Wednesday 28 February 2018



My BMI was 19.71, today my step count was 37,665. the number of calories that I had burnt off were 1475 kcal and the distance I have walked today is apparently 24.39 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange and banana.

Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner:chicken, peas, croquet potatoes and lemon cheese cake.
Drinks: milk, ginger beer, hot chocolate and fruit juice.
Snacks: some more of my advent calendar chocolate.

Now this morning I heard a song which puzzled me quite a bit, I’ll explain how it’s the song with the lyrics: don’t put your blame on me, it’s got a man singing, the song 

]What is he talking about, who put what blame on you? It wasn’t me that put any blame on you, are you a man with a guilty conscience? Now I know exactly where the blame for my actions lies, like I know that the road traffic accident that left me disabled was my own fault I ain’t blaming anyone else for it, sure it wouldn’t have happened if there hadn’t been any cars on the road but that isn’t how things happened, as what happened was I had crossed the road and I don’t know why I decided to step backwards but I appeared to have done that and in doing that I managed to get myself catapulted across the road on to the of another car successfully writing off two cars, so a score would be me 2 cars 1, if I was bothered about keeping score. So that’s who I blame for that instance, not you, don’t flatter yourself.

Now today I was doing my first hour jog when Mich disturbed me getting me to go to do the shopping with him, then it was about the time that I was going for another Jog when Mich disturbed me again but this time we only had to pick up some money from the bank before going home to eat our dinners.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Day 1657

Day 1657;

By the time of my body test I was at 19.8, steps 22,056, I had burnt 1131 kcal and I had walked 14.28 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, grapes and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread) and a Bakewell slice.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise with cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.
Snacks: advent calendar chocolate.

Today I have done 4 little jogs around the house that I live in, I think. The first that I did was a 30 minute jog which I did when I was still waiting for the time to arrive at lunch time, as I was hungry. Then the second one I did today was an hour jog of which I can't exactly remember why I stopped it at 60 minutes, was it because I got slightly bored by the receptive nature of putting one foot in front of the other at an accelerated rate, or was it as I heard Allergy stirring upstairs? Anyway that was my first 2 jogs of the day, but for my second 2 jogs of the day I first did another 30 minute jog, then I did my body test before finally, just now in fact, I did another hour jog. Which got me up to a grand total of 34,038 steps for yesterday.

Monday 26 February 2018

Day 1656

Day 1656;

Today my BMI was 19.56, my steps were by the time of my body test 24,764, the number of calories I had burnt off were 1406 kcal and the distance I had walked was apparently 16.03 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, grapes and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: pie, carrots, baked potatoe, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.
Snacks: advent calendar chocolates.

All I did yesterday was lose at boccia, 3 times 7-0 4-2 8-2, but even though I lost all of the games that I played I was one of the happiest people there, it’s funny how two of the people that lost all of our games were the happiest there, I’m typing about Icar and myself, as between the two of us we played 6 games and we lost 6 games. But we were the two happiest people there, at least just before I left, as I had to get home so I could get back out to go skiing.

Then I had another great time at skiing I’ve noticed that I rarely stack it when I’m traveling at speed, as the only three times I stacked it yesterday was when I was attempting to slow myself down, I slammed my ski down into the snow and my right ski came off, then the next time it was my left ski which came off on the button lift, as I had lost my balance on the lift and I pushed down to much on my left ski and it came off, then the third and final stack of the day was just as I was slowing down and I sat down on the slope so I had to pick myself up and get myself back to skiing the rest of the way down, which was simple enough. But while I was there it struck me that the real snow in the Alp’s is a lot smoother to ski on than the snow at the Snow Centre. But the tartiflette is nicer in the Snow Centre, in my opinion.

Now today I have been on 2 separate 1 hour jogs around the house, the first was the longer 1 of the 2, in distance/steps. I have also been to the gym today, but still no going to laff down.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Day 1655

Day 1655;

20.08 waas my BMI for today, I had only stepped 6096 times, but I had managed to burn off 1028 kcal and I had only walked 3.95 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (ham) and a chocolate chip cake bar.
Dinner: tartiflette and salad.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (mango and passion fruit).
Snacks: 1 banana and 1 leftover advent calendar chocolate.

So I know my steps were down a bit, so after I did a 30 minute jog and I had got my step total l up to 11,357, but my calories were 1353 and I had walked about 7.53 km.

But I'm thinking that I should really get on to remembering what I have done today, so I can write about it. maybe ('ll tell you some other times).

Saturday 24 February 2018

Day 1654

Day 1654;

My BMI was today 20.02, I managed to get my steps up to 12,991, I burned off 1055 kcal and I had walked apparently 8.41 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: forgotten, apple, banana, grapes and orange.
Dinner: chicken stew and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, tea, fruit juice and cider.
Snacks: some caramel bites.

This day must have been my laziest, for steps. at least since I got this little watch gadget (toy). As I have literally sat down at Boccia practise before going to sit down and watch a football match, one that the team that I was there to support lost.But the distance from the car that we traveled to the football match and the football ground was about 0.55 miles/just over half a mile. Then by the time I had got home from the match I ate my dinner, went for a little half hour jog, did my body test, had a shower, I did a 20 minute jog I decided to get to writing this as I'm thinking that I'll be having an about as lazy day for tomorrow (in steps), s I'm going skiing as well as to a boccia competition tomorrow, apparently.

But my form from today, in boccia, was half decent, seeing as the tea that I was captain of actually won the game today, 10-3. Pity that I only threw 1 maybe 2 of the balls that actually scored, and tomorrow it's going to be all  down to me.

Friday 23 February 2018

Day 1653

Day 2653;

Today on Wii fit my BMI was 19.85, I had done 14,838 steps, I had burnt off 1034 kcal  and I had apparently walked 9.61 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: ham, egg, chips, pickle, grapes, orange, banana and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: bread (white), butter, porkpie, pickle and chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: Turkish delight.

Now today I have had banana, apple, orange and grapes for breakfast but I wasn’t allowed to finish them off. I fortunately was allowed to have my fruit for lunch instead, so I probably have managed to get my 5 a day of fruit eaten today, but it’s just my total number of steps that I still have to get in somewhere in this day, as I know that I have gone to the gym today, but I think that only got my steps open to somewhere just over 3,000 I think.

But then I did a load of steps in a bit of walked indoors, as my watch is telling me that I did a 43:27.3 minute walk at 1.91 mile apparently and I had taken 4958 steps. But then I went on an outside walk the walk was only 41:33.9 but it was of a distance of 2.38 miles and I had taken 5042 steps. So that’s my 10,000 steps for today taken up by 2 walks, but the difference in distance that I have walked between the two walks is just unreal, isn’t it? 84 steps equals 0.47 mile, which should make a single step equal upwards of 5 meters, how brilliant would that be for my legs to be long enough to have a stride length of longer than 5 meters I’m thinking that I would probably be on some kind of NBA contract, but I know I am not black and it seems to be like you have to be a giant black man to get noticed by them.

So yeah I know careless talk costs lives, but I also know that I cannot talk, so deal with it...

Plus France beat Italy relatively comfortably in the end, in a rugby union match, which was part of the six nations.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Day 1652

Day 1652;

BMI was for today 19.62, I had taken 11,923 steps, I had burnt off 910 kcal and I had walked 7.72 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries.
Lunch: I can't remember what I had for main but I know that I had porkpie, grapes, strawberries and blackberries with it.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets, grapes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.

Now today I did some more bounce with Allergy, but don't worry the roof is still intact, Allergy was the user of the trampoline, as it is her trampoline. then before that little bounce I started off my daily jog but I had only got to 15 minutes before Allergy came down demanding that I do Bounce with her. So I obliged, Bouncing around in the lounge.

Then later still I went to the gym, for another hour long cycle on the exercise bike, at the gym.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Day 1651

Day 1651;

My BMI was 19.57 today,  my steps were only 12,066 today, the calories burnt off  were 934 and the distece I walked was apparently 7.81.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: bread (white), butter, porkpie and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: sweet sour chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and tonic water.

Now today I have been lazy as I haven’t bothered to do my hour long bedtime jog. As I skipped out on eating my dinner when I was about half way through. As I don’t know how it happened but before I knew it something appeared to get stuck in my thought. It was apparently what happened to me one “Christmas” time, but we didn’t make it to the hospital today.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Day 1650

Day 1650;

19.57 I think was my BMI for today, but my sleep data was slightly off, I think as it says that I woke up at 7am, which I did (in fact I went downstairs for my breakfast just after) but then when I was eating breakfast, it’s saying that I was still asleep.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: baked beans on toast, porkpie and chocolate cake.
Dinner I’ve forgotten.:
Drinks: milk, fruit juice with lemonade, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and dandelion burdock.
Snacks: Turkish delight.

Now my watch is telling me that I have done 21,926 steps today, so where do they come from? I think that some come from my 15 minute jog I did this morning. Then I was disturbed by Mich wanting me to go on a walk with him so I did. When we’d got back from our walk we had our lunch, then I went to the gym, today it was the turn of the exercise bike, so I had 30 minutes to peddle 3 hills.

Oh yeah that was it, Wigan Athletic (the football team) managed to beat the premier league leaders in the FA Cup, so no quadruple for Man City, this season. Chelsea only managed to get a draw out of Barcelona, similarly to Tottenham who drew against Juventus. Unlike Liverpool and Man City who managed to beat their opponents in the competition earlier this month.

Monday 19 February 2018

Day 1648

Day 1648;

My BMI was 19.76, my steps were 13,860, number of calories that I had burnt off 991 kcal and my distance walked was 8.97 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), porkpie and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: beef, peas and croquet potatoes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and Tia Maria.
Snacks: Turkish Delight and Jelly Babies.

Now I have woke up, gone downstairs to eat my breakfast, had breakfast, once completed I have got changed into my gym wear, I have had my lunch before going to the gym for my new Monday routine, by new I mean as in it came out this year so I'd only been doing it for the month, and a week, up until I went off skiing and last week was my first week back doing some stuff at the gym, so this week was my second week, and I think the gym appeared easier this week over last week as I hadn't dome anything in the gym for the pat month.

Oh yeah, before I ate my lunch I had a jog (run) inside and I worked out how to set it up and stuff today, but I should really be getting to locating the skiing app as it's not long now until I go back to the indoor slopes.

Sunday 18 February 2018

Day 1647

Day 1647;

19.69 was my BMI for today, I had done 10,930 steps, burned off 989 kcal and I had walked 7.08

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: beef, sausages in bacon, cauliflower cheese, broccoli, carrots, peas and chocolate cake.
Dinner: I think it was food but but it's all gone now.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (orange).

Now today I have embarrassed Tini, by getting half changed into my pyjamas while B and C was still here, but I didn't see where all of the fuss was coming from, I only did it as I had forgot about the body tests until I had taken my  t-shity off and put it in the wash bin already.

But then my new "toy" I have been using today and today after I had done my body test I decided to go for a little inside run, now after an hour and five minutes I stopped I had done 22,118 steps today so that should mean  that I had done about 11k steps.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Day 1646

Day 1646;

My BMI was 19.79, my steps were 16,848, my number of calories burnt off were 1337 kcal and the distance that I walked was apparently 10.91 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese ham omelette, some mushroom omelette and something else.
Dinner vegetable lasagna and a caramel chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, orangeade, cider and water.

Now today I have been out on the tandem for the first time this year, by the time of our return to the house Mich realised that we’d been locked out and the new “toy” that I had ordered had arrived, so we were stuck locked out of our home waiting for Tini to arrive to let us in, of which she did a short while later. But then I wasn’t allowed my “toy” until after I had eaten my lunch.

So my new “toy” was a new step counter basically but it does more than count steps, it even works with a bike, apparently as it is set up with GPS built in, so I will know how far I have traveled and all that shenanigans built in.

Friday 16 February 2018

Day 1645

Day  1645;

My BMI was 19.92, my steps were 11, 491, the number of calories I had burnt off today were 993 and I had walked 7.44 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast.
Dinner: vegetable lasagna and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.
Snacks: orange and jelly babies.

So today I haven’t done anything apart from my little jog, that I did just to get my steps up to a more respectable number.

I’ve forgotten about my day, what’s happened to me.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Day 1644

Day 1644;

BMI was 19.58 so disappointing, and I eat everything now, I had done 17,939 steps, I had only burnt off 1091 kcal but I had apparently walked 11.61 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pancakes with lemon sugar and pancakes with orange chocolate ice cream.
Dinner: turkey in bacon, peas, croquet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been to the gym and I have been on Allergy’s trampoline as I am no where near coordinated enough to actually go on her trampoline properly, with the DVD and all that, I decided to have a jog on it instead, so I managed to get 2 30 minute jogging workouts so that should be my steps for today, which was as well as the 71 and a bit minute cycle I had on the exercise bike at the gym today.

So my I managed to get my steps total slightly high today and I should be getting a new “toy” for my step calculation/daily fitness shenanigans, I think, so I should be getting it slightly more accurate than on stuff that I will be doing, and it even could inform me how fast I’m skiing, apparently, but that I'll have to uncover for myself the next time that I go skiing.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Day 1643

Day 1643;

BMI was 19.66, I had walked 16,260 steps, I had burnt 1131 kcal and I walked 10.53 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, orange and natural yogurt.
Lunch: cheese omelette and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: turkey, sausage in bacon, roast potatoes, runner beans, peas, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower cheese.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.

I have had a lazy morning, with me playing on my computer and me wishing Allergy a happy anniversary of her existence, you know the usual shenanigans for this day, I got Allergy a trampoline this year it wasn’t a proper one but instead it was a mini 36 inch “body sculpture” one. Just as she asked me for the other week. I think she’s bounced on it but she still ain’t used the Bounce DVD for it yet. 

Then I ate my lunch and then after lunch I started my little fitness regime. So I did:

30 minutes worth of jogging,
30 press-ups,
Taken a break,
30 press-ups,
 I took another break,
40 press-ups,
Yet another break,
50 sit-ups,
Before removing the wet cloths from behind me, as they were disturbing me.
100 crunches,
Before a slight break to write up what I have just done,
50 sit-ups,
Before taking another break for me to write up all of the fitness stuff that I have done so far today.

Then I did another little bit of jogging around but this time it was slightly longer than 30 minutes of jogging until Allergy got back home and she got back to her bouncing but I even got a go on her trampoline.

Then I had 5 minutes on the rower.

Well that should be the 10,000 steps done, for today at least. 

I’ve got just under 1 and a half hours time until dinner, so I went back downstairs and I started rowing again, but Tini wasn’t best pleased about the fact, as I was going to get myself all sweaty before B arrived, plus she’d already told me to change my top (had she?) anyway I went upstairs to change my top then I came back downstairs for dinner which was awesome as I had my complete 5 a day all in one meal, I think I may have committed overkill on my 5 a day with a total of 3 fruit that I had for breakfast then it was 2 more I had with lunch in a 500 ml mug of apple juice before the 5 vegetables that I have had for dinner. So that’s 10 out of 5 but I have heard that my fruit juice should only class as 1 because of all the sugar balderdash is what I say to that, it was from a bottle of pure apple juice, so then all that is in it is apple juice. I may have to put some extra effort into cleaning my teeth tonight but anyway I will.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Day 1642

Day 1642;

My BMI was 19.72, my number of steps were 10,067, the number of calories I burnt off today were 947 kcal and the distance I had walked was 6.52 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and orange.
Lunch: pancakes with lemon and sugar.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Now today I have had a boring old lazy day, this is encapsulated by the boccia I have gone to play this afternoon. But as I’m always attempting to better myself, but unfortunately I more often than not fail at the task. Now today I have managed to get my steps up to a decent number, of which I have been thinking about getting another little step counter type thing one which I can use for skiing, cycling and just about any other sport/workout. But it costs a lot of money, but I can afford it with my savings, but it would cost greater than double the amount that I have spent on a gift for a sibling who’s anniversary it is tomorrow, so I’m unsure, of the etiquette.

I have only done 
24 press-ups,
40 sit-ups 


But the football team that we support actually won a game today.

Monday 12 February 2018

Day 1641

Day 1641:

19. To 76 was my BMI of today since I have now got my step counter up and running again but I still haven’t got my steps up to a decent amount today, as it was still 8000 odd by the time that I was checking it out.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich.
Dinner: chicken, Yorkshire pudding, broccoli, peas, potato and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Guinness.

First up today was the surprise as I was confused about where I was this morning, then it was the feeling of comfort that I hadn’t had for the week before then I went downstairs for breakfast I finished my breakfast after a little bit of a long time.

I have done
40 press-ups,
40 sit-ups,

Then I took a break before doing 
40 press-ups,
40 sit-ups,

Then I have gone out for a walk around to my GM’s house. I have returned from it to eat my dinner. And drink a can of Guinness which I thought was very alcoholic 

Sunday 11 February 2018

Day 1640

Day 1640;

It was home day today and I think my BMI was 19.79 by the end of today, but my steps and kcal’s burnt off today didn’t count as my fit meter had ran out of battery.

Breakfast: croissant with honey) and biscuits.
Lunch: ham cheese sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: fruit juice, water and milk.

Now today it was the day of my return to Blighty, on this day I had been listening to the radio, hearing Manchester United being beaten by Newcastle, on the radio, 1-0, while I was apparently snoring, my way home.

But I had been having a lazy day today as first it was a coach trip to the airport, then it was a plane trip back to Blighty before finally getting in the car for a drive first to Emu’s home then to Mich’s, and mine, home, where I finally got back and it snowed on us both, which started while we were in the car on the way and it didn’t stop until a bit after we had returned home but it came to naught unlike where we had been for the previous week.

Saturday 10 February 2018

Day 1639

Day 1639;

Now today was the sixth day of the ski trip, seventh day since I had left my home, and it’s the final day of skiing.

Breakfast: croissant, biscuits and an orange.
Lunch: tartufle, like pasta covered in cheese and ham.
Dinner: a 4 course Italian meal.
Drinks: fruit juice, Fanta and water.
Snacks: cereal bars.

Today I have woke up only two hours early from what I can remember. 

Now today I thought that I was supposed to be getting up early for the slopes as they are going to get properly busy today. As they were manically busy today, for the most part. The only times when they weren’t there were when we had just finished our lunch and on the run up to black 8, which was a nice little piece of slope but it was a bit steep.

Friday 9 February 2018

Day 1638

Day 1638:

Fifth day of the ski trip but sixth day since I left home.

Breakfast: croissant with honey and biscuits.
Lunch: sausage with cheese toastie and apple.
Dinner: 4 course meal.
Drinks: fruit juice, 7 up and water.
Snacks: a couple of alpen cereal bars.

So today I had skiing and I actually won a little game that we all played, it was a game of cats and mouse. Now the game went as Mr M was the mouse and all of the rest of us were the cats and what we had to do was catch the mouse after we had given him a head start, so then I went as quick as I could within reason (by that I mean not bombing it downhill, keeping control) to catch up to him, so I set off on my pursuit, weaving my way in between all of the other “cats” putting as much weight forward I deemed necessary to close in on him (he thought I was doing 50mph at a conservative estimate, as if) so I got as close to him without colliding into him and then I had to decide how I should proceed in capturing him, as I didn’t want to get intimate with him I decided to tap him, then he’d know that I was there and captured, in effect. So I had captured Mr M mouse, there goes game won.

Skiing is all about the application of weight, your body weight could be immense but if you can’t use it correctly you could end up being the slowest on the slope. As if you have got two balls on the side of the mountain one weighs more than the other if you drop them both at the same time which one would reach the foot of the mountain first? Well that depends on the distance that is needed to be traveled by each of the balls and the different types of terrain that each meet on their travels, but assuming that both of the balls have a hundred meter tarmac surface going down a 23% gradient, then the ball with the greater mass will get down quicker.

But then there was a little thing being Pa’s funky games night which the team that I was part of actually won, with a score of sixty-one.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Day 1637

Day 1637;

Fifth day, fourth of skiing.

Breakfast: croissant (cherry jam).
Lunch: gnocchi.
Dinner:  2 of 4 courses (antipasti and first course).
Drinks: fruit juice and sprite.
Snacks: biscuits, apple, crackers.

Now today I have had fun skiing, and I have had some fun in a little quiz night. It was one that I actually knew some of the answers of also. The team that I was part of actually won the quiz out of the 3 teams that where there from our trip. 

So my dinner today was cut short as I had to go to the quiz, which the team I was part of actually did quite well, and I think I’ve roped myself into organising some kind of reunion in Manchester for the survivors of Pila 2018. But I’m guessing that we still have to survive it yet.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Day 1636

Day 1636;

Forth day, third with skiing, in Italy, today I haven’t had my BMI checked for 4 days now.

Breakfast: croissant, honey and an apple.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: 4 course meal.
Drinks: fruit juice and water.

But today a brain surgeon and I have got Mich’s Go-Pro working, so now he could film his own videos of skiing if he so wished. But no he doesn’t want to make films of his own adventure he wants Emu to film stuff for him, but Emu isn’t even in the same ski group as him.

Mart has been good today taking me off piste, for some short intervals, like the first time I stacked it today but then I didn’t stack it, as what happened was my ski instructor told me to duck under this rope so I did, what happened was the piece of rope was flailing around so I went into it to get myself garrotted, basically, so I had to limbo the rope on skis I got myself down pretty far after I had been garrotted by the rope so I managed to get myself free of the rope and the rope pinged up hitting Emu who had come behind me to help pity she arrived too late and just got walloped by the rope. But I was just skiing on unaware of her assistance offered. Until after the fact, of her getting walloped.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Day 1635

Day 1635;

I don’t know what my BMI was for today as it was the third day of my Italian adventure.

Breakfast: ham in croissant and chocolate cake.
Lunch: margarita pizza and apple thingamajig.
Dinner: another other 4 course meal but this time the main was rabbit which tasted suspiciously like chicken.
Drinks: fruit juice and lemonade.

This morning I did 100 crunches and by the time I had finished skiing for the day I had only stepped about 3500 times.

Today I took out a slope marker I’m not sure how it happened as I was skiing along suddenly my left ski must have hit something under the snow as it went flying off and before I knew what was going on I was lead on the slope with only my right ski on

But rabbit tastes quite a bit like chicken, it tastes more like chicken than those McDonald’s chicken nuggets, I know it’s not hard due to the amount of salt they put on them, but anyway.

Monday 5 February 2018

Day 1634

Day 1634;

Second day of my holiday in Italy. Which means no body test. My steps were also low today, as I had only managed to get about 4400 steps by the time that I had finished skiing today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: chips and alpen energy bars.
Dinner: another Italian 4 course meal.
Drinks: fruit juice, 7 up and water.

As I woke up this morning I got myself dressed into my skiing under garments which is literally boxers, socks, thermal trousers, thermal top, ski socks. Then I had to put on my Salopettes. Before rushing my way to the boot room, for the ski boots as we were late, apparently, by the time that we had got on our ski boots and we had arrived outside there was only one skier from our group, it was the one and so far only one legged skier that I know. I prefer skiing in her group as she is the only other skier that I can recognise easily, so therefore it’s more difficult to get lost. So a completely selfish reason.

But then my skiing I learnt that it’s better not to do hockey stop turns, as it’s apparently a waste of energy and I’ve got to be more patient with my turns. I know that on a mountain but on an inside slope which is what I’m used to it’s just not practical. But I know that what I have just done is made up an excuse, so if you’re reading this discount the message.

Then after dinner I had a shower and then I went to bed.

Sunday 4 February 2018

Day 1633

Day 1633;

So today was my first day of not doing a body test for some time. But I know that I had done more than 12,000 steps today, as I checked on my fitness meter.

Breakfast: bacon sandwich.
Lunch: pizza.
Dinner: 4 course Italian meal.
Drinks: milk ,fruit juice and fruit juice with cider.
Snacks! Jelly Babies.

Now I have been leaving the country of my birth, I have had a lazy day today, as I have spent the majority of day sat down in transit to the foreign country of Italy. But then approximately for the complete amount of time I spent standing I spent stepping, as I needed to, too keep me awake, as on the plane I had a long sleep and I had many more smaller sleeps on the coach that I was on for the final bit of my travel.

But yesterday we went to watch the football team that we support play a game, the game was excellent, I think I can remember, as the full time score was 2-0, to the team that we were there to support. The rugby yesterday was also great as those Frogs managed to push the Irish pretty tight in the end. But then today it was England V Italy in Rome, as I was pretty close to the game but I have never actually been to Rome, but still I I watched it on a box.

Then I had a shower at night in order to allow myself more time for me to get ready for skiing tomorrow morning.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Day 1632

Day 1632;

My BMI was 19.95, my amount of steps were 11,463, the number of calories burnt off were 866 kcal and the distance I walked was apparently 7.42 km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: tomato soup, bread, chocolate eclair and an egg custard.
Dinner: pie, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and some vanilla cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice,
Snacks: orange, banana and apple.

Now tonight has been the last night that I am going to be able to record my BMI as I am leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, but it should be sometime in about a week.

Now that was sone John Denver, as it says in the title of the video, but first up now I'm jetting off to Italy for a ski tripIt's going to be the furthest I have ever flown on a plane as I have only ever flown to Germany before but that was for a day trip so I flew twice in one day on that day, all those years ago; now it must have been 12 or 13 years ago. But I cannot remember it other than, it was myself and Mich boarding a plane in the morning which left pretty promptly, but our return trip wasn't very good due to the delays, some say that that Geri's are very good at keeping time, not from my experience.

I have just been told that we're about to leave to get on the plane. 

Friday 2 February 2018

Day 1631

Day 1631;

My BMI was 19.72, I had done 12,167 steps, I had burned off 1110 kcal and I had apparently walked 7.88 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, broccoli, potatoes and vanilla cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

So today I have been out to the gym and I have been out to GM’s house. At the gym I did another one hour twelve minutes cycle. 

I have forgotten what I have done, other than gym and GM’s house.

30 press-ups,
50 press-ups,
31 press-ups,
50 sit-ups,
50 sit-ups,

But I will be leaving this good old country, or as commonly known, well it was going back a few years, of Blighty, which isn’t really a country, it’s more like England+ a couple of stragglers tagging along for the ride. Even if the Scottish don’t seem to like it, but they still voted to remain part of the Union of 3 and a part of a country, when they had their chance to split. So why, just why?

Thursday 1 February 2018

Day 1630

Day 1630;

My BMI was 19,82, the number of steps that I took was 10,496, the number of calories I had burnt off were 1294 kcal and the distance I had walked was apparently 6.79 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: cheese and red current jam toastie and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken, chicken and something 
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, dandelion burdock and cider.
Snacks: 3 mini chocolate rabbits, I think at least I think that they were leftover from an Easter Years ago.

So as a start for today I have been down for my breakfast, then I came back upstairs and I started doing sit-ups.

90 sit-ups, 
31 sit-ups,

Now I have been hearing a bit on the radio recently about Asians being no good at football, but wasn’t there that Jap, Honda I think his name was, that out shone quite a few of the Western nations footballing stars? I know that Japan is a great little island nation off of mainland Asia, but that is like saying that Britain isn’t part of Europe, which it is, it’s still a member of the EU also, for the moment at least. The EU isn’t Europe, the EU is a regimen Europe is the name of the land that it is placed upon.

10 press-ups,
10 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

So now was the time that I went downstairs for lunch to find that I’d have to wait a bit longer for my lunch. Now as I’d been an idiot and forgotten wether I’d brushed my teeth yet today, so I made sure by brushing my teeth (again?).

Then after lunch I went to the gym, and I had an hour and twelve minutes cycle on an exercise bike but the final twelve minutes was my cool-down period. 

Allergy and Tini have gone out, to separate places. Mich has returned and has taken my order for dinner, which he is going to collect in a while, I ordered chicken and chips as it was the cheapest thing on the menu.

40 press-ups,
50 press-ups,

So that’ll be my fitness done for the day, or it should be at least.

Then next up I ate my dinner, it was as mentioned above, a takeaway.

Then I did my body test, and now it’s time for me to brush my teeth. So I have done, but I can’t help thinking that I’ve forgotten something, something important.