Saturday 10 March 2018

Day 1668

Day 1668;

19.79 was my BMI, 19,835 steps, 1084 kcal and 12.84 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: poached eggs on toast and a couple of pastries.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tea.

Today I have been on the winning team at boccia, we were playing against The Laugh Down Heroes, which I think must be the at best B team for the Laugh Down boccia club, as they had at least 2 players that would probably beat us, our team, single handedly, by that I mean that either of the two of could play a game of boccia solo against our whole team (which is H, Link, Icar, Nut, Savage there’s also J but she wasn’t there today) with all of us playing. The LDHeros won the toss and they decided to play as Red, which means that we were playing as blue, the score at of the first end was 0-1, we had actually won the first end, then the second end score was 0-1, so by this time we were up by 2 points and we’d reached the end of the first third of the game but by this point only 3 of us had played, which were Link, Icar and myself, so I indicated to first H then to Nut, to sub me out but they weren’t submissive of my intentions, and it took one more end which we lost by 1, to put the score up to 1-2 before I got subbed for Nut. Then the 4th end was another 1-0 defeat, but which had the score up to 2-2 the match was hotting up,then Nut managed to swindle 3 on the next end, as she was the captain and she argued with the referee that we should be getting 3 instead of 2 in the end, so he got his tape measure out and he noticed that Nut was correct,so the score was 2-5 going into the final end. Now Nut lost this end by 2 shots which ended up with the other team loosing to our team 4-5, which was a shock, then we played an extra 4 ends to get the most out of our court hire but this time it was Savage, Nut and then H, playing, as Link and Icar had to go home. But we won the mini match also 3-4, as in end 1 the score was 0-2, then by the end of the second end they had struck back making the score 2-2, but then by the end of end 3 they were in the ascendancy leading by 3-2, now it was the final end and the team that I was part of managed to score 2 on the end making it 3-4, so we even won the mini game after the match, I’m unsure how I feel about winning a match well yes the sheer novelty of it made a change if you wanted to say that it made me happy then I would probably say true, but loosing also makes me happy, I’m thinking that’s more the sport that I enjoy, not boccia the atmosphere around the club when we’re playing.

Ok then we got home and in the afternoon there was a football game that the team that I support was playing, they drew the game. But it was better than the Rugby Union match that we saw on the TV this afternoon, as it was a defeat to England against the French. Eddy Jones’s 3rd defeat in 27 matches. But his second in 2 matches on the six nations which just hands the title to Ireland, and it leads the Irish with a grand slam possible all they have to do is go to England next week and win the game. That’s it with England having lost 2 matches now and won only 2 so they could go into negative figures, for the tournament.

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