Saturday 31 March 2018

Day 1689

Day 1689;

My BMI was 19.82, my steps were 12,245, I had burned 902 kcal and I had walked 7.03 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, pear and hot crossed bun. 
Lunch: buffet lunch and something .
Dinner: an Indian feast, strawberries and cream.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.

Now today I was lazy. I only managed to get in a minimal amount of time in today on the treadmill and also only got a little walk around the town that I live in today also, also I could only read my messages from FaceyBook thanks to my watch but I couldn’t respond to the messages due to my laziness. But I still managed to get out on a walk.

Friday 30 March 2018

Day 1688

Day 1688;

My BMI for today was 19.66 again, I think. I can't remember the rest but I know that I had a lazy day as I think that I had only done something like 7000 steps.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: I've forgotten, peas, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice London Pride (Beer) and hot chocolate.

Now the first part of my plan for today was ruined by my laziness as I didn't get out of bed until about 08:00, maybe slightly later, I went down for breakfast which took me in excess of an hour, so the time was now later than 09:00, of which was probably something more like 09:15 now if not later but now I had to go and get in the shower and wash myself, Tini was nagging me something about me having to go see the football team that I support get most likely beat by the side that was at the top of the league. So I did what I was instructed to do.

The game that I went to was a good game of football, surprisingly. the team that I support actually won the match which was a shock. They got 2-0 up in the first half, the oppositions just  weren't at the match until the second half when they managed to pull 1 back making the score 2-1, and that was how it ended.

Then I did 2 half hour little jogs one before the body test and the second after so then I probably did manage to reach my step goal for the day.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Day 1687

Day 1687;

My BMI was 19.66. I had only done 17,564 steps, I burned off 1057 kcal and I walked 11.37 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: I've forgotten, but I'm thinking that I had some brown bread.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Ribina and hot chocolate.

So in the morning I have done nothing basically except I got an early start on my lunch, as I decided that I had already wasted too much time with eating my breakfast to get a half marathon in, even if I set it up to go quicker than a walking path,  or 6 mph which honestly shouldn't take long, as a half marathon distance is just over 13 miles so therefore it should only take me slightly over 2 hours, and that is at a good walking pace, so tomorrow will be my day of doing 2 half marathons, the one in the morning will be one for my walking at 6mph on the treadmill and the one in the afternoon will be going at speeds which are at least 6.5mph, as I have been thinking that I probably was jogging quicker than 6mph yesterday. I don't know how I got it to average at 6.5mph but  I will attempt to, remember what Master Yoda told us about trying, replicate it. Oh yes Red it was don't try, do I think I am really getting better at that, Oh so you mean by using words like attempt instead of try? Well, yes, but I was also talking with myself about this problems for a couple of minutes before actually typing it. I know I was there in fact I believe it was I that actually pointed it out to you.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Day 1686

Day 1686;

My BMI was 19.78, steps were 14,911, I had burned off 1093 and I have walked 9.65 km, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: baked beans on toast and something.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognaise with cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

So today I have done my half hour jog in the morning, on the treadmill. Then I did two more half hour little bounces on the trampoline while allergy had herself another couple of goes on the treadmill.

After that I got myself up to learning some more programming, well it was at first some Objective C, but nothing too taxing, then I was doing a bit more on my Xcode project. anyway I've got two pages linked together, in a single page project.

The treadmill has got a quarter mile lap which is something like 400 meters, so it's a standard olympic 400m track But the speed goes up in mph, but today in my second attempt at running on it I had only se it up to go at 6mph and my watch had me averaging at 6.5mph for my little 40:34.9 inside jog which I don't really understand as I had only set it to go up to 6mph, I may have been wanting it to go quicker at times but I couldn't reach the speed adjustment controls, as they are on my right  hand side and my right hand was not responding to my instructions.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Day 1685

Day 1685;

 Now today I had a BMI of 19.53, steps I did 21,220, I had burnt off 1490 kcal and I have walked, apparently, 13.74 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: what did I eat for lunch today? I just cannot remember.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, I’ve forgotten the third vegetable, baked potato with cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, Lucozade sport (orange), cider and tea.

This morning I have had a relatively lazy morning but still I managed to do a small jog, on the treadmill, it was only a short half hour or so. Then later on after I had eaten my lunch I was getting on nicety, back on the treadmill, when Flow showed up. She showed up to deliver a wheelchair for GaK, who Allergy and Mich are going to pick up from a hospital in a day or so long. Flow had a go on the Treadmill this afternoon, and Allergy had a go on it before me this morning so that makes it 4 different people in 2 days, I seem to be getting a lot of use out of this new contraption, as after Flow left I had another few goes on the treadmill before stepping off of the belt with one foot, but one foot was still on it, which kind of spun me and it also tripped me, the   net result was me coming off the back of it and banging my head on Allergy's trampoline, it was the metal bar that's around the edge of it which came into contact with my head, so I decided to stop my treading, at least until Allergy had reawaken and she could check my head, to make sure that I hadn't broken anything but I took this break in treading to take another drink, and just  before I had finished my drink Allergy showed up.

As guessed nothing was broken, then just as I was thinking about clearing my pots away from lunch, breakfast and my cup from just then, Tini arrives and she kicks up a fuss about how I hadn't done my pots, which was as I hadn't used all of my pots, before now. Save water you know.

Monday 26 March 2018

Day 1684

Day 1684:

Today I got 19.66 aaa a BMI, I had only done 8070 steps, I had only burnt off 839 kcal and I had only walked 5.22 km, by the time of my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti on toast with mini sausages and I have forgotten.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water,  fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

So today the treadmill arrived, so it was Mich and my jobs to assemble it, of which we did successfully.As it arrived while I was out, at the gym, so I had to arrive home from being out at the gym, then I had to take a shower, due to my unpleasant aroma. Then we got to building it, just a short time later we got called for our dinner so we had finished our dinner and we continued on working on the treadmill soon it was built and we both had goes on it.

After the body test I made my way up to 10,695 steps, 1087 kcal and 7.05 km, so I think I can call the day another lazy day but I still managed to make it to my step goal, for today.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Day 1683

Day 1683;

My BMI was 19.82, steps 10,474, calories burned off were 1158 and my distance walked was apparently 6.78.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: beef Wellington, carrots, runner beans, broccoli, potatoes and something.
Dinner: cheese omelette and cold hot crossed bun.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and tea.

So it was today that I got another chance to go skiing, at the local snow dome, which was awesome, as I had a Japanese ski slalom champion as a guide for today, and he was actually pretty complimentary about my ability, which I was a bit taken aback by. But I don't actually like compliments, at least not to me, as I know that I can ski and it's wether they are actually complimenting me as it is what they would say to anyone that can ski as well as me or wether it was taking into account my disabilities and thinking kind of considering tha he's disabled he's not too bad at skiing. It's like one of those things that you hear some traditional feminists talking about, you know the ones that didn't want any of the special dispensations (exceptions that only apply for women, like women if they want to get into the army they only have to be able to run say 100m in say 20 seconds time, but then for men it is say 15 seconds) that modern feminists seem to want.

But now back onto the topic of the awesome Jap that I had guiding me today at skiing. He was just quality on the bumps as he would be going down them at some pace making them seem like it was effortless,but then   wen I followed him down I felt the bumps and me holding myself down to cling on to them. Just goes to show how good others are at skiing.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Day 1682

Day 1682;

By the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19.69, I had burned off 1057 kcal and I had walked 8.92 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese and ham omelette, pear, banana, apple, orange and 2 pastry’s (1 raspberry and 1 custard).
Dinner: beef Wellington, sweet corn, carrots, peas, broccoli, croquet potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Pepsi, water and fruit juice.

Now I think that I may have forgot to mention that England won in a football match against the Dutch, yesterday I think. I think it has been a first time in about 49 years for England to beat them in the Netherlands. So it looks like Gareth Southgate actually knows what he is doing as the England manager. At least I hope that he is.

Now I have been thinking, recently, about why I'm eating so much, but my BMI hasn't suffered in the way that it's supposed to and Allergy isn't eating as much as me but she's snaking in the evenings/mornings/when she gets off from work, and her work is as a nurse which is a 13 hour shift day or night, which has her up on her feet, from start to finish, or so she says. Her BMI has kept to the higher side of ideal. This can't be correct now, can it? Now her unusual sleep pattern could be the culprit... well it could be one of the culprits at least.

Friday 23 March 2018

Day 1681

Day 1681:

BMI 19.33, steps 10,533, 1023 kcal and 6.81 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: ham sandwich, salt and vinegar chips and a choux bun.
Dinner: chicken, roasted vegetables, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks:  milk, water, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today was another one of my lazy days, but I don’t understand why it was a lazy day. I had got up had breakfast, brushed my teeth before going out to the gym for an hour on the exercise bike. Then I got back from the gym, I had a shower sand I turned it on to get myself wet and to clean myself before getting out of the shower drying myself off with a towel. Returned to my room got myself dressed, again, next up I went downstairs for lunch so that concludes my mornings activity.

Then after linch I have had 2 attempts at my half marathon challenge, as you could probably guess I failed them both.but I got in 30 minutes on each,  but then the next hour of jogging I only did after my weigh in.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Day 1680

Day 1680;

My BMI was 19.49, my steps were 21,611 by my watch, my calories by my watch were 3286 and my amount of sleep was apparently 4 hours 49 minutes.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and grapes.
Lunch: cheese and pickle toastie, sponge cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: turkey, crochet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, hot chocolate and tea.

 This morning I have been doing some fitness stuff and this afternoon I have been playing on the odyssey of super Mario. Then after I had played a bit on Super Mario: Odyssey I also played a bit around on Xcode.

I have also started to watch a discussion between Aron Ra and Kent Hovind, it's interesting.

Wednesday 21 March 2018



My BMI was 19.49, my steps were 11,152, I had burned off 1001 kcal and I had walked about 7.48 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, apple, grapes, banana and orange.
Lunch: microwaveable pizzas and monster munch (crisps).
Dinner: pie, brocoli, carrots, crochet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I haven't managed to fit in a half marathon, as I was going to give it a go in the morning, but Allergy took me to the gym instead, my legs still ache a little still but I discovered that if I can make it after the approximately first 3 minutes I probably "could" continue on at something like 7.5 km/h with little discomfort, but the fact that I knocked the little lump of dead skin off of my big toe yesterday has actually improved my feeling in that toe, now that it's not causing me as much of a nuisance I just need to get myself another little runout, tomorrow morning, I hope.

I'm getting to learning Swift (the programming language) at the moment so that is why I have to get in a half marathon for the morning to give me the whole afternoon for learning, but the thing is this old friend of mine and his brother have started up an app business, so I asked if they wanted any help with there building, I was expecting they would have some tests of there apps that may like a fresh pair of eyes for some of the testing. But then he asked me if I could code, to which I responded in which language, and it went on from there so I told him that I'd look into programming Swift for IOS, and I found out that it was in Xcode which was a Program that I had downloaded onto my computer ages ago and I had never got around to using it so now I have got a new purpose, for my work, so I have now got 2 purposes.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Day 1678

Day 1678;

BMI 19.43, steps 26,890, calories 2344 and distance walked 17.41 km. But I'm thinking that my little wii fit meter may be a bit incorrect as I also did my inside half marathon this morning, it was in 2 hours 6 minutes.

Breakfast: cereal,grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: chicken sandwich and sponge cake with raspberries.
Dinner: pasta, sauce and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, Lucozade sport (Mango and passion fruit) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Ok today I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, then I have finished gone back upstairs, cleaned myself up, got changed into my gym gear, then I have gone back downstairs gone for anther jog it was another half marathon but it only took me 2 hours 06 minutes, and with doing it I broke the 5 of my records and then I sat down for my lunch.

So that is how my morning went. then later on I went to the gym, it was only for a half an hour cycle on the exercise bike. but after I'd had a sit down, for lunch I wasn't going to be able to do another half marathon, at least not today maybe tomorrow?


Yes  my sandwich was pretty good today.

No I was meaning you, you're the chicken, for cowering out.

Ok... no buts.

Monday 19 March 2018

Day 1677

Day 1677;

BMI was 19.49, steps were 42,668, calories burned were 2199 and my distance walked was 27.63 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: can’t remember.
Dinner: beef, croquet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: strawberries with a chocolate sauce.

This morning I managed to get up at a reasonable time, but I knew that I had to get to eat my lunch at 12 noon as Tini wouldn’t be pleased if I didn’t have it finished by the time that she arrived as she gave me specific instructions. I had just finished my lunch by the time that Tini arrived but I was still sitting at the table and Tini sighed. But then she said that I still had until quite a bit later.

Now today I have been having quite a long conversation with Es =

Sunday 18 March 2018

Day 1676

Day 1576;

My BMI was 19.76, the number of steps were 11,004, I burned off 767 kcal and I walked 7.13 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: beef, broccoli, peas, carrots, runner beans, potatoes and crumble (apple ‘n’ blackberry).
Dinner: a slice of sponge cake with a berry filling.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: little Italian chocolate.

Now today I have had a bit of a lay in. So that’s it for an early morning half marathon for today. Then later on today Flow was coming around for an anniversary lunch, it was her anniversary today. So I had a tiny jog until she arrived. So that had me up to about 4000 steps, for today. Which included the walk around the town to the shop and back, which gave me about 2500 of the steps, just stepping around my home gave me about 750, so the short jog gave me the final 750 steps, before lunch.

Then after lunch I cannot remember what I did directly, but I know I did a half hour jog. To get my steps a bit more respectable then I watched the Southend vs Wigan and the Leicester City vs Chelsea matches on the TV, Southend and Chelsea won. So the draw for the semi finals of the FA Cup have been drawn and it’s Tottenham vs Manchester United (not city as they got themselves knocked out by Wigan in the last round) and it’s Chelsea vs Southend, so it looks like it can still be a full London derby for the final, if Tottenham best Manchester again, at Wembley, and if Chelsea beat Southend, which is the most likely option. But both of the games have a strong possibility of being won by the London clubs.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Day 1675

Day 1675;

BMI was 19.76,z my number of steps were 10,075, I had burned off 909 kcal and I had walked 6.52 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham sandwich, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Dinner: salmon, prawn, roasted vegetables, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, ginger beer, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Noe today I've played boccia, then I did a little half hour jog on the spot before going to watch the football team that I support lose the match that they played.

Also England lost again at the Rugby, 3/5 matches in the six nations, I'm looking forward the Rugby world cup final, will it be England vs Ireland, from the standings it should be some team like Australia or New Zealand v England, but from the six nations results England have dropped to the fifth best team in the northern hemisphere. It looks like the final shall between New Zealand and Australia, with the Irish making it through to the semi finals.

Friday 16 March 2018

Day 1674

Day 1674;

19.36 was my BMI, the number of steps I took today was 16,765, I had burnt 1016 kcal and I had walked 10.85 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: ham, egg, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: a bag of chips (salt and vinegar).

The first thing I remember doing today was eating breakfast too slowly for a morning half marathon, so that was a disappointment. I remember going to brush my teeth afterwards thinking that I may have enough time if only I could get my teeth brushed toot sweet (I’ve never used that idiom before, but I thought it was toot haste) I may stand a chance at getting it in. But I was wrong as usual, as soon as I’d got myself ready for the half marathon I was told that I was going to the gym, for an hour long exercise bike ride, which doesn’t help with my steps whatsoever. But tomorrow it’s going to be another drastic day for my steps, as not only do I have boccia, which is apparently a sport (I remain unconvinced) but I’ve got a football match to go and watch, of which the team that we are going to watch will most probably lose. I know I’m an optimistic sod ain’t I.

The Russia issue is madness plain and simple, I find myself agree with agreeing with Jeremy Corbyn which is bloody insane, but I'm only agreeing with him towards the point that Mrs May has acted, in my opinion, too quickly to impose the sanctions on Russia. I'm not by any stretch of the imagination suggesting that Russia isn't at least culpable for the incidents as they were "targets" of Russia, and the incident that Mr Corbyn was talking about was done with a Russian produced nerve agent, but they could have "lost" it, how they "lost" it would be a concern also but also why they "lost" it could be very important also. Then there also was some more childish antics on both sides. Like Boris Johnsons name calling, and Vladimir Putins "I'm not listening".

Thursday 15 March 2018

Day 1673

Day 1673;

So today by the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19.43, 31,053 steps, 1472 kcal and I had walked 20.11 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: ham sandwich, chocolate cake and sponge cake.
Dinner: prawn, salmon, chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice,tea, cider and hot chocolate.

I had a lazy day today. and I had gone out to a fitness shop to get my own treadmill, well that was the purpose of the trip. As it's the Anniversary of my Existence coming up soon so Tini/Mich had the idea to save the carpets, as I have been wearing the carpets down, at an accelerated rate since I have been stepping a bit more around. So our server was very good, and he'd worked in the local Tesco shop to where we live in, for his previous employment. So it's a small world...

Do you now what I hate about you most of all Savage?

Well yes Red, but why don't you tell our audience.

Ok, fine, what I hate about you is the way you think, every time something goes wrong you always have to think about excuses, before you go "but I blame myself". It's like saying "'I was 100 miles away from the apartment at the time of the burglary, but it was me that burnt that appartment block down. Now Savage just Be A Man...

No if, no but and no excuses, just get your head down and work.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Day 1672

Day 1672;

My BMI was something like 19.47 today, because I forgot to write down my Wii fit results I will use another set of results, heart rate {rest: 46 max: 174}, steps 53,140, calories 4,373, sleep 7h 28m.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: ham sandwich, toastsble pizza and sponge cake.
Dinner: pie, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.

So this morning I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, brushed my teeth before going for another  half marathon jog around. I did one yesterday also but that one was after lunch, and it took me an two hours thirty three minutes and forty two seconds, but that was yesterday today it took me two hours seventeen minutes and four seconds. But that was before lunch.

In other more important news Stephen Hawking has died and as a great admirer of him I will tell you his greatest quote, in my opinion, “The afterlife is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark” as it may be a simple quote but it is an accurate quote.

Then as I was more than halfway through my lunch but before I had finished my lunch I was taken to the gym it was for a fifty minute cycle on an exercise bike, which I did before returning home for my cake. So yes I got my cake and I ate it. Then after I had finished my cake I journeyed back upstairs to my room where I played around a bit on my iPad before going to have a shower, which I had later than I had anticipated, also before going to have the shower I made sure that I had done 30,000 steps, as I was only just over 200 away; by my watch I think.

Next up I did a load of Allergy's exercises with her, then I had myself another little laze session, before dinner, and with the portion of carrots I had eaten my five a day. Then after my dinner, I had a forty-two minute jog 

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Day 1671

Dat 1671;

I had a BMI of 19.69 today, on my fit meter I had done 47,871 steps, 1850 kcal was the number of calories I had burnt off today and have apparently walked 31.00 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, bananas and pear.
Lunch: sausage sandwich with ketchup (white bread) and something.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and ginger beer.

What if... what if I hadn't been such a klutz, what if I had something to live for, would I still be me?

Monday 12 March 2018

Day 1670

Day 1670;

My BMI today was 20.08, i had done something like 13,000 steps, must have only managed to have burnt off something like 900 kcal in the 9.somthin km that I had walked.

Breakfast: cereal, apple pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast, chocolate cake and sponge cake.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and tea.

So today I have been having another lazy day, I know that I have gone to the gym today but  it was still a lazy day, I know that I should run a marathon, inside, or at the the very least 2 half marathons. `but I just haven't it should only take me about 5 hours in total. Then that should get me to 50,000 steps which is just less than a marathons length.

I have also been listening to the radio and it was this fat person saying that she was at her happiest being fat and she could be thin, as she demonstrated, apparently, in the past but she couldn't keep with the "constant" dieting and be happy with herself so she gave it up and gave into her gluttonous desires, and will probably be clogging up the NHS by the time he's not very much older, she was also going on about how the society has got so jaded now and it's men that are now driving women to reach these "impossible" beauty standards (that amazingly some people have managed to reach, so I guess they aren't that impossible then) but then to that point one of the male presenters actually corrected her by saying that the majority of men actually prefer women with more substance, which is better fashioned through observations of natural selection, which is that if a woman is of a healthy weight/size she is more likely to attract a mate than a large land whale of a woman, but the same works when you transfer the genders as if you a slimly built man and then a man who looked as good as a beached whale hen who are you going to spread your legs for the slim one, but I know there's more factors in play than just the appearance in the real world, like the size of his/her wallet.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Day 1669

Day 1669;

I had a BMI of 20.28, steps 14,974, I had burnt off 1111 kcal and I had walked 9.69 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: Brie camembert, salad, lamb, potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, raspberry crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: apple, banana, orange, pear and mint chocolate.

 Today I we had a dinner out at a pub/restaurant. But I also started my day by having a 22.17 mile cycle, which took us a time of 1:48.40 but now that didn’t help me at all in my daily step count for my watch, but by the time I had returned I checked my Fitmeter and it said that I already had done over 10,000 steps for the day.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Day 1668

Day 1668;

19.79 was my BMI, 19,835 steps, 1084 kcal and 12.84 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: poached eggs on toast and a couple of pastries.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tea.

Today I have been on the winning team at boccia, we were playing against The Laugh Down Heroes, which I think must be the at best B team for the Laugh Down boccia club, as they had at least 2 players that would probably beat us, our team, single handedly, by that I mean that either of the two of could play a game of boccia solo against our whole team (which is H, Link, Icar, Nut, Savage there’s also J but she wasn’t there today) with all of us playing. The LDHeros won the toss and they decided to play as Red, which means that we were playing as blue, the score at of the first end was 0-1, we had actually won the first end, then the second end score was 0-1, so by this time we were up by 2 points and we’d reached the end of the first third of the game but by this point only 3 of us had played, which were Link, Icar and myself, so I indicated to first H then to Nut, to sub me out but they weren’t submissive of my intentions, and it took one more end which we lost by 1, to put the score up to 1-2 before I got subbed for Nut. Then the 4th end was another 1-0 defeat, but which had the score up to 2-2 the match was hotting up,then Nut managed to swindle 3 on the next end, as she was the captain and she argued with the referee that we should be getting 3 instead of 2 in the end, so he got his tape measure out and he noticed that Nut was correct,so the score was 2-5 going into the final end. Now Nut lost this end by 2 shots which ended up with the other team loosing to our team 4-5, which was a shock, then we played an extra 4 ends to get the most out of our court hire but this time it was Savage, Nut and then H, playing, as Link and Icar had to go home. But we won the mini match also 3-4, as in end 1 the score was 0-2, then by the end of the second end they had struck back making the score 2-2, but then by the end of end 3 they were in the ascendancy leading by 3-2, now it was the final end and the team that I was part of managed to score 2 on the end making it 3-4, so we even won the mini game after the match, I’m unsure how I feel about winning a match well yes the sheer novelty of it made a change if you wanted to say that it made me happy then I would probably say true, but loosing also makes me happy, I’m thinking that’s more the sport that I enjoy, not boccia the atmosphere around the club when we’re playing.

Ok then we got home and in the afternoon there was a football game that the team that I support was playing, they drew the game. But it was better than the Rugby Union match that we saw on the TV this afternoon, as it was a defeat to England against the French. Eddy Jones’s 3rd defeat in 27 matches. But his second in 2 matches on the six nations which just hands the title to Ireland, and it leads the Irish with a grand slam possible all they have to do is go to England next week and win the game. That’s it with England having lost 2 matches now and won only 2 so they could go into negative figures, for the tournament.

Friday 9 March 2018

Day 1667

Day 1667;

19.59 was my BMI for today, by the time of my body test I had only done 22,746 steps, 1093 kcal and 14.73 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread) and something.
Dinner: sausage casserole and something.
Drinks: milk , water, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been being a bit lazy, I had only managed to walk just over 5000 by lunch, in recent days I have been beating that score by about double that.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Day 1666

Day 1666;

19.58 I think was my BMI for today and 72 cm was my waist size.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch:  cheese toastie and Bakewell slice.
Dinner: chicken tikka masala, chicken korma, sag aloo and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.

Now first thing today I saw the England women’s team lose s football match. And I have had two takeaways, one for dinner yesterday and one for dinner tonight.

So today I was called fitness obsessed, to that statement I thought “yeah I know, there are tons of things worse to be obsessed by,” it was as Allergy was being lazy after working out not following through on what she set up to do yesterday. As she’d set out by doing a short set of stretches before and after her workout but today she only managed to do her stretches before she slumped herself down in a chair after her workout today, and then started on about how I was fitness obsessed.

Also from the Allergy’s tirade she made the assertion that 10,000 steps was a maximum number of steps that you were supposed to do a day. When I searched online it said nothing like it said that young boys and girls actually have to do more steps than 10,000 I think it was more to boys should be 14,000 and girls should be getting 12.000, at least I think that’s what it said.

Now let’s move on to the following song, just so you know I like this song, it's called father and son, it's as far as I can tell it's a discussion between a father and his son, it has lyrics like "find a girl, settle down" which if they appeared in a modern-day song you'd probably have boycotts of the shops which are selling it, as it's discounting all of the sexual minorities. by not saying something like "find a girl boy tran-man trans-woman unicorn gender, settle down" but they don't fit nor do they stretch far enough to cover the 42,000,000 (so what shoot me for making an over exaggeration) new gender expressions.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Day 1665

Day 1665;

Today my BMI was 19.49, my number of steps by the time of my body test was 42,574 (On my Wii Fitmeter), I had burned off 1798 kcal and I had apparently walked 27.57 km. But today I was roped into recording my waist size also, as Allergy now has decided that she ain’t too fond of her BMI, anyway my waist size was 71.5 cm.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, orange and pear.
Lunch: margarita pizza and Bakewell slices.
Dinner: sweet sour chicken balls, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), Lucozade Energy (pink lemonade) and fruit juice.

Before my workout today at the gym I tried some warm up exercises, I did 50 crunches and 50 sit-ups. But I have done some more exercises when I had got home, as a start I did a load of stretches along with Allergy, then I went on the opposite pieces of equipment to Allergy while she was doing her 15 minute workout, which went 5 minutes on her trampoline then 5 minutes on the rower before finishing off with a final 5 minutes back where she started, on her trampoline, so I did 5 minute row 5 minute bounce 5 minute row. But then when we had finished I asked if I was allowed, and Allergy said I was so I finished off with another 5 minutes on her trampoline.

Then also today I have done another few steps after the body test to make my total steps for today upto 51,994, according to my watch, but I will be watching the America vs England football match tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Day 1664

Day 1664;

My BMI was for today 19.49, and steps were apparently 46,093, 2402 was also apparently the number of kcal that I burned off and apparently the distance I have walked today was 29.84 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, grapes and pear.
Lunch: cheese toastie and something.
Dinner: macaroni cheese,chicken dippers and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and ginger beer.
Snacks:  chocolate.

Now today by my watch I had made my way to 50,000 steps 5 minutes before the time of my body test, my watch buzzed me and had written on it’s face “Goal” then underneath of the text it had “X5” written which means that I would have made my goal, which is 10,000, 5 times today (which is how I understood that it meant I had made my way to 50,000, as 5 times 10,000=50,000).

Now today I have watched this:

I think that it's great. He's spot on, with the stuff that he's talking about also.

The Liberal Mentality= insanity.

So today I have had at least 3 jogs on the spot, well I've recorded 3 with my watch, and I have done one other hour long workout, which started off as a half hour bounce on Allergy's trampoline and it ended with a half hour on the rower. the other parts of my days workout included a  bit more on the trampoline, a bit more on the rower and a bit more jogging on the spot/around places inside, so my number of steps for today on my watch was 50,206.

Monday 5 March 2018

Day 1663

Day 1663;

My BMI was 19.53, steps were apparently 44,135, I also apparently lost 2376 kcal and I apparently walked 28.58 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: cheese toastie, Bakewell slices and chocolate chip short bread.
Dinner: vegitarian shepherds pie and a fruity pie thing.
Drinks: milk, water and  fruit juice.:

Now I have remembered what I did yesterday, 2well one of the things at least, it was watch the football match between England and Germany it was good despite England going behind twice but each time they managed to restore parity, which made the full time sore 2-2. Which puts them up to joint first in the She Believes Cup, which I personally believe is a stupid name for a cup/competition. She believes in what and who is she? With the terminology believes being used I'm thinking it's some kind of got/goddess, But ain't the four nations involved on the cup all western nations/nations which have had equal opportunities for the genders unto the law for about 100 years now? So yeah a woman can do anything a man can and the consequences should be equal, but they aren't and women often get off lighter than the equivalent crime committed by a man, sexism but it's some that the majority of feminists don't mind.

Now also I have been to the gym today.

43,938 steps at the moment, and I’ve just done my longest little jog around, but it wasn’t the longest in time, I’m thinking that it was the longest in distance jog that I have done which has been counted on my watch.

But I decided to give myself another hour long row, this time my watch counted 5712 steps for the activity. 242 more steps to do for that 50,000, on my watch that is. However on my Wii Fitmeter it was only at 44,135. 

Sunday 4 March 2018

Day 1662

Day 1662;

BMI was 19.89,My number of steps were 19,351, I had burned off 1091 kcal and i had walked 12.58 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, pear and grapes.
Lunch: something, shortbread and blueberry muffin.
Dinner: shepherds pie and something.
Drinks: milk, water, fizzy drink and pear cider.

So today I got up early-ish I went down to eat my breakfast, as usual. Not the time of my awakening but the time that I spent subsequently/my going downstairs to eat my breakfast.

After I had ate my breakfast I can't really remember what I did but I know what I did after that blank period of time, as I went out on two walks, one to town to go shopping, the second was to visit GM. Then we returned home, my dinner eventually got served for me to eat. I ate it and... mind has gone blank.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Day 1661

Day 1661;

19.92 was my BMI, 13:895 was the number of steps before the weigh in, 1011 kcal was the number of calories I had burnt off and the distance I had walked was 9.00 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana and apple.
Lunch: tomato soup, bread and something.
Dinner: pie, peas, croquet potatoes and knickerbocker glory.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, ginger beer and water.

Now today I have decided that I'm going to find my mobile telephone, and that I'm going to reach at least 40,000 steps as well as get in a bit of my fitness.

Now first off today I didn't find my mobile phone, so I have already failed. But I did reach 40,018 steps today and I'm unsure if this counts as I got in 35 minutes on a rowing machine.

Friday 2 March 2018

Day 1660

Day 1660;

19,82 was my BMI, 31,913 was the number of steps I made. 1377 kcal I burnt off and 20.85km was apparently the distance I walked.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: baked beans on toast (with sausages) and something.
Dinner: scampi, peas, chips and lemon cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, tea and hot chocolate.

I have finally finished my read through of Neverland, the comic, it's funny as the Hook beats up the Crocodile, Wendy gets with Hook, Pan and Tink are the villains, Tink helps Hook and Wendy defeat Pan in the end and the psychiatrist actually transports Hook, Wendy and himself to Neverland.

So today I have ventured out of the house once, it was to visit GM's, which we did using the shortest route it was only just about 250 steps one way, which id pitiful, But I had also managed to get myself 3 jogs 2 30 minuted and 1 90 minute jog.

And I also did some press-ups, sit-ups and crunches.

Thursday 1 March 2018

Day 1659

Day 1659;

My BMI was 19.79, my steps were 34,161, 1338 was my calories that I have burned off and 22.12 km was apparently the distance that I have wandered today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese ham toastie and something.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes and lemon cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, water, hot chocolate and fruit juice.

Now today I have been out on another walk, in the snow. I think it was to visit my GAK then it was to go to the shop. Which we did do today I also went on a few jogs around the inside of the house, my longest for the day as an hour thirty minutes, my shortest was the thirty minute little sprint that I have just done but then I did a third jog today It was an in-between jog, it only lasted 1 hour. as I went upstairs to collect my clothing hanger for Tini, as she was doing the ironing (pressing of clothes) today which may have been the first time I have seen that, this year.