Wednesday 31 January 2018

Day 1629

Day 1629;

My BMI improved slightly to 20.15 for today, my steps were 11,523, the number of calories I had burnt off today was 1103 kcal and the distance I walked today was apparently 7.43 km.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a slice of cake.
Dinner: meat, carrots, peas, potatoes and I have forgotten the rest.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.

Now today was a day when I told Tini not to waste petrol on me by driving all the way back here to drive me to the gym just to drive back to work again after she's done the above so I think I was having a bit of a lazy day today. I had done one ten minute jog before lunch.

But today I was getting nagged about my stepping habits, as it was apparently a ploy that was made up by the Jap's in the 60's or something like that in an attempt to get the population more active or something like that Menpo-Kei, or literally translated as ten thousand step-meter. But I like getting my ten thousand steps in a day,I's easy It just takes 1 half hour jog to get you to half way and if you do an hour there you go ten thousand. So that id just half an hour out of your lunch break, of jogging on the spot and then you can do a second half hour when you've got home, there you'll go.

37 press-ups,

Went downstairs to complete the washing up of my lunchtime pots.

53 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

Then I ate my dinner, I jogged on the spot for about hal'f an hour to get my daily steps up to a slightly more respectable number and I did my body test.

101 sit-ups.

So I've done my daily quota of press-ups and sit-ups.

So this night was the night of the second full moon of the month, but someone informed me that it was called a blue moon also, but then that same person told me that it was also a blood (red) moon tonight also, but it hasn't turned red, not for me at least.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Day 1628

Day 1628;

Today my BMI was 20.05, the number of steps I had taken were 20,734, the number of calories I had burnt off were1288 kcal and I have apparently walked 13.43km.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich(white bread), sausage roll and fruit cake.
Dinner: gammon, pickle, pineapple, runner beans, peas, carrots, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes and banana.

Today I have been to London, I like my walks around London as today by the time I had got back to the station that we went to London on, I checked my step count, it was already higher than 15 thousand and then when I sat down for my afternoon snack it was already up at higher than 20 thousand. But that may have been as I had also gone out for a little walk around a small portion of the town that I live in. 

First walk of the day was around London, which started at the station, I went to the hospital (to get my eyes all rat poisoned), I went to a shop that I have forgotten the name of but it was to get a poppy framed, and then it was time to get back to the train.
40 press-ups, 
40 sit-ups,

Then I took a break,

40 press-ups,
40 sit-ups,
20 press-ups,
20 sit-ups,
There we go that’s my 100 done for today, any more that I may do today are to be bonus, which is if I do any more today that is.

Now about today I have forgotten what I did, as I am thinking that it may have had something to do with playing Skyrim, but I cannot remember if I really did play that game today or whither it was a previous day and I’m just remembering it now?

But I had also forgotten what I had for dinner after the suspected game session, of it all I can remember was Allergy asking Mich the identity of the green vegetables that were on the plates and I think that he said they were runner beans and Tini confirmed it. Then from that I knew that I had some peas, carrots and potatoes, but I couldn’t remember what else I had ate. At least not until I remembered that I had some ham (gammon), and then pineapple rings, and pickle, I worked out, and remembered, from that then lemon meringue pie I finally remembered.

30 press-ups,
30 sit-ups,

The bonuses for today.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Day 1626

Day 1626;

My BMI today was 19.76, I had walked 12,168 steps, I had burnt off 1075 kcal and I have walked 7.88 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: cottage cheese sandwich (white bread), grapes and a berry muffin.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks:  Jaffa cakes.

!so my attempt to get a six pack hasn’t really been successful, well I’ve got an idea for next month it’s to double the number of press-ups/sit-ups, but that will be useless, as I am behind as it is. 290  press-ups and 300 sit-ups behind as it was last night, I think.

20 press-ups,

Now my first 20 press-ups today I did before I went to sleep this morning, but since then I have gone down to eat my breakfast and then I washed up after myself, as in all of the pots and plastics; for recycling. Then I have walked my way back upstairs to my room in order to wash myself in the shower. But before I did that I decided to get some more exercise in.

50 press-ups,
50 press-ups,

So that’s today done in press-ups, now I’ve still got to do 270 more.

So now it’s time for me to have a shower. I had my shower, then I went back downstairs to eat my lunch and to watch X-men Origins Wolverine with Allergy. But then for the half hour before I ate my lunch I was watching the Woman’s football on my iPad, it was Chelsea Vs Everton from what I saw of the game Everton had the best of the game as they had a goal disallowed due to it being off-side and they also missed a penalty, well the shot hit the post. Then I missed the second half, and about the final third of the first half as I was watching X-men and eating, I’m fine with dual tasking if one of the tasks is watching something and the second is eating, but no triple tasking. 

50 sit-ups,

I have been to the loo, too much information; I know.

100 sit-ups,

So that’s my day done in sit-ups, now I still have to do 250 more.

Then Tini and Mich arrived back home after going out to London for the night, last night.

I have just done another 20 press-ups to make it down to 250 more, maybe I could start digging into the 500 of both later on today.

Then I have eaten my dinner, then after that I’ve gone back upstairs and then I’ve done an hour long jog around my room, just to compensate for my lazy behaviour of today. At least the jog made me sweat.

40 press-ups,
40 sit-ups,
So now I make it 210 still needed, at least until tomorrow when it goes to 310 still needed.

Then I did my body test, now I have forgotten what I have done after that, apart from message 1 of my 2 friends. So yes I know I’ve grown in popularity. 

Now what have I actually done? Brushed your teeth. Yes I know that I have done that but that’s part of the usual routine have I done anything else?

30 press-ups,
30 sit-ups,
Was it for this night, I think at least, but if I do anymore then I’ll just add them on to the amount that I get done tomorrow morning. But it’s 280 still needed on each, for tomorrow.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Day 1625

Day 1625;

BMI of 19.89, by the time of my body test I had only done 1543 steps, 627 kcal and I had only walked 1.00 km. but then I had another little jog for about 1 and a half hour, I added the extra half hour on as I was only going slow, as I was watching Captain America: Civil War, again, at the same time. But I still managed to get up to 16,783 steps, I had burnt off 966 kcal and I had apparently, walked 10.87 km

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cottage cheese with pineapple sandwich (white bread), grapes and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sausages, mash, peas, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, dandelion burdock and fruit juice.
Snacks: strawberries, grapes, blueberries and white chocolate sauce.

So today was looking to be a standard lazy Saturday, with some boccia practice in the morning and a football game to watch in the afternoon, but the 

As the team I was part of won at boccia this morning, 9-1, I’m not expecting a good result for the football team that I support this afternoon, but I could be mistaken, as I am always not expecting a good result for the team that I support, so what did the fact that the I won in boccia this morning actually have to do with the football, nothing but I’m guessing that I just wanted to type it. Vanity it is pure and simple.

Now after I returned home from boccia, I did:
30 press-ups,
30 press-ups,
20 press-ups,

Now I have to state that I have just realised that the football game this afternoon is not one for me to watch, that’s next weekends games, I only realised that fact either after or during my lunch I think that I asked Mich about the football game, and his response was that the game that we are going to isn’t until next week, just before we set off to Italy.

I guess that means that I had my lunch after doing 80 press-ups this day, and I have no football to watch this afternoon, so what should I do this afternoon?

20 press-ups,
50 sit-ups,
50 sit-ups,
10 press-ups,

So I’ve just realised that I’ve got 1 and half hour, about, to play around before I have my afternoon snack. So let’s have me playing a bit on Skyrim for that period of time.

Then just after I realised the time I went along to eat myself a mid afternoon snack.

Then I have forgotten what I did for the interval time in between the snack and my dinner, but my dinner was very nice, thank you Tesco for that. But then while we were eating our dinner’s Allergy asked me to bring down the film Logan or failing that any film that had Hugh Jackman in, so I went and found out all of my X-men films and Deadpool, as I don’t have Logan. Allergy choose the Wolverine to watch thinking it was the origins story for the Wolverine... isn’t that the film which is called X-men “origins” Wolverine? Then she started going on about how she fancied the new Spiderman so, I bought down the newish Captain America (the Civil War one) which has the new Spidey in, so we watched it also.

Friday 26 January 2018

Day 1624

Day 1624;

20.08 was my BMI, 10,612 steps, 1190 kcal burned off and I walked 6.87 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: omelette (cheese).
Dinner: pie, broccoli, carrots, peas, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, hot chocolate and dandelion burdock.

This morning I wasn’t being my lazy usual self as I had been to the gym, for another about hour session which was good.

Then I returned home after I ate my lunch, next up I did 30 press-ups then I walked around to the GM’s house, which was okay I guess as I got some more steps in. So I followed my walk up with going to dinner.

Watched the football game between Yeovil and Manchester United. In the end Manchester United won by 4 goals to 0, so well done to the U’s. But it was probably to be expected as the team they were playing against weren’t even in the same division as you probably know Manchester United is second in the premier league which is the highest league In English Football, and Yeovil is in League 2 which is the 4th tier of English Football, and they are only placed 21st in their league.

30 press-ups,
20 press-ups,
20 press-ups,

100 down for today, 800 still to do for the month.

100 sit-ups,
40 sit-ups,

140 down for today, 800 still to do for the month.

Thursday 25 January 2018

Day 1623

Day 1623;

My BMI was 19.76, my steps were 12,009, I had only burnt off 985 kcal but I had walked 7.78 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread) and a berry muffin.
Dinner: pasta meatballs and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.

As I have had another lazy morning, this morning. My day didn’t get started until after lunch when I went to the gym I did my half hour cycle on an exercise bike.

After that burst of energy I returned home, showered , changed and I did 30 press-ups.mI ate my dinner , I had a little jog on the spot and I did my body test, I had actually managed to do enough steps for today.

Then I did:
40 press-ups,
30 press-ups,
So that makes my press-up total for today 100,
70 sit-ups,
30 sit-ups,

Which makes my sit-up total for today 100.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Day 1622

Day 1622;

Today my BMI was 19.89, I had managed to do 11,524 steps, I have burnt off 1281 kcal and I have also apparently walked 7.46 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti on toast and a chocolate muffin.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.

Today I had a lazy morning, which at the end of the morning was lunch, as usual. Then I ate lunch and then I went off to the gym for a pleasant enough bit of exercise.

But then when I returned to my home from the gym, I had a shower next I tried on my skiing getup, it all fitted. But then I did 20 press-ups whilst I was putting it on and I did 40 whilst I was taking it off, so that is 60 for today so far.

Then I went to dinner, when I returned to my room I did 40 more press-ups and my first 60 of the day in sit-ups. Before traveling back down the stairs to do my body test which in doing it I realised just how properly lazy I had been today, as I noted that I had only walked 3489 steps. So I had to jog the rest of my steps for today, in the approximately next 45 minutes. I’ve just made 80 more sit-ups to make my total for today to 140. 

Now I should still do the have to do 240 press-ups and 440 sit-ups tomorrow.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Day 1621

Day 1621:

BMI of 19.92, steps were 12,178, calories I had burnt were 1292 kcal and the distance that I apparently walked today was 7,88 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), porkpie and a berry muffin. 
Dinner: chicken, peas, croquet potatoes and apple plum crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tea.

I’ve remembered today. 

30 press-ups,
40 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

So I’m back to where I was supposed to be yesterday morning for press-ups. Now all I need to do is 180 sit-ups, before I get back to doing my 300 more press-ups. Then I would be on the home straight, as could be said, with just 300 more sit-ups to do.

50 sit-ups.

But then I noticed the time, it was lunch time, so that I had to go to eat, my lunch.

After lunch I traveled round to the gym. At the gym I only did a half hour session on an exercise bike, 4 minutes at level 10, 3 minutes at level 20, 2 minutes at level 30 then I’d have 1 minute at level 40, repeat 3 times, as 4+3+2+1=10 and 30 divided by 10 equals 3.

50 sit-ups,

So I’m back to the place where I started yesterday from.

30 press-ups,
30 press-ups,

Now I have to do 240 press-ups and 480 sit-ups tomorrow.

Dinner time, I ate my dinner and then I did my body test, but my steps for today were appallingly low, they were some number just up from 3000 so I started a little jog which lasted about 45 minutes then by the end of my jog I was managed to get my steps up to 12,178 for today which was an achievement.

But by the end of my body test I decided to play on a bit of “The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim” as it arrived earlier. But I didn’t manage to get that far on it, I only made it to Skyrim, for the start/through the little training section where you start off with your head about to be chopped off then a dragon comes to your rescue.

Monday 22 January 2018

Day 1620

Day 1620;

BMI was 19.92, my steps were 10,530, I burnt off 1409 kcal and I have walked approximately 6.82 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange. 
Lunch: forgotten.
Dinner: pork in a Mediterranean sauce, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, purple cabbage, croquet potatoes and ice cream on sticky toffee pudding.
Drinks: milk, tea and Dr Pepper Zero.

So today I have been to the gym, but I cannot remember what I have done. 

But I have watched the little Jap bloke who is called “Find Your Love in Japan” on YouTube, I think that he is great he has got a mindset which is very similar to my own.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Day 1619

Day 1619;

My BMI was down a bit at 19.95, my steps were at 10,807, my calories burnt off were 1111 kcal and I had walked 7.00 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: ham sandwich, salad and something.
Dinner: beef, Yorkshire pudding, purple cabbage, peas, carrots, broccoli, roast potatoes and ice cream on sticky toffee pudding.
Drinks: milk, hot chocolate, Dr Pepper Zero and tea.

So today was going to be another lazy day, but then it snowed, so Mich and I had to go out for a walk to check on GM as Flow had already been told not to go today by GM due to the weather, as it was snowing but then it turned to rain, before the day was through. So we had done that, and we walked around to see GAK, but she wasn't very good, as in her health was poor, she kept being sick into a bowl, apparently, but I never saw her being sick, but I heard her making all of those retching noises.

Of the 330 more press-ups and 480 sit-ups that I had tasked myself to reach, I only did:
30 press-ups,
40 press-ups,
60 press-ups,
130 press ups down 200+100 to do tomorrow.
50 sit-ups,
100 sit-ups,
50 sit-ups,
200 sit-ups down 280+100 to do tomorrow.

300 press-ups and 380 sit-ups are the goals for tomorrow.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Day 1618

Day 1618;

My BMI is steadily increasing and it reached 20.02 today, I managed to get 10,247 steps in today but sadly the majority of the steps were after I had done my body test, I burnt off 927 kcal and I walked 6.63 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: tomato soup.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, Yorkshire pudding and apple crumble.
Drinks: milk, hot chocolate, fruit juice and tea.

So this morning I have been thinking about MGTOW, which isn’t a Scottish version of TOWIE (that’d be something like MCTOW), it means Men Going Their Own Way, and what it is about is men that have given up on attempting to marry or even get a girl friend, basically me I’m thinking.

But I have had Boccia today, but before I left to go I took a couple of breaths from my inhaler, the brown one not the blue one, and then just before I went to bed tonight I also took some more breaths from my inhaler. Then after Boccia which during the game my team, the male team, won amazingly, as we took the lead at the first end by 1-0, then the female+L team got 3 in response at the second end 1-3. Then after J had boasted that the female+L team was so much better the male team managed to land 3, taking the score to 4-3, and that was it from Boccia.

Then this afternoon I had a football match to go to see, which the first half of the game the team that I support was lucky to only be trailing by the 1 goal, but the second half the team that I support managed to get back into the game almost from the first minute of the half and they were unfortunate to not nick the game and 3 points, but it was a draw.

Now this morning I had set myself just 240 press-ups and 380 sit-ups for me to do so I get myself back on track. But I failed as today I did just 10 press-ups so it’s going to have to be 330 more press-ups and 480 sit-ups for tomorrow. 

Friday 19 January 2018

Day 1617

Day 1617;

My BMI today was 19,98, I stepped 10,059 times, I burnt off 943 kcal and I had walked approximately 6.41 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: forgotten.
Dinner: sausages, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider.

For this morning I have been lazy and for the most of the afternoon I had been so lazy. With me playing on Splatoon 2, which was fun, shame about me being so bad at the game. 

I have done 30 press-ups, twice. So that’s 60 for today done. But that was quite a bit later on in the day than when I had done my body test. 

Thursday 18 January 2018

Day 1616

Day 1616;

My BMI was 19.92, the number of steps that I did today were 10,868, the amount of calories I burnt off today were 1231 kcal and I apparently walked 7.04 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with sausages, cookie and 
Dinner: sausages, carrots, baked potato and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk , water, tea and fruit juice.

So this morning, about 02:00, I realised that I had another tooth growing so that should be tooth number 31, it’s my third wisdom tooth, on the lower left side of my mouth.

Also this morning, but quite a bit later, by this I'm meaning almost lunch time, or was that when it started but then it finished after lunch, as I'm thinking that I drank my first mug of tea, in a while then, it was supposed to act as a remedy for this cold (virus) that I have contracted sometime earlier this week I'm thinking.

Now just afterI noticed my 31st tooth I attempted my 100 press-ups and 100 sit-ups for yesterday, I managed to get the 100 press-ups but I only managed 20 sit-ups, so tonight I've got to do better.

But ten what have I done today? I have gone on a walk, to the hairdressers, to get myself a little hair cut, then what did I do?√I went on the rowing machine and in 15 minutes I only got 3.8 km.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Day 1615

Day 1615;

19.76 was my BMI for the day, I had taken 14,160 steps, I burnt off 1164 kcal and I walked 9.17 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and fromage frais.
Lunch: baked beans on toast, Battenberg and a cookie.
Dinner: tomato pasta, cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider .

Now today I have gone out on two separate walks, the first was to a local shop the second was to my GAK’s residence. But by about the time that I had returned home from the first my steps were only at just above 3000, then I think that my steps had increased to a number just shy of 8500 by the time that I had returned from GAK residence. But I still had another 30 minute jog around the kitchen to make sure that I have done enough steps.

Also I have done a 5 minute row which was 1.3 km and I have started the conversation about my gym membership , wether it should continue or not. As next month I’m only in for 3 of the Monday’s . But then somewhere along this day I have managed to catch a cold.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Day 1614

Day 1614:

My BMI today was 19.56, my steps were 11,914, the number of calories I had burnt off were 1419 and my distance walked was apparently 7.71.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, apple, banana and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and Battenberg.
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken, carrots and croquet potatoes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider.

“Song for Someone” by U2, has interesting lyrics, such as “you have a face not spoiled by beauty” as it could be a backhanded compliment, but I think it’s not supposed to mean that as I have been reading the internet and it tells me that it means something like your face is naturally beautiful, not spoiled by so many “beauty” treatments which may make you look like a Barbie (doll) they were big when I was properly young, and then when that Aqua song came out. So I know a few women that meet that criteria.

In fitness today I have done 4 sets of press-ups, 2 of 30 and 2 of 20, to make it up to my 100 for the morning. Then I went downstairs for lunch, but after I had eaten my lunch I did 25 sit-ups which I followed up with another 50 sit-ups, before Tini arrived back home in order to take me out to the gym.

Gym I thought it was a day for the exercise bike, so I didn’t write up a little routine for me to do, so Tina could just tick it off. But as I discovered just before we set off out to the gym, I wasn’t going to go to the gym tomorrow so I should have really got one written down, in my book. So that’s one of the reasons that Tini isn’t happy with me today. 

Afterward I had a shower relatively late on in the day, so I got changed into my pyjamas after I had my shower, then after that I had my dinner and I’m unsure of how it happened but I suddenly hiccuped and it was apparently like the “Christmas” I ruined and all of the wrongs of the world got placed where they should be, on my head, so I got the blame for everything, it feels good in a sadomasochistic kind of way apparently. But anyway I managed to avoid having to go to A and E on this occasion but somehow it’s all gone up in the air and down on I am no longer allowed to go to the gym with Tini. Which should mean that I am going to cancel my gym membership, as it would be a waste of money. As I appeared to choke on something, maybe food but I only had a whole load of phlegm poor out of my mouth, which wasn’t pretty, a colourless gue  coming out of my mouth.

Monday 15 January 2018

Day 1613

Day 1613;

My BMI was 19.92, the number of steps I had taken were 14,065, the amount of calories I had burnt off were 1268 kcal and my distance walked was apparently 9.11 km.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and orange.
Lunch: cheese toastie.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.

Now today I have been to the gym and in the gym session today I have been on the Lateral Trainer, Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid, Seated Row, Chest Press, Shoulder Press, Exercise Bike, Seated Leg Press, Leg Curl and I have gone on the Hip Adductor/Abductor, machines today so I spent about double the time that I usually do in the gym. Time I would like to say was well spent.

So far today in fitness outside of the gym, not as in just outside, I’m meaning as in at home, doing my exercises.  I did 25 press-ups, as a start. Then I did another set of 25, which makes it up to 50 so I’ve reached half way. After I had eaten my dinner I attempted my 50 press-ups again, I only managed 40 this time but I was getting really quite sloppy for the last about 5. I have just done 20 more press-ups to make up for the sloppy few, so I have done 110 press-ups today. I have just done 25 more sit-ups, before doing my final 35 for the day, to make it up to 110. 

Oh bugs I have just checked on my steps and it is low, it’s only at 5485, I need to do some steps quick. I thought that much as I went downstairs for a little jog when I got downstairs I found out that I had quite a bit more time than I first thought. So I had myself a pleasant enough 45 minute jog on the spot, then I went back upstairs for 110 crunches. 

So that’s my fitness obsession for today, but it has recently come to my attention that soon I’m going to have to stop doing my BMI daily as I am going off to Italy skiing soon, and weight restrictions from the plane Mich informs me that I am not going to be allowed to take what is necessary. I wonder if the place that I’m staying at has scales, because if it does, then if I can remember that operation I did in science to get my BMI.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Day 1612

Day 1612;

Today my BMI was 19.98! I had stepped 13,511 times, I had burnt off 1263 kcal and I have walked 8,75 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal and stewed apple.
Lunch: sausage and apple pie, vegetables and a slice of cake.
Dinner: cheese omelette and banana.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

I had done 30 press-ups, I have done a second 30 press-ups, I have done a third set of 30 press-ups and I have finally had myself do 20 press-ups to round it up this morning. Which means that I have done 110 press-ups to start the day off. Now onto sit-ups, and maybe even crunches? So that’s my 110 done for my sit-ups the time was 01:43, I prefer doing sit-ups to press-ups, I find them a lot quicker to do, probably as my arm muscles are weak, but now lets get on with the crunches. So I have done the 100 crunches by the time of 02:00 so I have decided to stop for now at that, to get some rest as it’s nighttime.

Then the rest of the day I spent in a car traveling to and from Canterbury, walking around Canterbury, finding the place to have lunch in Canterbury then going into Marlowe theatre to watch the last pantomime of the season, apparently.

The pantomime was excellent, dispite having one flaw in the casting, no it wasn’t as the Dame was actually female, as it wasn’t it was a man. It was that the main character, Peter Pan, was portrayed by a male actor, which shocked me as in the last one that I saw, at least I remember that I saw, the main character(s), Dick Whitington (and his cat), were portrayed by female actors. Now just it could have been as Peter Pan loses all of his friends (the lost boys) as they all go off to London to live with the Darlings, leaving behind only Peter, Tinkerbell and his (Peter’s) shadow to fend for themselves against the pirates.