Friday 22 December 2017

Day 1589

Day 1589;

The time was 40 minutes before the time alllocated for my body test 350 steps so I decided to do a little jog, for an extra hour, before I did my body test. Today my BMI was 19.59, steps were 10,146 and the number of calories burnt were 911 kcal. But my distance walked was only 6.57 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: pork pie, strawberries, blueberries, grapes and white chocolate sauce.
Dinner: tomato pasta, chocolate trifle and pomegranate.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

Now today I have had an especially lazy day, today as you can see from above I did the majority, basically all], of my steps late on in the day.  But Mich is wasting away now, apparently as he has just today returned from going off to a far away place for his work. Where they mustn't be as nice grub as there is at home as his BMI is down today but I'm thinking it'll  be back to the heights of the previous days before long.

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