Thursday 28 December 2017

Day 1595

Day 1595;

BMI: 19.82, steps: 10,343, calories: 1038 kcal, distance: 6.70 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: buffet lunch, chocolate Yule log, fruit cake and mince pie.
Dinner: sausage, mash, peas and I've forgot.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

So today I have done a bit of walking around the town that I live in. It was to visit GM and GAK, which we did, GM was her chatty old self and GAK is suffering from depression.

Also today I have been watching some more of Game of Thrones, they were the episodes where Ramsey Bolton gets fed to his dogs and Arya Stark feed lord Frey's sons to the lord before executing lord Frey.

I have also watched Doctor Strange, which was good. The eye of Agamodo has got an infinity stone within, interesting.

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