Tuesday 27 March 2018

Day 1685

Day 1685;

 Now today I had a BMI of 19.53, steps I did 21,220, I had burnt off 1490 kcal and I have walked, apparently, 13.74 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: what did I eat for lunch today? I just cannot remember.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, I’ve forgotten the third vegetable, baked potato with cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, Lucozade sport (orange), cider and tea.

This morning I have had a relatively lazy morning but still I managed to do a small jog, on the treadmill, it was only a short half hour or so. Then later on after I had eaten my lunch I was getting on nicety, back on the treadmill, when Flow showed up. She showed up to deliver a wheelchair for GaK, who Allergy and Mich are going to pick up from a hospital in a day or so long. Flow had a go on the Treadmill this afternoon, and Allergy had a go on it before me this morning so that makes it 4 different people in 2 days, I seem to be getting a lot of use out of this new contraption, as after Flow left I had another few goes on the treadmill before stepping off of the belt with one foot, but one foot was still on it, which kind of spun me and it also tripped me, the   net result was me coming off the back of it and banging my head on Allergy's trampoline, it was the metal bar that's around the edge of it which came into contact with my head, so I decided to stop my treading, at least until Allergy had reawaken and she could check my head, to make sure that I hadn't broken anything but I took this break in treading to take another drink, and just  before I had finished my drink Allergy showed up.

As guessed nothing was broken, then just as I was thinking about clearing my pots away from lunch, breakfast and my cup from just then, Tini arrives and she kicks up a fuss about how I hadn't done my pots, which was as I hadn't used all of my pots, before now. Save water you know.

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