Monday 12 March 2018

Day 1670

Day 1670;

My BMI today was 20.08, i had done something like 13,000 steps, must have only managed to have burnt off something like 900 kcal in the 9.somthin km that I had walked.

Breakfast: cereal, apple pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast, chocolate cake and sponge cake.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and tea.

So today I have been having another lazy day, I know that I have gone to the gym today but  it was still a lazy day, I know that I should run a marathon, inside, or at the the very least 2 half marathons. `but I just haven't it should only take me about 5 hours in total. Then that should get me to 50,000 steps which is just less than a marathons length.

I have also been listening to the radio and it was this fat person saying that she was at her happiest being fat and she could be thin, as she demonstrated, apparently, in the past but she couldn't keep with the "constant" dieting and be happy with herself so she gave it up and gave into her gluttonous desires, and will probably be clogging up the NHS by the time he's not very much older, she was also going on about how the society has got so jaded now and it's men that are now driving women to reach these "impossible" beauty standards (that amazingly some people have managed to reach, so I guess they aren't that impossible then) but then to that point one of the male presenters actually corrected her by saying that the majority of men actually prefer women with more substance, which is better fashioned through observations of natural selection, which is that if a woman is of a healthy weight/size she is more likely to attract a mate than a large land whale of a woman, but the same works when you transfer the genders as if you a slimly built man and then a man who looked as good as a beached whale hen who are you going to spread your legs for the slim one, but I know there's more factors in play than just the appearance in the real world, like the size of his/her wallet.

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