Tuesday 26 December 2017

Day 1593

Day 1593;

Myy BMI: 19.62, steps: 13,037, calories burnt: 1163 kcal and my distance walked was 8.44 km.

Breakfast:cereal and banana.
Lunch: buffet lunch, mince pie, chocolate Yule log and fruit cake.
Dinner: turkey casserole, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate Yule log.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, dandelion and burdock and cider (strawberry and lime).
Snacks: Mince pie and a corned beef sandwich (brown bread).

Yesterday I was reminded of this song that my old GP used to sing all the time. apparently. I can remember him, singing it on certain occasions but that isn't all of the time.

So today I have been out on the tandem, with Mich as usual, but unusually we had company on my tandem. The company was Emu and C. Who were good on the tandem, we may have only managed to cycle 14.somthing miles today but it was fun enough having to apply the brakes every so often. But by the end of the cycle we did leave them behind and we had to wait for them. But my hand came unattached from the bike at one juncture so we stopped there to reattach my hand, so they over took us there.

Now I’ve got some wrist weights that Emu could put on before her next attempt at riding the tandem in front of anyone , steering, as she is the lightest person on my body checker, that has done a body test recently.

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