes and
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.

Home office has been taken by a man called Javid, he’s the replacement for Amber, who resigned yesterday, after being bullied out of her job by those dastardly left wingers of the Labour Party, the probably same ones that’d be calling misogamy if Miss Amber was on the left and it was the conservatives that were laying the hate at her door. But now the conservatives have named Mr Javid as the next home secretary which could be another one of the conservatives vertue signalling manoeuvres, as Mr Javid isn’t of British descent, as his parents moved here something like 60 years ago, which may have been around the time that my GMD moved here from Ireland give or take around 10 years. But he is the first person of an ethnic minority background to hold the office of Home Secretary, points scored in the oppression Olympics for Mrs May, who is the second woman PM, which should give her more points in the oppression Olympics than Corbyn, of which it would if she was on the left and then if she was as far removed from reality as Corbyn.

But anyway I have just been on another jog to see if I could get my steps up to the magic 10,000 mark, and I have as on my watch I have made my steps up to 10,082, which was after doing a 2070 step inside jog, at an average speed of 7.5 km/h. Which tells me that my step total for before the little jog was only about 8012 (according to my watch.

Still I have been to the gym and gone for a walk on the treadmill today, which is about it that I have done today, so that’s all good night.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Day 1718

Day 1718;

Today my body test results were 19.69, 40,297, 2751 kcal and 26.09 km. But my watch says that I only stepped 2788 times and I burned off 3835 calories 2095 while I was active and 1743 while I was resting.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and batternburg.
Dinner: sweet n sour chicken, pineapple, sweet corn, carrots, peas, broccoli and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange),water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate chip shortbread and batternburg.

Now today I have been on a little tandem ride, it was a new to us ride and we got lost on it. It was supposed to be signposted along the route, but it was in some of the places but just not in others. There was also supposed to be places of public convenience and drink stations on the course, but the only places that I found any was at the start/finish place, which may not have been a problem if we could have been traveling at the speed that we had traveled the first fifteen miles, for the whole ride, but we didn’t, which may have had something to do with the fact that I was in need of the loo from really quite early on in the ride, but I only took the time to relieve myself in about the last ten miles of the ride.

But today we missed the F1 race, so we watched it online (on channel 4’s website). Which was actually a good result for Hami, pity he didn’t deserve it, and now he’s taken over from Vettel as the F1 World Championship leader. Bottas should have won but he got a puncture very close to the end of the GP and he gifted the race win to Hami.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Day 1717

Day 1717;

According to Wii Fit my BMI was 20.05, my steps were 4196, I had burned off 621 kcal  and I had walked 2.72 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and Victoria sponge cake.
Dinner: sausage casarole, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, runner beans, potatoes, strawberries, banana, pear and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

So this morning I had another boccia game, we won it which I found to be a shock, and I was our teams captain, at least for the first three ends which we won, 0-1 0-3 0-1, so we were at 0-5 at half time in the game then we switched our players and we lost the fourth and sixth ends, 2-0 1-0, but the team won the fifth end, 0-1, which made the score 3-6 so we won our second match ever. Not that the game was our second match ever, but it was our second match that the team has won ever, as last season we lost all of our matches.

Then we went to watch the football this afternoon, but the result wasn’t as triumphant. It wasn’t as bad as recent form I remember reporting, as it was a goalless draw, 0-0. But it was a much better performance than the performances I’ve seen so far this season, that I can remember that is. It’s just the end product, or rather the fact that the team that I support has none, at least no longer.

Also today I have watched some more of Arrow, it’s really starting to get intriguing with all the stuff about Armageddon.

Friday 27 April 2018

Day 1716

Day 1716;

According to Wii Fit my BMI was 19.95, 12,238 steps, 1069 kcal and 7.92 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Dinner: pie, broccoli, carrots, peas,potatoes and
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, cider and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been to the gym, I have gone on a walk and I have even been on a jog on the trampoline. I know that you’re not supposed to do jogs on trampolines, I think it’s more of a bounce that I’m supposed to do, but anyway, I got to my step goal about 16 minutes and 37 seconds of the way throug, I think.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Day 1715

Day 1715;

Apparently my BMI of the day was 19.79, steps 10,689, 1137 kcal and I had walked 6.92 km; at least according to my Wii fit meter.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: ham, broccoli, sweet corn, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been on a little cycle and a little 20 minute walk, on the treadmill. But I cannot really remember anything else that I have done apart from watched some more of Arrow.

Today I have been thinking about stuff, random stuff, about how different my life could have turned out if I had just done one thing differently, if I hadn’t been so bashful within that one instance and I had asked her about it. How different would the world be if I had done, the world would probably still be the same; a big old mess. But my little personal world, meaning my perspective on this world would change, my abilities would and my circumstances would undoubtedly change.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Day 1714

Day 1714;

My BMI was 19:71, steps 10,062, I burned off 903 kcal and I walked 6.51 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.a
Lunch: chicken stuffing sandwich, sponge cake, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner:spaghetti bolognaise, cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now my mind doesn’t work... in the way I’d think it should, as it’s all very disorganised. So one minute I could be thinking about matter a then the a couple of seconds later I move straight onto matter c then my mind jumps to matter z or x before going back to matter a, if I’m lucky that is. If I’m not lucky my mind will just move onto a separate letter. One of my contemplations was...

What is love?

Well I know it’s an emotion, or a state of mind relating to things that have happened. Like anger is an emotion which relates to people getting angry. So then love is a state of mind which is related to people being in love, I get that but what is the feeling of love? Anger, the red mist or just getting pissed off with someone is really easy to be. But love what is it Is it really just a lot of likes or is it something more?

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Day 1713

Day 1713;

My BMI was 19.56, my steps were 11,733, my calories burned were 1387 and my distance walked was 7.60 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and cakes.
Dinner: toad in the hole (sausage in Yorkshire pudding), carrots, peas, runner beans, sweet corn, bread n butter pudding and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now up was today and today was decidedly lazy, as I know that I managed to get a 15 minute jog on the treadmill in this morning. But then that was it, until I managed to do an hour long work out at the gym on the lateral cross trainer. So I got a blister on my foot from going on the treadmill in my small old white trainers this morning and then I got a blister on my hand from going on the lateral cross trainer, in my gloves which I’m starting to think maybe slightly too small for me now also. Fortunately I have got other pairs of gloves, which I could use in the future.

I have also watched some more of Arrow today. Oliver Queen is back from the dead again, he’s really starting to make a habit of it. It being one of the most commonly used tropes in comic books, which Green Arrow is need I not forget.

Monday 23 April 2018

Day 1712

Day 1712;

Today my BMI was 19.62, I made 18,691 steps, I burned off 1995 kcal and I walked 12.10 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and grapes.
Lunch: margarita pizza and pasta salad.
Dinner: ham,  macaroni cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash
Snacks: chocolate croissant and a pastry.

Today I had  got Athletics club lined up as well as a couple into town and the actual gym. Now I know that having all of those activities to keep me active for today I should most probably reach my stepping goal, but just to be on the safe side I have gone for a 30 minute stroll on the walking machine my stroll took me 3966 steps.

Then after that I went on a second walk into town and just as I was getting back to my residence my watch bleeped at me, to say that my step goal had been reached, so I could then be taking it easy for the rest of the day.

Almost as soon as I returned I had lunch if I hadn’t taken so long with my shoes it may have been later. But then I had to finish it quickly so I could get out to the gym, but I didn’t and I was late. But I still managed to fit a whole session in at the gym; the whole session included 10 minutes on the lateral trainer, a load of weight machines before a final 10 minute ride on the exercise bike.

But the next thing I can remember doing was eating an old pastry, before getting myself ready for my trip out to athletics. Which I went to but I missed the warm up little runs, so I went straight on to throwing clubs and I had a bit of fun in doing that. Then it time to go home, and when I’d got back it was time for dinner.

I had finished my dinner, done my body test when I watched a bit more of Arrow, and that brings me up to about this time.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Day 1711

Day 1711;

My BMI was down today at19.69, according to my Wii fit meter I have walked 32,146 steps which equates to 20.81 km in distance that I have walked, apparently in doing all of those steps I have burned off 1630 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: salmon, spinach, broccoli, runner beans, peas, potatoes and bread + butter pudding.
Dinner: half of a margarita pizza and 3 small cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

“While I stood there.. That’s it, that’s all I did, I stood there in the shops open doorway I saw you, fleeing the scene. So I took flight after you, to apprehend you”.

Now that was just another little flight of fantasy from my overactive imagination. Which I just typed off of the top of my head I may use it in something.

Then today we had gone on a 50 mile tandem cycle. In the morning, 1 week before the 80  mile excursion, that we have planned. Then what did I do? I think I ate my lunch, then somewhere in the afternoon I had another treadmill walk for about half an hour before the pizza arrived and I went outside to eat it, as Allergy had her friend over so I got the opportunity to eat outside, which was fun.

Saturday 21 April 2018

Day 1710

Day 1710:

My BMI was up to 19.82, steps were 11,133, I had burned off 1151 kcal and I walked 7. 21 km. But I didn’t cycle anywhere.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: egg, bread n butter and some cakes.
Dinner: cod, prawns, pasta salad and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and
Snacks: advent calendar chocolate, Jaffa cakes and magnum ice cream.

Today I have been... actually where have I been... oh that was where, Boccia practice, so that was where I wasted my morning. Then I got back home and I cannot remember what it was that I did first, was it get changed to go and visit GM? I think it was I first had y lunch before going on a walk of which the walk actually helped me in meeting my step goal for today as I was somewhere around 100” steps before the walk and by the time I had finished it was up near 7000. Next I had another 20 minute walk on the treadmill, it was by about 3/4 of the way through that I made my step goal, for this day.

But then today I have had two irritating songs in my head, the second one is still going round on a seemingly endless loop, , it’s the song which should be called Blue Shoes where it’s get your blue (which is actually get your new shoes on) the then the song that I’ve forgotten but I remember it was by a Kyle monogue (sp.). 

Friday 20 April 2018

Day 1709

Day 1709;

BMI has been at 19.56, steps 20,813, 1721 kcal and I have walked 13.48.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten but it was probably some beans on toast.
Dinner: ham, prawns, pasta salad and magnum classic ice cream.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Today it took me two attempts to get myself awake, as the first time it was as I had gone to sleep on top of my quilt, so I had to get myself sorted before I could continue to sleep. But that I did and then next up was Tini or it could have been Mich waking me as I had to get my breakfast eaten, so I could have a go on the treadmill before it got too hot.

Anyway I did go on the treadmill, it was a thirty minute strength walk/jog which was going up to speeds of nine whatever the meterment of speed is for the treadmill.

I have decided to watch some more of Arrow.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Day 1708

Day 1708:

BMI was 19.62, steps I did 15,229, and I burned off 1891 kcal and I walked 9.86 km, as well as the 28.18 miles that I rode on the tandem today.

Breakfast cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on toast and fruit cake.
Dinner: salmon, baked potato with cheese, salad and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, leffe (larger) and hot chocolate.

Today the weather has been hottest April day within the past 55 years apparently but I haven’t been alive for the past 55 years closer to half of it and I have already had enough of it, at least once before. But I shall continue to exist at least for the time being as I have made a deal with a special person, and I have now got that to exist for, and to prove myself wrong, by achieving something that I never thought possible. So that’s my reason for my new fitness regime.

So on this day I have been on a tandem ride and a 15 minute jog, on the treadmill. The 15 minute jog came after I had been on a walk to town and back, but I’m unsure if I did it before or after lunchtime. But I know that I did it before I had my Mediterranean little afternoon nap, which I took before going out on the tandem for a ride. Which was in preparation for another little cycle that we are doing one weekend in the future.

I have also been watching the final the final part of Arrow season 2 on DVD, so I’m guessing that season 3 will continue the story.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Day 1707

Day 1707;

My BMI was 19.69, steps 13,941, I had burned 1429 kcal I had walked 9.03 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognaise, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: advent calendar chocolates.

Who knew that having a lazy day could be so hunger inducing, as today it has been more Mediterranean in the weather. I have been attempting to get my jogging done on the treadmill, I managed to get myself to 2.44 km in 11:04.4 , which was 1994 steps as a start on the treadmill in the morning, then I did another 2.42 km jog on the treadmill in 16:26.2 but that jog took me 2552 steps, but my second jog was at a slower speed. I decided to take a nap after my second jog as it was a about at 13:00, that I took my nap, as I had had my lunch earlier on just after my breakfast and my first jog on the treadmill.

Then after I’d had my nap I went downstairs again to have a go on a 30 minute cardio workout on the treadmill, which was fun, just very sweaty, especially in the sub tropical heat of the “gym” that is in the abode. Next up it was time for me to get myself dried off for my next activity of the day as had just walked into the abode and had walked up to the make shift gym when I was doing the cool down and told me to get myself dried off and dressed up. In clothes to do the little cycling on Mich’s tandem, to visit the shop and GM’s home.

I have also been watching more Arrow season 2. It’s still good and a bit confusing Thea Queen is really a Merlyn and Mr Queen knew it and broke off his adulterous affair with the woman that is trying to get her own back on the Queen family and Lawro (I’m unsure how to spell her name, the girl that was Oliver Queen’s girlfriend before the boat).

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Day 1706

Day 17p8

I have had a BMI of19.62, steps 12,968, 992 kcal and 8.40 km. But today I have gone on a walk to the bike place and then we rode the tandem back to the house.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, toast, mini sausages and something.
Dinner: gammon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, runner beans and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

First up I had my breakfast, then I cannot really remember what I did, before lunch. But I know that I went for a walk, and a ride, was it that I did those two things before lunch? 

Then today I have been for a walk and a ride, the little walk appeared to take ages, it took us about 25 minutes. But when I was on the walk I was remembering the times that I had walked a similar route to some of the houses that are up on the other side of town, and I was remembering how long it seemed back then/when I was young, I’m sure it took us longer to walk through some different paths in order to get there, but I’m unsure of whether I had a watch on when I used to go there, so I have got no idea of the actual time but today it took us just about twenty five minutes to walk it.

Also I have been watching more of Arrow, season two. Green Arrow sounds similar to Green Lantern. But I think there’s actually more than one Greek Lantern in the comics, but there’s only one Green Arrow, at least back to where I have gone.

Monday 16 April 2018

Day 1705

Day 1705;

As my BMI for today was 19.71, steps 11,499, 861 kcal and 7.45 km. But then I had done a little cycle which was to a place then it was a little walk back.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: carrot soup and chocolate chipped shortbread.
Dinner: turkey, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (raspberry) 
Snacks: some of my chocolate box.

So this morning I have gone on a cycle, to the place where Mich’s tandem came from, then we walked back to the house. Then I had my snacks then I am thinking that I was watching some more of Arrow before lunch, but I’m also thinking that I went on the treadmill. Then I am thinking that it was going to the gym after lunch, it was my usual gym session, I started off with a little lateral training which continued with a load of weight machines before I ended up on the exercise bike.

In Arrow the parkour is very good. 

Sunday 15 April 2018

Day 1704

Day 1704;

My BMI was 19.89, number of steps were 12,526, I had burned off.1312 kcal and I had walked 8.11 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: omelette and cake.
Dinner: beef, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, runner beans, horse radish (sauce.
Drinks: milk , fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Today I have been on a tandem ride, and I have watched a lot of Arrow that’s about it that I have done today. Apart from eating, that is.

I have been on a 2:42:45 the distance that I 36.79 our speed was 13.6, the calories I burned off on the bike ride was 1456, my heart rate was 151. According to my watch.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Day 1703

Day 1703;

I think my BMI was something like 19.89 but I have forgotten almost every other thing that I have done and I think that I had burned off 720 kcal today, how pathetic.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (brown bread), salad and something.
Dinner: turkey, peas, broccoli, carrots and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and non alcoholic pear pear cider.

So today I was having another lazy day, as I have watched some more of Arrow. I also played some more Boccia and I watched some more football  live, it was another defeat, it was a big defeat.

Tomorrow I’m going to get myself quite a bit more active.

Friday 13 April 2018

Day 1702

Day 1702;

BMI was of 19.36, my steps were 13,606, the number of calories I burned off were 1155 kcal and I had walked 8,81 km.

Breakfast:  cereal, orange, pear, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: turkey, broccoli, peas, carrots, baby corn, green beans, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now today I have watched the Game of Thrones animated history little extra DVD that came with the series 7 box set, Conquest and Rebellion. Which is interesting with it saying a lot of shenanigans which happened in the past in the Game of Thrones universe, like the original king of the seven kingdoms Mr Tygarian, from Valyria, was likely to have got evicted from Valyria with his two sisters just before the cataclysm struck Valyria. Sounds kind of suspicious if you ask me.

But today I have gone for another little 100 minute walk on the treadmill. I have also watched some Arrow. It was Friday the thirteenth today as well, what is Friday the thirteenth all about anyway? As I do not know.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Day 1701

Day 1701;

My BMI was 19.46 today, my steps were 12,889, I had burned off 1307 kcal and I had walked 8.35 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and  banana.
Lunch: brown bread sandwich and Jaffa cake mousse.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peppers, potatoes, sweet n’ sour sauce and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cloudy lemonade.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Now today I have been to the gym, for an hour, then 12 minute cool down, on an exercise bike. Then later on I had a little walk, well I did 3 brisk 30 minute walks in one 90 minute, at 6 km/h on the treadmills (but my watch informs me that I was only doing an average speed of 5.7 km/h).

So I have been thinking about Game of Thrones today, I have also been thinking about the futility of existence but mostly about the Game. As there is only one more season to go. So I’ve been watching a load of speculation videos on YouTube on what some people believe will be in the final season, of which I find interesting. I think that the night king should probably win in the end, as the undead dragon shoots blue flames from its mouth, and blue beats red, just as water beats fire. Blue fire is an actual thing also, as it’s in a gas hob and it’s hotter than your regular red flame, which could be as the dragon is dead so it’s breakdown has started and when it brakes down it gives off some gasses, and the gasses being broke down are flammable so they join forces with the flame being emitted, so they burn hotter than before.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Day 1700

Day 1700;

My BMI was 19.62 for today, I had taken 15,260 steps, I had burned 1312 kcal and I had walked 9.88 km, apparently today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: beef sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

But today I have heard about Liverpool beating Manchester City twice in about the space of a week. Which is an achievement apparently, as Manchester City has been the best team in the Premier League this season. But they have lost their last 3 games, which from a team that didn’t look beatable at the start of the season, with them breaking the record for most games won in a row (in the Premier League) earlier on in the season, now could we be seeing the greatest upset in footballing history, probably not but it’s nice to speculate.

Now the distance that I have walked today that I have stated above came from my Wii fit meter, but on the treadmill today I’d apparently walked 10.32 km according to my watch the treadmill I’m thinking would have said something like 11 km by the time I had finished on it, as I was moving at about 6 km/h (so 1 km every 10 minutes) and I stopped walking at about 110 minutes.

So what else have I done today? I’m sure there was actually something that I have done today... now that was it, I’ve watched the final episode of Game of Thrones series seven. Which was pretty good to be honest, especially as the undeaded dragon destroyed the wall, John snow should have burnt the corpse of the dragon while he had the chance, but now the land of the living haven’t got a hope.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Day 1699

Day 1699;

19.98 was my BMI for this lazy day, it was so lazy I had only done 3973 steps,  I had only burned off 675 kcal and I’d only walked 2. 57 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, banana and pear.
Lunch: beef sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.

 I know that this has been a lazy day today and it was my day of watching more of the Game of Thrones season 7. Now I’m down to the last disk, as the white spear has just “killed” a dragon and it has been reborn into a force from beyond the wall. Big Sam missed out on the fact that Jon Snow is actually Rhegar Targarians (spellings have never really been my strong suit, if I was to have one) and he should be the one to sit on the iron throne not his new queen of a girlfriend, as Rahgar got there marriage annulled, but it’s all lost in the paperwork of old.

Then earlier on today I did myself 2 little jogs on the treadmill, the first was apparently 7.3 miles long and it took me 8:38.3 minutes:seconds, my second jog of the day was slightly longer but by time not distance as I only got 5.1 miles in 10:47.3 minutes:seconds. Which is a bit of a drag, but not as big a drag as Dani from Game of Thrones looks pregnant from the splash screen at the start of the GoT: conquest game, at least I think that’s where I saw it, but then about to as far as I have seen she’s been saying that she can’t have children, but then that must be a new revelation as wasn’t she carrying Drogo’s children, before that witch used them as a sacrifice for keeping Drogo alive, but in a vegetative state. I think I remember the witch saying that now the world would be safer now that Drogo’s children won’t be born as they wouldn’t be around to rape anyone, as she had getting raped before Dani showed up. But I only thought that it was that batch of children, then the Tyrell woman admitted to poisoning Joffery Baratheon, to Jamie Lanister before taking her own life, with the poison provided to her by Jamie. So basically Jamie had a lot of fingers in a lot of pies including one into his sister/the queen, which turned out to impregnate her also; if I was following the story correctly at least.

Monday 9 April 2018

Day 1698

Day 1698;

So today i only managed to get 7880 about steps in which was a disappointment and my BMI was also don’t it was at 19.85 or something like that.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, scampi, chips and salad.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today I have been snowboarding, which was fun, challenging but fun. It’s challenging as you have to be more in control of your balance than when you’re skiing, as if you’re a skiing you already know what to do from your day to day walking about, it’s just easier than walking, downhill at least. But snowboarding is just something else, I know that when you get better at skiing they talk about going on the edges of your skis but then today day 1 of snowboard lessons, I was being instructed on getting onto the edges of the board, which was refreshing. So if I was told I had to ride the Matterhorn tomorrow on an either snowboard or skis, I’d say skis but if it was on a slope that I have skied on previously then I’d probably say that it has to be on a snowboard as I like challenging myself but I’m thinking that I’ll have to get a lot better at snowboarding before I have a go on a real slope, not one of the man made ones which are inside, and also in the pleasant land of Blighty.

But then I got my self home and I went on the treadmill, as an attempt at getting my daily steps up, which it worked at doing but I wasn’t on it for long enough, so that’s a pity.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Day 1697

Day 1697;

Today I had a BMI of 20.08, steps 12,124, calories burned 1077 and I walked 7.85 km, apparently today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear, strawberries and grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (brown bread) and pastries.
Dinner: chicken, peas, broccoli, sweet corn, carrots, croquet potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now what have I done today.... I cannot remember what I have done today, as the days just keep rolling into one, as I basically can’t remember weither it happened today or yesterday. As it was a discussion I was having with a friend about a dream she had, which was of me showing her a video of my snowboard lesson, which I haven’t yet had, and apparently I did some “little flips” which I have found out means switching your down slope boot, ie if I was Goofy, right foot down slope, and I swapped my pose for a Regular, left foot down slope. Which I have been thinking of doing for as long as I learnt that you had to be either Goofy or Regular, as I know that I’m more likely to be Goofy, as my right leg is still my least bothersome, or my least spasticated, full body dystonia which sometimes acts up with my legs shaking, which is more often than not my left leg but it has been know to affect my right leg.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Day 1696

Day 1696;

BMI was 19.98, steps were 8122, I burned off 906 kcal and I walked 5 .26 km today, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese sausage omelette, apple, orange and banana.
Dinner: forgot, broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, hot chocolate and water.

Today has been a disappointing day, as I played a bit of boccia this morning and I lost. Then I went to watch the football team that I support lose another game, and what’s worse is that I only have managed to do 8122 steps today, pitiful just pitiful.

Today I saw Manchester United beat Manchester City in the Premier League, but this time the light blue side started the game and they apparently outplayed Manchester United for the first half, they could have had 6 goals apparently, but the Man U goalkeeper kept the ball out of the back of the net for the majority of chances, but Man City still managed to score 2, but it was during the second half that I was listening to the match. As I had only seen the score from the first half on my iPad so I thought that Man U was struggling to find their way in the match, then I heard Paul score his first, of the game, and I hadn’t even realised that the game had started again until Paul scored his second of the game, which levelled the game up at 2-2, then the game was being played end to end, and Man U got another goal. Which delayed the Manchester City’s celebration for winning the league, but for how long we don’t know. But it was the second game that Man C has lost in a row, as they lost to Liverpool in the Champions League last time they played of which they’ve still got a 3 goal deficit to overcome to keep their hopes alive in that competition.

Friday 6 April 2018

Day 1695

Day 1695;

BMI was 19.85, steps 14,297 steps, 1739 kcal burned off today and 9.26 km was my distance walked apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon sponge cake.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese, chocolate trifle and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, cider, water and hot chocolate.

So today I got up, as I usually do... late, then I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Up next I had my 10 minute walk on the treadmill, before I had my lunch.

The next part of my day had me doing something but I have forgotten what I did, until I went back on the treadmill for a total of 40 minutes, which I did before asking Mich if I could borrow his trainers, as he'd said yesterday that he thought mine might be getting slightly small, so he agreed and I used his trainers for the final 30 minute go on the treadmill. I know that my feet are still too short to fit in his shoes but they were wide enough for my feet, so Tini has been online shoe shopping. Then when I got to about the 30 minute mark I had to stop to go for my dinner.

After dinner I did my body test then I had a shower, then I wrote this, thing up.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Day 1694

Day 1694;

19.46 I think was my BMI for today, I managed to get myself up to a greater number than 10,000 steps on my Wii fit meter, I’m thinking that I made it to just over 800 kcal and I don’t think I checked my distance walked.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon sponge cake.
Dinner: salmon, prawns, roasted vegetables, crochet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water , fruit juice,  cider and hot chocolate.

Today I have only been to the gym for a half an hour cycle on the exercise bike, a 1:26 cycle on the tandem and I have had a 10 minute walk on the treadmill. The cycle on the tandem today only took me on a 20.24 mi trip.

But I got to see Logan today, it was decent enough seeing as how I remember Charles Xavier dying in a previous film, and he hasn’t got healing factor, then I think there has been quite a few films in between that film where he was killed by Jean Grey, and the Logan film. I seem to remember seeing a trailer for one that had him resurrected with Magneto, acting all chummy, like old times, I even think that the one called days of future past came in between, I don’t think I have seen that one either. But they are for other days.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Day 1693

Day 1693;

Today I had a BMI of 19.40, 14,876 steps, 961 kcal burned and 9.63 km walked.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pie, peas,carrots, sweetcorn, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now basically today I have been doing nothing, with the exceptions of when I was doing some things, which was an hour cycle on an exercise bike, at the gym, before another hour on the treadmill, at home. Doing that got me almost up to 10,000 steps, as my going on a bike doesn't count towards my daily steps I had literally done almost 9000 steps in the second hour as I'm thinking that I had only done 788 steps this morning, then after that I jogged beside Mich as he was attempting to pop the balloons' the wii fit Island in a half hour jog on the spot using a wii-mote as handle bars.

Ok now today I was going to watch the film Logan, but I ran out of time.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Day 1692

Day 1692;

19.59 was my BMI for today, 22,885 steps, 1300 kcal and 14.82 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon sponge cake.
Dinner: turkey , carrots, red cabbage, potato, Yorkshire pudding and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, ribina n lemonade and hot chocolate.

Today I have been to the dentist, and it’s looking like I’m going to have to get my lower left wisdom tooth removed. But the dentist was talking about me having to go under annistetic, I hate going under annistetic, I’ve been under annistetic once before and it was ages ago when I was about ten it was to get some of my teeth right teeth removed but I cannot remember why but as soon as I came around I started getting emotional which I don’t like, so I don’t want to get knocked out before I get my tooth removed.

I have also watched Spider-man homecoming, I’d heard of Gwen Stacy, the daughter of that police man (captain Stacy) and Mary Jane (MJ) Watson, but I haven’t heard of a girl called Liz that was a romantic interest of Parker. But in the end of the film they had a new MJ and she was one another one of the clever kids at school club, just like Gwen/Liz and Peter. They even changed Harry Osborn to Ned but this time he knows that Peter is Spider-man. Is there actually going to be a place for Harry Osborn as well in the future films? How many people know that Peter is Spidey? Because Aunt May maybe not, bad move Peter, as well as The Vulture also knows who Spider-man is, that can’t be correct. Isn’t the idea of having a secret identity as it’s supposed to be, you know, secret.

But I have had a 100 minute strength walk today on the treadmill. I can’t remember what I did the rest of the day.

Monday 2 April 2018

Day 1691

Day 1691;

19.95 was my BMI, I had made 13,104 steps, I had burned off 977 kcal and I was walked 8.48 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orannge, pear, banana, apple, strawberries and a chocolate croissant.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon cake.
Dinner: turkey, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, green bans, red cabbage, rhubarb crumble with cream and queen of puddings.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and Shloer.

So today I have swatched 2 of my new DVD's, the first of which was X-men: Apocalypse, it was decent enough but it didn't have anything to do with the world freaking ending, admittedly the "villain" was called apocalypse but I don't get why he wasn't called the gardener as that was what he was doing, he was attempting to weed out the world of the weak and unfit to survive which is what a gardeners job should be. the second film thatI watched today was called Thor Ragnarok, but this film was actually paying some attention to the source material, not much but some. Odin died and there was an actual planet being destroyed, in the story. Which is more than can be said about X-men but they did get the number of horsemen of the Apocalypse correct pity they didn't have horses.

Today I have done a 60 minute walk on the treadmill, now I can't remember if it was before or after I had walked into town, with Mich, and I got accosted by another person that I knew from school, in a local shop, he used to be in my form but before that I had already met the one old history teacher from school as she was visiting a relative at the old folks home that we were both visiting. 

Sunday 1 April 2018

Day 1690

Day 1690;

Now today I had a BMI of 20.21, on my Wii fit meter I had done 13,328 steps, burned off 891 kcal and I had walked 8.63km.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: lamb, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, broccoli, green beans, potatoes and lemon cake.
Dinner: buffet, rhubarb crumble with ice cream and queen of puddings.
Drinks: milk, water, cider and fruit juice.

Now  today I have been out on the tandem for a short ride early this morning, but the ride wasn’t one of our best rides. As it wasn’t raining but we somehow managed to get ourselves soaked in the mini rivers that were riding through on the roads. But my shorts weren’t actually my padded cycling shorts so I had a slight issue with them today.

Now I was watching the television for a couple of hours later on yesterday. And I saw an advert it was for something called “Simply Be” I think, I didn’t really understand the advert, which should probably mean that it’s a good time for me to shut up, but I’m not going to be so kind. As the concept that I got from the advert was one that “it’s ok, to be fat” which I would like to virulently disagree. As it’s not ok To be a waste on the limited resources of the planet, and if you think otherwise then you should probably just go away and bury your head, under a rock, as it’ll be the only way to protect yourself from the real world.