Wednesday 6 December 2017

Day 1573

Day 1573;

My BMI was up slightly at 19.69, steps were down slightly to 11,487 and my calories burnt off today were 1273. Aparently I have walked 7.44 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: ham and chicken sandwich(brown bread) and a mince pie.
Dinner:beef burger (quarter pounder), chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider (strawberry and lime).
Snack: pomegranate.

So today I have been to the gym and I went on the exercise bike, again it was for 30 minutes. But I can't be sure wether it was a really good session, or a really poor session, I'm more inclined to believe the later. Now I state that as I am unsure of the distance, that the bike was set up as at the beginning of the cycle as I was cycling I got up to a distance of 1 just outside of 3 minutes, I think, which is something close to 20 km/h or mph pace, which is pretty good (for me). But by the end of my 30 minute spin on the exercise bike I got to 11.5 km or miles, which would be good if it was on miles, km not so much, as the last time I managed to get to 10.5 miles, or 16.8 km, and the machine had the cheek to inform m that I was traveling at a speed in the excess of 20 km/h or mph,  after I had finished but without saying what it was calculating it in is useless quite frankly.

But todayI learnt something that I already knew from listening to Jeremy Kyle as he was the voice that was being blared out of Tini's room. It's that women are much better at talking than men, certainly straight men but homosexuals I'm not sure about. As men are happy, I'm not sure if that is the correct word, but anyway a man is usually content enough to ruin everything to save one person, if that one person is worth more to them than the world. Just as on the show it was about a man that had been married to another woman for 4 years but they had been dating for something the previous 8 years, so that makes it 12 years in total, and the man had been given a terminal prognosis, with only a 33% chance of him making it through, by he doctors due to cancer or something like that so he broke up with his wife as he didn't want to put her through it, but then he survived it.

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