Tuesday 6 March 2018

Day 1664

Day 1664;

My BMI was for today 19.49, and steps were apparently 46,093, 2402 was also apparently the number of kcal that I burned off and apparently the distance I have walked today was 29.84 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, grapes and pear.
Lunch: cheese toastie and something.
Dinner: macaroni cheese,chicken dippers and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and ginger beer.
Snacks:  chocolate.

Now today by my watch I had made my way to 50,000 steps 5 minutes before the time of my body test, my watch buzzed me and had written on it’s face “Goal” then underneath of the text it had “X5” written which means that I would have made my goal, which is 10,000, 5 times today (which is how I understood that it meant I had made my way to 50,000, as 5 times 10,000=50,000).

Now today I have watched this:

I think that it's great. He's spot on, with the stuff that he's talking about also.

The Liberal Mentality= insanity.

So today I have had at least 3 jogs on the spot, well I've recorded 3 with my watch, and I have done one other hour long workout, which started off as a half hour bounce on Allergy's trampoline and it ended with a half hour on the rower. the other parts of my days workout included a  bit more on the trampoline, a bit more on the rower and a bit more jogging on the spot/around places inside, so my number of steps for today on my watch was 50,206.

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