Wednesday 14 March 2018

Day 1672

Day 1672;

My BMI was something like 19.47 today, because I forgot to write down my Wii fit results I will use another set of results, heart rate {rest: 46 max: 174}, steps 53,140, calories 4,373, sleep 7h 28m.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: ham sandwich, toastsble pizza and sponge cake.
Dinner: pie, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.

So this morning I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, brushed my teeth before going for another  half marathon jog around. I did one yesterday also but that one was after lunch, and it took me an two hours thirty three minutes and forty two seconds, but that was yesterday today it took me two hours seventeen minutes and four seconds. But that was before lunch.

In other more important news Stephen Hawking has died and as a great admirer of him I will tell you his greatest quote, in my opinion, “The afterlife is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark” as it may be a simple quote but it is an accurate quote.

Then as I was more than halfway through my lunch but before I had finished my lunch I was taken to the gym it was for a fifty minute cycle on an exercise bike, which I did before returning home for my cake. So yes I got my cake and I ate it. Then after I had finished my cake I journeyed back upstairs to my room where I played around a bit on my iPad before going to have a shower, which I had later than I had anticipated, also before going to have the shower I made sure that I had done 30,000 steps, as I was only just over 200 away; by my watch I think.

Next up I did a load of Allergy's exercises with her, then I had myself another little laze session, before dinner, and with the portion of carrots I had eaten my five a day. Then after my dinner, I had a forty-two minute jog 

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